一、 引言
CHD805系列智能门禁控制器是由红色数码管显示、控制主板、键盘、等组成。它将非接触感应智能卡独特的安全性,与外接感应读头、电控门锁、门磁碰、红外感应设备及网络通信设备有机的结合在一起,组成了智能安全的“出入”控制系统,并具有网络联结的保安、监控功能,广泛使用于智能门禁、电子监控、无人值守基站、保安、考勤、巡更及数据采集等应用系统。 序号 型号 1 CHD805AE 2 CHD805BE
产品尺寸:150MM(长)X 100MM(宽)X 28MM(高)±5% 产品净重:0.33Kg(含铁挂板)±5% 颜 色:乳白色,黑色 额定工作电压:12VDC
工作电流:CHD805AE静态不刷卡时<70mA,动态刷卡驱动继电器,蜂鸣器叫 <120mA
CHD805BE 静态不刷卡时<100mA,动态刷卡驱动继电器,蜂鸣器叫
最小供应电流:300mA/12V DC输入时
支持卡类型: CHD805BE支持各种封装的EM卡 RF工作频率:CHD805BE 125KHZ±5% 刷卡距离: CHD805BE 80-120 毫米
工作环境: 0~50℃、20~90%(无结露·结冰) 存储环境: -20~60℃、20~90%(无结露·结冰)
抗扰度指标:静电放电(ESD): 接触放电±6KV 空气放电±8kV
I/O信号、数据端口电压峰值±1kV 脉冲的重复率5kHz
浪涌(冲击) (SURGE) :电源端口及通讯端口线-线 ±2Kv 线-地 ±2kV
名称 智能门禁控制器 智能门禁控制器(内置EM读卡器) CHD805 series intelligent access control user manual CHD805系列智能门禁控制器说明书
工作状态:声光指示工作状态,LED数码管显示工作状态 执行标准:门禁控制器企业标准,企标编号Q/NBL002-2006
通讯方式:标准RS485方式, 国家电信总局规范:YDN023—1996;支持RS422
驱动能力:继电器输MAX :DC 12V/2A/25SEC 24V/2A/25SEC AC75V/3A/25SEC 实时时钟:偏差<±30秒/月
键 盘:17键导电橡胶键:压力:100g—1000g;MAX=10Kg,次数:10万次(以
外接感应头:CHD805AE 可外接两个维根输出格式的感应阅读器
(1) 功能介绍
最多登记1744个不同用户: 用户非接触卡号(5字节) 用户ID(4字节)
用户有效期(2000年1月1日---2099年12月31日) 用户分类(一般用户,特殊用户VIP) 用户准进时段限制
支持多种开门方式: 刷卡开门
本机用户ID号(键盘)+用户密码(键盘) 本机刷卡+用户密码(键盘) 远程(RS485命令)开门
用户管理:授权(增加用户)、或取消授权(删除用户) 数据采集:历史记录的读取
CHD805 series intelligent access control user manual CHD805系列智能门禁控制器说明书
(1)工作日 / 节假日管理进入时段
星期内休息日:每星期可以设定:无;或任一天;或任意两天为休息日 国家法定节假日:可设定40组(天):XX月XX日
可以设入1张节假日准进时段表,有4个不同的准进时段 (2)按星期(星期一 至 星期日)管理进入时段
监控感应器如IR/ID(红外)监控,或连接烟雾感应器 刷卡“合法/非法”记录 门控器内部参数被修改 准进用户设定信息被变更 提供“联动”操作功能组合
支持多种电磁锁: 常开锁 常闭锁 脉冲锁
开锁继电器驱动时间:0.1秒~25.5秒内任设定 开门等待进入延时: 2 秒~25.5秒内任设定 红外报警确认延时: 2 秒~25.5秒内设定
所用事件都实时记录,最多保留最新记录6144条: (1)开门记录
CHD805 series intelligent access control user manual CHD805系列智能门禁控制器说明书
刷卡开门记录 手动按键开门放行记录 RS485远程命令开门记录 (2)监控记录
控制器工作参数被修改记录 红外监控开启、与关闭的起始记录 授权用户刷卡不进入、或进入不按时关门 无效卡刷卡(非授权卡尝试刷卡进入)
无效权限(用户有效期已过、或无权限准进的时间)尝试进入 掉电记录 (3)报警记录
