
Efficient Enablement For Wireless Communication On


专利名称:Efficient Enablement For Wireless

Communication On License-Exempt Bands

发明人:Timo K. Koskela,Sami-Jukka Hakola,Anna

Pantelidou,Samuli Turtinen




摘要:A fixed or Mode II device enables a Mode I device for license exempt operationby providing to it a list of available license exempt radio channels and a parameter

indicating an interval at which contact verification signals CVSs are to be sent. The CVSsverify whether the list remains valid. The fixed/Mode II device then repeatedly sendscontact verification signals spaced in time from one another according to the interval. Invarious embodiments the parameter may be an explicit indication (number of seconds ornumber of beacons between consecutive CVSs), or it may be implicit (derived from an IDof the fixed/Mode II or Mode I device or a frequency channel, in which the relevant ID isthe parameter). A plurality of enabled Mode I devices each gets a device-specific list, andin one embodiment the interval is the same for each of them and the explicit indication isbroadcast while in another the parameter is provided to each of them via unicastmessages and the interval may differ.

申请人:Timo K. Koskela,Sami-Jukka Hakola,Anna Pantelidou,Samuli Turtinen

地址:Oulu FI,Kempele FI,Oulu FI,Ii FI


