


China has a recorded history of some 3,600 years, beginning with the Shang Dynasty(16th——12th century BC).The first stage is the primitive society. The history was much associated with the supposed pre-Xia Dynasty(21th-16th centuy BC). The second major periob lasted from about 2,000 to 200 BC. The history dated the beginning of the slave society from the Xia Dynasty, which constituted the first Chinese state. The third stage extended all the way from 221BC, when Qin Shihuang united China, to the Opium War of 1840. Historical docments name the third period as the Feusal Imperial Rule. The feudal society in China passed through a period of disunity beginning at the Three Kingdom Period, and ending in shoet-lived Sui Dynasty(581——618), Western Jin(265——316)via Eastern Jin(317——439) and the Southern and Northern Dynasties(386——589).

The following story occurred in the three Kingdom Period. At the rnd of the Eastern Han Dynasty(25——220) a gtrat peasant revolt happened. Many local officials developed into warlords to assisty the Han Emperor in suppressing the rebellion. During this period the watlotds took the opportunity to build uyp their own political and military strengty and made themselves into autonomous regional warlords. Finally the warlords carved the Han Empire into three kingdoms of Wei, Shu and Wu. The populous episodic novel,The Romance of the Three Kingdoms traces the rise and fall of the three kingdoms and vividly depicts the turbulent social conditions at that time. The rulers of the three independent kingdoms struggled for supremacy. Cao Cao and his son established the kingdom of Wei at Loyang. He was in actual control of only the North China homeland. Two

rivals soon proclaimed emperors themselves elsewhere. The kingdom of Wu with its capital in Nanjing occupied dChangjiang Valley, The kingdom of Shu was created with its capital in Chengdu. Ti was in the control of Sichuan and parts ojf the highland of south China.

Wuhou Temple is muc

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How should college students face to the pressure?

In recent years, the pressure of job-seeking for college students becomes bigger and bigger because the distributions of them have changed a lot. That directly causes study pressure more great.

How to release the pressure and get used to the circumstance?

1) Believe yourself; self-confidence is the first important factor for u.

2) Communicate with others such as your parents, classmates, friends etc; take an active part in the public activities.

3) Keep exercises and keep fit. Only both of the mental and physical health can lead you to success.

4) Refer to the mental consulters, they will help u to recognize the world


Ps: you can extend the four points on your opinion!

Shredded Pork with Green Peppers


300 grams (0.66 lb) pork tenderloin

100 grams (0.22 lb) green peppers

5 grams (5/6 tsp) salt

1 gram (1/4 tsp) MSG

10 grams (2 tsp) mixture of cornstarch and water

100 grams (7 tbsp) cooking oil

1 egg white

10 grams (2 tsp) cooking wine

25 grams (1 1/2 tbsp) water


1. Cut the meat into shreds 6 cm (2.4 inches) long and 0.3 cm (0.12 inch) thick and wide. Put in a bowl. Add 1 g ( 1/6 tsp) of salt and stir until mixture becomes sticky. Add the egg white and dry cornstarch and mix well. Cut the green peppers into shreds of similar size to the meat.

2. Heat the oil to 110-135ºC (230-275ºF) and stir-fry the pork shreds until they are done. Take out and drain off the oil.

3. Put 25 g (1 2/3 tbsp) of oil in the wok and stir-fry the shredded green peppers for one minute. Add the shredded pork, cooking wine, salt, MSG and water, and bring to boiling point. Put in the mixture of cornstarch and water to thicken the sauce. Take out and serve.

Features: The meat is white with a light pink tinge. While the peppers are invitingly green.

Taste: The shredded pork is tender and the green peppers crispy. The dish is salty to the right taste.

It was a festival, like any festival actually. The sunshine was dazzling, the music deafening, and the people teasing each other. Almost everywhere were those who had relieved them selves from the routine work, expecting for a new start.

Except one a small man, whose age was hard to tell. He was huddled up in the corner, a few metres from the happy holiday crowds who were hurrying to and from. He was covered in a piece of pale blue cloth. For quite a long time, he was still with out even a slight motion, nor did he make any gestures. Begging for money? Or weeping over his misfortune? Neither. He was just sitting there, alone and silent. His hair was grey, much like the withered grass, fluttering on a frosted autumn morning. A bird might well have perched on his head for such a cozy nest, if it were not so dirty. His face was pale and twisted. The nose and the mouth were squeezed to one side. His eyes were frosted, looking inward like the windows of a snowbound cottage. Was he blind? Sometimes, he moved his mouth, murmuring as if to say something. But who cared to listen, on so brilliant and joyful a day?

简 评

本文细致地描写了蜷缩在墙角的一个可怜的人。文章开头是一群人在狂欢:眩目的阳光、震耳欲聋的音乐、嬉闹的人群,衬托出不远处有一个人孤零零地蜷缩在墙角。作者对这个可怜的人进行了细致入微的描写:一块旧布裹住他的身体,乱草堆似的头发,脸呈褐色,脸型扭曲而不对称,眼睛内陷,也许已失明,有时动动嘴巴,也许在诉说着什么。作者的描写由远及近,从衣着到眼睛,越来越细致。而且运用了一系列生动的比喻,如:A bird might well have perched On his head for such a cozy nest,if it were not so dirty;His eyes were frosted,looking inward 1ike the windows of a snowbound cottage等,表现出作者细致的观察力和丰富的想像力。整篇文章中,作者都没有指明他的身份,只是在猜测:他一动不动地坐在那儿,是在乞讨呢?还是在为自己的不幸遭遇而哭泣?愈加令人同情。