红外感应器报警(非法闯入) 门非正常打开(非法闯入)
(2) 操作说明
CHD805系列有丰富的键盘操作:系统时间设置、控制器工作参数设置、键盘发卡授权与取消、密码开门以及“红外防入侵”布防等。 2.1提示符 2.1.1操作提示符 提示 Pin_ Chg. Pin AgAin Can. SET YY Non 意 义 密码输入提示 修改密码 修改密码操作的第二次输入 允许设置 年的低位,世纪缺省=20 月 4
有效值范围 设置密码6个数,个人密码4个 设置密码6个数,个人密码4个 1—99,表示2001年—2099年 1—12 CHD805 series intelligent access control user manual CHD805系列智能门禁控制器说明书
Dd DE HH NIN SS C1 C2 C3 TyPE Id _ GrP BAUd S.O.E Rly OpT IrS. IrT. AL.d. Err xx ADD CD DEL CD DEL ID DEL ALL ID _ -CARD- Ir SET HALT 日 星期 时 分 秒 控制字第1字节 控制字第2字节 控制字第3字节 卡号的取得方法 门控制器的联网地址号/ 用户ID号 门控器的联网分组号 联网通信的速率 联网通信的单字节校验方式 开锁继电器的驱动时间 开门等待进入的延时 红外报警器报警的确认时间 红外监控开启的延时时间 报警驱动的有效时间 错误 编号 从键盘增加授权卡及用户 从键盘删除授权卡及用户 从键盘删除一个用户及卡 删除已授权存储的所有用户 增加用户时 要求输入用户有效期 提示要求刷卡 红外感应器监控已被开启 密码输入错误, 暂时停止键盘输入 2.1.2 错误提示符
1—31或1-30或1-28或1-29 自动计算 0—23 0—59 0—59 0—255 0—255 0—255 有效:00,10,20,30,40,50 设备ID号时1—254/用户号:四位数 0—15 0—3分别为:4800/9600/19200/2400(BPS) 0—4 有效1—255,单位0.1秒 (表示0.1秒-25秒) 20—255单位0.1秒(表示2.0秒-25秒) 20—255单位0.1秒(表示2.0秒-25秒) 20—255单位0.1秒(表示2.0秒-25秒) 0—255(表示0-25.5秒) 详见下述 “错误分类码” YY/MM/DD (最大99/12/31表示2099年12月31日) ERR 00:卡号校验错。当控制器接收到从读卡器传来的卡号数据不符合规定的数
CHD805 series intelligent access control user manual CHD805系列智能门禁控制器说明书
据格式时,控制器显示ERR 00。造成该错误提示的原因一般由于数据在传输过程中被干扰或者WD0、WD1数据线接反。
ERR 01:刷卡进入后,未将门关上。(开启控制器的门开关状态监控功能后)。 ERR 02:刷卡正确,控制器已打开门控继电器,但是在规定的“进入时间”内,
ERR 03:红外报警(开启控制器的红外监控功能后)。 ERR 08:未注册卡刷卡。
ERR 09:注册用户卡的“有效期已过”,不能再进入原来授权准进区域。
ERR 10:控制器按准进时段监控时,注册用户在非准进时段刷卡企图进入受控区
ERR 11:“刷卡加密码进门管理方式”时:刷卡正确后,用户密码三次输入全都错
误,无权限进入,当提示 “HALT”时,必须等待约2分钟才能再次重复尝试。
2.2 键盘介绍
数字键:0、1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9数字健用于输入数字 功能键:F1、F2、F3、F4、F5、ESC、ENT用于功能操作。
F1:进入设置功能,密码更改; F2:进入控制器功能参数设置; F3:进入用户管理设置;
F4:键盘对入侵感应器(例如红外感应器)的布防; F5:输入用户ID号及个人密码开门; ESC:退处设置;
