

2022-07-18 来源:个人技术集锦
Principles of Economics I (Fall 2009) Homework #5

(Lecture 10-11, Due on Dec. 30, 2009, submitted in class)

Section 1: Textbook Exercises

(All numbers refer to “Problems and Application” part in each chapter) Ch13: 2, 3, 8, 9, 11, 12 Ch14: 2, 5, 7, 8*, 11, 12, 13

(*Hint: For simplicity, consider the rise of oil price increased the marginal cost of boat-making in a same amount for each additional product.)

Section 2: Supplemental Questions

(Multiple choice question if marked with a-d, otherwise True/False questions.) (For Chapter 13)

1. Adam Smith's example of the pin factory demonstrates that economies of scale result from specialization.

(For Chapter 14)

2. The Wheeler Wheat Farm sells wheat to a grain broker in Seattle, Washington. Since the market for wheat is generally considered to be competitive, the Wheeler Farm a. does not choose the quantity of wheat to produce. b. does not have any fixed costs of production. c. is not able to earn an accounting profit. d. does not choose the price at which it sells its wheat.








住房数量和价格如何变化? (3) 现在,政府要求“经济适用房”的销售价格必须等于其边际成本,而且向政府指定的

低收入者销售。但在销售之后,允许低收入者转售得到的住房。和完全由市场配置住房相比,政府的这一做法能否改变住房最终的归属?相反的,假定政府不允许低收入者转售,会带来什么问题? (4) 政府认为,提供经济适用房“增加了住房市场供给,平抑了住房市场价格,让低收入

