专利名称:Method and device for regenerating a
particle filter
发明人:Michael Frank,Klaus Winkler,Andreas
Kufferath,Dimitrios Stavrianos
摘要:A method and device for monitoring and controlling the regeneration of aparticle filter in an exhaust gas duct of an internal combustion engine which has a three-
way catalytic converter downstream of the particle filter, wherein the particle filter isregenerated by oxidative burning of the particles during a regeneration phase, whereinoxygen consumption is balanced, directly or indirectly, during the regeneration phase viathe temporal variation of a first signal of a first lambda probe, which is arranged
upstream of the particle filter, in comparison to the temporal variation of a second signalof a second lambda probe, which is arranged downstream of the particle filter. A lambdavalue of λ=1 is set downstream of the three-way catalytic converter during theregeneration of the particle filter by means of lambda control and the second lambdaprobe which is arranged downstream of the three-way catalytic converter.
申请人:Michael Frank,Klaus Winkler,Andreas Kufferath,Dimitrios Stavrianos
地址:Vaihingen/Enz DE,Rutesheim DE,Besigheim DE,Karlsruhe DE
代理机构:Michael Best & Friedrich LLP