进入系统设定功能时,必须先经过 “键盘设置”密码的确认:按 2.3.1控制器设置密码修改 按〈F1〉键修改设置密码: LED提示“CHG PIN”后要求输入新密码,提示“————”,输入6个数的密码,后〈ENT〉确认,LED提示第二次确认输入“AGAIN”后,提示“————”,将新输入的6个数密码再输入一遍,两次输入相一致才有效,CHD805系列以新密码作为键盘密码。 6 CHD805 series intelligent access control user manual CHD805系列智能门禁控制器说明书 注 意 !!! “键盘设置密码”是门控器的系统密码的一部分系统密码(5字节) = 软件加重密码(2字节)+ 键盘设置密码(3字节)所以,由键盘改变“键盘设置密码”,也必须改变电脑软件数据库中记忆的该设备的“系统密码”。 按〈F2〉键显示或修改控制参数,LED依次提示: 2.3.2日期时间设定 经过密码确认后,控制器能接收键盘设定,按〈F2〉键显示或修改控制参数, LED依次提示: YY 数值 (年低位数,例如2000年,高位20以固定,低位 00—99可设定)按〈ENT〉修改,LED提示“ —”,输入新值后,再次按〈ENT〉确认。例如:输入“3”,〈ENT〉则表示年低位为3,即2003年。 NON 数值 显示控制器当前时间的“月份”,例如“NON 11” 表示11月, 按〈ENT〉修改,LED提示“ —”,输入新值后,再次按〈ENT〉 确认。例如:输入“3”,〈ENT〉则表示“月份”为3,即3月份。 DD 数值 显示控制器当前时间的“日期”,例如“DD 18” 表示18号,按〈ENT〉修改,LED提示“ —”,输入新值后,再次按〈ENT〉 确认。例如:输入“16”,〈ENT〉则表示“日”为16,即16日。 DE 数值 显示控制器当前日期的“星期”,例如“DE 5” 表示星期五。门控制器自动计算“星期”值。显示出来以供参考确认。 HH 数值 显示控制器当前时间的“时间”,例如“HH 18”表 示18时,按〈ENT〉修改,LED提示“ —”,输入新值后,再次按〈ENT〉确认。例如: 输入“16”,〈ENT〉则表示“时”为16,即16时。 NIN 数值 显示控制器当前时间的“分”,例如“NIN 18”表 示18分,按〈ENT〉修改,LED提示“ —”,输入新值后,再次按〈ENT〉确认。例如: 输入“16”,〈ENT〉则表示“分”为16,即16分。 SS 数值 显示控制器当前时间的“秒”,例如“SS 18”表 示18秒,按〈ENT〉修改,LED提示“ —”,输入 7 CHD805 series intelligent access control user manual CHD805系列智能门禁控制器说明书 新值后,再次按〈ENT〉确认。例如: 输入“16”,〈ENT〉则表示“秒”为16,即16秒。 2.3.3 感应卡号码的获取控制 CHD805系列控制器能支持26bit,34bit,36bit,44bit的WIEGAND卡号格式,并能自动识别,固定16进制3节字取卡。 2.3.4联网通信 ID 数值 显示控制器的通讯地址码,范围1—254按〈ENT〉 修改,输入新数值后再按〈ENT〉确认; grP 数值 显示控制器的分组地址码(GROUP),笵围0—15。 当同一系统中RS485 联网设备数多于254个时,就将设备分成0—15组(共16组)。按 示9600BPS;=2表示19200BPS; =3表示38400BPS。 S.O.E 数值 RS485联网通信的校验方式固定: 1起始位,8数 据位,1停止位,无校验位。 2.3.5门控参数 rLY 数值 表示门控继电器为了执行开门而动作的时间,单位: 0.1秒; OPT 数值 表示开门(OPEN DELAY)延时(单位:0.1秒),例 如“OPT 20”表示“开门延时”=20 X 0.1=2秒。 按〈ENT〉修改,输入新数值(20—255)后再按〈ENT〉确认; “开门延时” 说明:“开门延时”是指刷卡后, “多少时间”内监测门是否开, 延 时结束后门是否关上,双重用途。 2.3.6红外监控 IrS. 数值 从红外报警出现,到被控制器确认它是报警的延时时 间;红外报警发生,不一定都是报警,在延时时间内有合法刷卡就不是报警, 并且合法刷卡后,控制器还自动关闭红外监测;如果在延时时间内 无合法卡刷卡,则认为是“非法进入监控区域”而报警。单位:0.1秒; IrT. 