专利名称:System and method for managing hardware
configuration parameters
发明人:Kreek, Conrad,Mailloux, Jerry申请号:EP06118259.8申请日:20060801公开号:EP1909172A1公开日:20080409
摘要:A system and method manages configuration data within a hardware
component of a device to support hardware component changes during development ormanufacture of the device. A Standardized Virtual Part (SVP) file is formed as a binary file
and includes a SVP header that comprises metadata of one of at least schema version,revision numbers, part numbers, creator and description. The SVP file also includeshardware configuration data and a SVP trailer that includes error checking data for dataauthentication. The SVP file is loaded onto the device during development ormanufacture for configuring the hardware component.
申请人:Research In Motion Limited
地址:295 Phillip Street Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3W8 CA
代理机构:Hibbert, Juliet Jane Grace