
Control unit


专利名称:Control unit发明人:Kanno, Masayoshi申请号:EP08153950.4申请日:20080402公开号:EP1978435A1公开日:20081008


摘要:A control unit includes an input terminal and an output terminal for a signal tobe controlled, a control input terminal and a control output terminal for a control signal,variable capacitors connected in a bridge configuration between the input terminal andcontrol input terminal, between the input terminal and control output terminal, between

the control input terminal and output terminal, and between the control output terminaland output terminal, capacitances thereof being changed by the control signal, and adifferential signal-controlled power source in which the control signal is applied acrossthe control input terminal and control output terminal in a differential mode with a pairof signals having the same absolute value and mutually opposing polarities. Voltage orcurrent of the signal to be controlled is controlled by the control signal changing thecapacitances of the variable capacitors in the bridge configuration.

申请人:Sony Corporation

地址:1-7-1 Konan Minato-ku Tokyo 108-0075 JP


代理机构:Körber, Martin Hans