数值 授权准进人员通过CHD805系列键盘开启对红外感 8 CHD805 series intelligent access control user manual CHD805系列智能门禁控制器说明书 应器的监控,控制 器延时一段时间等待授权人员能离开监控区域而不会因自身产生“非法进入监控区域”而报警。单位:0.1秒, ; AL.d. 数值 报警OC门输出的有效驱动时间。报警OC门在报警 时输出 “导通” 或“断开”由上表C2第二控制字(见2.3.7章节)中D3位(BIT)设 定。AL.D的有效范围0-255;对应有效时间0.1—25.5秒. AL.D=0 时停止报警输出。 2.3.7控制字 C1 数值 控制器的工作方式控制第一个字节(初始值=0)。它要 经过如下计算得到:一字节数(D7—D0)(D7高位),如下定义: BIT位 控制 说 明 =0 不监控门开关状态 监控门开关状态(通过门磁),异常报警; (1)非正常开门; D7 =1 (2)不能自动关门的锁,刷卡后无开门后--再关门的机械动作; (3)开门延时结束后,还未关门; =0 不监控红外 监控红外,“非法进入监控区域”则报警,产生记录。合法刷卡进入,或KEYPAD上输入用户号/密码而开门进入 ,远D6 =1 程RS485命令放行(进入),控制器都会自动关闭红外监控。可以由远程RS485命令开启,或KEYPAD上直接开启。(KEYPAD上不能关闭,只能开启;只有合法刷卡才能关闭) =0 电磁锁在断电后(或加电后)能自动锁上; D5 =1 必须靠“开门——再关门”机械动作的弹力才能锁上; 允许 “手动开门”信号线在与电源地线短接时,实现开门; D4 =0 =1禁止。 设定门磁输出电平为: =0 开门时门磁两信号线是短路(通);门关上后,两信号线开路(不通) D3 设定门磁输出电平为: =1 开门时门磁两信号线是断路(开);门关上后,两信号线短路合上(通) 设定红外感应器的输出电平:报警时两信号线是短路(通); =0 正常时(不报警)两信号线开路(不通) D2 设定红外感应器的输出电平:报警时两信号线是断路(不=1 通); 正常时(不报警)两信号线短路(通) D1 =0 刷卡合法,就能开门,无须再个人密码确认; 9 CHD805 series intelligent access control user manual CHD805系列智能门禁控制器说明书 D0 =1 刷卡合法,必须再个人密码确认后,才能开门; =0 不允许从键盘单独按一个 不监控红外线 D6=0 锁不能自动锁上 D5=1 (= 32) 允许手动开门 D4=0 门开时门磁开路 D3=1 (= 8) 二次密码确认 D1=1 (= 2) 不允许键盘 相加 128+32+8+2 = 170(从键盘输入170〈ENT〉确认) C2 数值 控制器的工作方式控制第二字节(初始值=0)。它要经 过如下计算得到:一字节数(D7—D0)(D7高位),如下定义: BIT位 控制 说 明 D7 D6 =0/1 保留(备用) D5 D4 D3 =0/1 ALARM输出在报警时是“导通”=0; “开路”=1 在刷卡时主动将接受到的维根数据信号发给RS485的连D2 =1 接电脑; =0禁止 “紧急事件”输入MDIN与GND闭合时,闭门, 任何卡不响=1 应 D1 =0 “紧急事件”输入MDIN与GND闭合时,常开门 =0 个人输入ID号+密码开门被禁止 D0 =1 允许个人输入ID号+密码开门 C3 数值 控制器的工作方式控制第三字节(初始值=0)。它要经过 如下计算得到:一字节数(D7—D0)(D7高位),如下定义: 10 CHD805 series intelligent access control user manual CHD805系列智能门禁控制器说明书 BIT位 控制 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 =0/1 =0 =1 =0/1 =0/1 =0/1 =0/1 =1 =0 =1 =0 说 明 =1起用常闭门时段, 在设置的常闭门时段内,将门常闭 =1起用常开门时段, 在设置的常开门时段内, 将门常开(节假日、休息日除外) =0检查 “一般准进人员”的准进时段; =1不检查 =0检查 “一般准进人员”的授权有效期; =1不检查 =1开启胁迫报警功能; =0关闭 =1“刷卡正确必须输入个人密码”的时间段开启 分体刷卡头“刷卡正确必须输入个人密码” 分体刷卡头刷卡正确即可 主体刷卡头“刷卡正确必须输入个人密码” 主体刷卡头刷卡正确即可 2.4 键盘上加卡/删卡 经过密码确认后(见前述),按〈F3〉,进入加/删卡片操作LED提示如下: ADD CD 加卡 按 LED提示“UD----”表示要求输入该用户的“进/出”权限有效期(的结束日期),从当时发卡开始,到何时结束。例如:到2004年/5月/23日结束使用,则输入“040523” 控制器自动给新用户一个人缺省密码(PIN)为:1,2,3,4,用户可以自己修改PIN(祥见后述)。控制器自动将下一张卡对应的用户ID号增加1,如果新的用户ID号在控制器内不存在,则直接提示“-CARD-”,可以再次刷第二张卡,它对应的用户ID号为:0145+1=0146,依次下去,重复上述过程。按 注 意:在控制器上通过键盘操作,是不能将用户的个人密码 11 CHD805 series intelligent access control user manual CHD805系列智能门禁控制器说明书 发卡、或修改成全0;只能由电脑软件发卡成全0。 DEL CD 删卡 按 DEL ID 删除用户 按 DEL ALL全部清除 第一次按 才将控制器内所有“进出”人员列表清成“空”。如非〈ENT〉键入,将不执行“清除动作”。 2.5 键盘上开启红外 按〈F4〉后,LED提示“Ir ON ?”,〈ENT〉确认,表示开启红外监视。控制器在合法打卡进入受控区域后,自动关闭区域红外监视。因此人员全部离开后,应从键盘再次开启。从〈ENT〉确认开始,控制器延时一段时间(详细见2.3.6章节),等待人员确实离开监控区域才开始监视。键盘只能开启红外监控,不能关闭,只有合法刷卡才能关闭。 2.6键盘密码开门与个人密码修改 按〈F5〉后,LED提示“ID -”,要求输入“用户ID号”,如果控制器内无此用户,LED提示“NO USER”。正确输入“用户ID号”(4个数)按〈ENT〉结束,接着要求输入“PIN -”;例如:1,2,3,4,〈ENT〉。如果PIN正确,控制器开门;否则LED显示“PIN ERR”。 LED显示“PASS”时,接着按〈F5〉,LED提示“CHG PIN”按〈ENT〉确认,LED提示“PIN -”,要求输入新的个人密码,(四位数,不能全为0,〈ENT〉确认),然后LED提示“AGAIN”要求重复一次,第二次输入新密码,两次应该一样,控制器以新密码作为用户的密码,旧密码被取消。 2.7 二次加密(正确刷卡,加输入用户密码,才能开门) 刷卡正确后,LED提示“PIN -”,在控制器的键盘上输入个人密码,才能开门,控制器提供约5秒钟的时间,等待用户输入四个数的个人密码,由〈ENT〉确认。如果输入错误,LED提示“PIN ERR”,要求再次输入,三次全错,控制器不再接受输入。用户个人密码遗忘后,必须经由管理系统软件读出用户信息,用户密码是该用户的一个信息内容。或将该用户从控制器中删除,再重新加入,在加入时,控制器将给以1,2,3,4”的缺省密码,用户可以再自行修改。 个人密码全部为0的情况作为特别对待,只能由上位机软件下载,持全0密码 12 CHD805 series intelligent access control user manual CHD805系列智能门禁控制器说明书 的用户在“刷卡+密码方式时”也无需输入密码。留给特殊人员使用的个人密码。 2.8 重置控制器密码 当控制器的密码(区别于用户个人密码)遗忘后,就无法进入系统设置。系统软件数据库破坏,丢失设备密码,从此软件将无法与设备建立通信联系。 按以下方法重置: (3) 关闭控制器电源; (4) 打开控制器,将内部的密码重置跳冒“RST”短接(见1.1章节的主控板图形); (5) 再加电,等待到控制器显示时间后; (6) 再关闭电源,再拔开“RST”短接跳冒,重新安装好控制器; (7) 再次加电,控制器的 系统密码(5字节)全部变为0. 即: 软件加重密码(2字节)为0,0; 键盘设置密码(3字节) 被重置为全0; 2.9 CHD805系列的对外连接 2.9.1 CHD805系列的电源供应 CHD805 系列下排10线接头 1098 7654321 3线(红)接电源+ DC12V电源 4线(黑)接电源— CHD805系列门禁控制器,外部由直流电源直接输入.门控器内采用开关电源, 内都有过压、过热、过流保护。 当电源电压高于D28V时,应考虑线性阻容降压,才能很好的工作。 CHD805系列下排 水泥电阻(/10瓦) +端 10线接头 电源供应4 3 电容2000µF/50V 器输出 电容负端接地 — 端 (这部分应掩藏在靠近门控器附近) 电阻值=(电源电压—12V)/0.1(估算值,单位:欧姆) 13 CHD805 series intelligent access control user manual CHD805系列智能门禁控制器说明书 2.9.2 CHD805系列驱动电锁的继电器 (1) 第一继电器(驱动门的电锁) 继电器: 线包电流:25毫安/5V 继电器线包 欧姆 触点接触电阻≦ 1 最大负载: DC35V/2A AC75V/3A 下排10接头 7 6 5 4 引线定义: 7 N.O1;6 COM1;5:N.C1; 4:GND (2) 第二继电器(备份:报警或联动输出, 一般CHD805系列内部没有提供) 继电器: 25毫安 线包电流: /5V 1欧姆 触点接触电阻≦ 最大负载: DC35V/2A AC75V/3A 2.9.3使用同一电源驱动电锁 线包 下排10线接头 10 9 8 4 ; 9:COM2;8:N.C2;4:GND 引线定义: 10:N.O2注 意: 首先您必须确认CHD805系列控制电锁时,是直接用控制器供电的同一电源驱动,还是分开用另一不同的电源驱动。如果,使用的锁的额定驱动电压与控制器不同,必须采用分开电源工作方式。选择驱动电锁的电源时,您还应考虑该电源的实际供电能力,以及电锁的额定工作电压。 (1) 使用同一电源驱动常闭锁(断电后,锁是锁上的) 继电器的COM(6线) 电源+ 锁的一端 锁的另一端 下排10线接头 7 6 5 4 6线接3线 第7线N.O(白色)接锁 电源—续流二极管加在锁的接线柱上 电源+,—14 CHD805 series intelligent access control user manual CHD805系列智能门禁控制器说明书 (2)使用同一电源驱动常开锁(断电后,锁是开的,自由的) 下排10线接头 继电器的COM(6线) 电源+ 继电器的N.C(5线) 锁的一端 锁的另一端 电源(—)7 6 5 4 3 6线接3线(+) 第5线N.C(灰)接锁一端 电源—(地) 警 告 ! 若将常闭锁按常开锁的方法接线,将可能导致电锁线圈长时间加电而烧毁电锁。 2.9.4 使用分开电源驱动电锁 1、 使用分开电源驱动常闭锁(断电后,锁是锁上的) CHD805系列下排10线接头 10 1 76543 +12V 接继电器公共端COM 锁电源+ CHD805系列 +12V “—” 接锁的另一端 — 第7线(N.O)接锁一端 +12V电源 续流二极管加在锁 的接线柱上 警 告 ! 若将常闭锁按常开锁的方法接线,将可能导致电锁线圈长时间加电而烧毁电锁。 2、 使用分开电源驱动常开锁(断电后,锁是开的,自由的) 15 电源+,—两端 续流二极管加在锁的接线柱上 CHD805 series intelligent access control user manual CHD805系列智能门禁控制器说明书 CHD805系列下排10线接 76543 +12V接继电器公共端COM(6线) CHD805系列 锁电源+ +12V电源 +12V “—” 接锁的另一端 — 第5线(N.C)接锁的一端 续流二极管加在锁 的接线柱上 2.9.5 电磁锁的保护 (1) 为了防止锁电源太高(若锁电源太低又锁不上,或不够力),锁体长期加电发热, 应在锁电源供给端串接限流电阻,另加启动电容: 下排 10线接头 续流二极管 10 1 常闭锁 7线白色N.O 7 6 5 4 3 第 + CHD805 系列 电源+7V~35V — 限流保护电阻(水泥电阻10--15瓦) 锁电源(+) 6线(橙)COM (启动电容:1000—2200µF/50V) 常开锁 5线灰色N.C 锁电源(-) 要求用低串阻的电容,它能释放出启动时需要的峰值电流。例如:锁体在+12V时启动锁上,那么串接电阻后,应降在+8V左右就能很好的保持锁上的状态。 (2) 合理设置电锁(特别是脉冲电锁)的加电时间,例如对电脉冲锁,加电时间设在 16 CHD805 series intelligent access control user manual CHD805系列智能门禁控制器说明书 0.1~0.5秒以免锁内线包发热。 2.9.6 CHD805系列连接感应头 (1) 感应头与CHD805系列用同一电源(+12V) CHD805系列上排7线接头(第1头或第2头) 7 4321 1 +12v 2 GND 3 WD0 4 WD1 感应头电源+12V电源 屏蔽地(地球地) ① 屏蔽层只能在一端(感应头那端/或CHD805系列这端)接地,另一端悬 空或加去偶电容; ② 如上图:当感应头与CHD805系列距离超过50米时才加这个去偶电容: 0.47—100UF/100V。 (1) 感应头与CHD805系列用不同电源 CHD805系列上排7线接头 7 1 +12V电源 4321 + — 2 信号地 3 WD0 4 WD1 GND WD0 WD1 屏蔽地(用地球地) 2.9.7 连接手动开门按钮 上排7线接头(第1感应头) 7 1 2 1 7 (黑)GND (黄) HANDLE 17 CHD805 series intelligent access control user manual CHD805系列智能门禁控制器说明书 CHD805系列的手动按键开门功能,是受CHD805系列控制器的第1控制字的D4位(BIT)限制: D4=0,该功能允许使用 D4=1,该功能被禁止。 请参考2.3.7章节有关控制字C1的D4位定义。 2.9.8连接门磁碰(门开关感应器) 上排7线接头(感应头1) 7 1 5 2 1 门磁 (黑)GND (紫 )DOOR_SWITCH CHD805系列的门开关监控功能,是受CHD805系列控制器的第1控制字的D7位(BIT)限制 D7=1,监控门开关 D7=0,该功能被禁止。 门磁碰(门开关感应器)在门在打开的状态时一般有两种输出类型: 第1种: 开路 第2种:闭合(短路) 因此:CHD805系列的第1控制字中D3位需要设置,当您使用上图第1种门碰时D3=1;第2种时D3=0. 请参考2.3.7章节有关C1控制字的描述。 2.9.9连接红外(或其它)感应器 上排7线接头(感应头1) 7 1 7 6 2 1 (黑) GND (橙 )IR/ID 18 红外感应器 CHD805 series intelligent access control user manual CHD805系列智能门禁控制器说明书 CHD805系列的红外报警监控功能,是受CHD805系列的第1控制字的D6位(BIT)限制 D6=1,监控红外报警。 D6=0,该功能被禁止。 红外感应器在报警状态时一般有两种输出类型: 第1种: 开路 第2种:闭合(短路) 因此:CHD805系列的第1控制字中D2位需要设置,当您使用上图第1种红外时D2=1;第2种是D2=0。 请参考2.3.7章节有关C1控制字的描述。 2.9.10报警输出 CHD805系列在报警时提供OC门输出: IMAX=120MA +12V(给控制器用的电源) 电源地 常闭端 下排10线接头 公共端 10 4 3 2 常开端 4:电源地报警继电器(12V线包) CHD805系列内部 注意: 当使用瞬响器或直流电铃作为“报警执行机具”时,应在“机具”两端加续流二极管,增加系统EMC指标。 报警驱动电源 (-) (+) 报警装置 报警继电器 19 CHD805 series intelligent access control user manual CHD805系列智能门禁控制器说明书 2.9.11 连接消防联动(紧急事件) 在CHD805系列的下排10线接头中,紧急事件输入以 “MDIN与GND闭合”为有效, 闭合时间不小于0.1秒为有效输入。 10 1 4 1 (橙)MDIN (黑)GND CHD805系列的紧急事件(消防联动)功能,是受CHD805系列的第2控制字的D1位(BIT)限制。(请参考2.3.7章节C2控制字) 2.9.12局域RS485联网 注 意 !!! 485通信线应使用两对或两对以上的屏蔽双绞线; 将多芯双绞线的一对用作信号线,将剩余线的一根或 全部用于连接两端设备485的工作参考地; 通信线的屏蔽层应接大地。 RS485联网的关键(必须)是: (1)A、B信号线接头要焊接好; (2)必须使用五类双绞线; (3)在网上的RS485连接的所有设备必须连接到大地(地球地),大地就是 RS485信号的参考地,也是防雷的基本措施. 下排5线(或3线)接头 五类双绞线 54321 A A 系统终端 B B 地球地 地球地 CHD805系列 局域RS485传输线系统终端 如果使用屏蔽五类线,其一端屏蔽层接屏蔽地(地球地),在距离较长时另一端加高频去偶电容后再接地球地。 20 CHD805 series intelligent access control user manual CHD805系列智能门禁控制器说明书 RS485信号A、B是采用差分传输,差模<7V;共模<12V,如果在网上的连接设备不是很好的连接大地(地球地),会经常发生: (1) 因地(参考)电平不同,共模电压受环境的影响,时而超过12V,引起通信 中断; (2) 分布电容的影响,通过RS485信号A、B放电,易烧毁RS485驱动芯片。 (3) 因不接大地,雷电易烧毁设备,甚至烧毁整个系统连接的所有设备。 如果设备不能方便的接大地,可以将设备的“地球地”全部连接起来,如下图: CHD805系列 CHD805系列 CHD805系列 G.GND A B 120欧姆终端电阻 2.9.13局域RS422联网 注 意 ! 422通信线应使用三对或三对以上的屏蔽双绞线; 将多芯双绞线的一对用作信号线,将剩余线的一根或 全部用于连接两端设备422的工作参考地; 通信线的屏蔽层应接大地。 下排5线接头 54321 RX+ 系统 TX— RX— 终端 RX+ TX+ RX— TX— ) 屏蔽地(地球地 屏蔽地(地球地) CHD805系列 局域网 TX+ 21 CHD805 series intelligent access control user manual CHD805系列智能门禁控制器说明书 注意: RS422通信时,设备方的RX到局域网的TX,而TX到局域网的RX, 接受与发送交换。 说明:(1)“地”即 地球地, 通信信号RX-/RX+ 、TX-/TX+的参考地。 (2) 设备方(如CHD805系列)的RX(+/-),TX(+/-)不交换,而与上位机之间要交换。 四、接线定义 (备用) 背面上排右7根引脚线的接头---第一感应头 第1线 第2线 第3线 第4线 第5线 第6线 第7线 背面上排左7根引脚线的接头---第二感应头 第1线 第2线 第3线 第4线 第5线 第6线 第7线 红色 黑色 绿色 白色 紫色 橙色 黄色 22 红色 黑色 绿色 白色 紫色 橙色 黄色 +12V GND WD0 WD1 DOOR.SW IR/ID HANDLE 给感应头的电源+ 给感应头的电源- 感应头#1的维根D0 感应头#1的维根D1 门磁碰DOOR_SWITCH输入 红外感应器输入 手动放行按键输入 +12V GND WD0#2 WD1#2 给感应头的电源+ 给感应头的电源- 感应头#2的维根D0 感应头#2的维根D1 联动功能 使用(备用) CHD805 series intelligent access control user manual CHD805系列智能门禁控制器说明书 下排10引脚线的接头 第1线 第2线 第3线 第4线 第5线 第6线 第7线 第8线 第9线 第10线 背面下排右5根引脚线的接头---RS485/RS422 第1线 第2线 第3线 第4线 第5线 绿色 棕色 灰色 蓝色 黄色 RS485 屏蔽地(地球地) A+ B- RS422 屏蔽地(地球地) TX+ TX- RX+ RX- 备用,标准为RS485通讯 橙 蓝 红 黑 灰 橙 白 蓝 橙 白 MDIN ALARM +12V GND N.C COM N.O N.C COM N.O (消防)紧急输入 报警输出 +12V(电源输入的“+”) 电源输入 GND(电源输入的“-”) 第1继电器的常闭输出端 第1继电器的公共端输出 第1继电器的常开输出端 第2继电器的常闭输出端 第2继电器的公共端输出 第2继电器的常开输出端 第2继电器,备用,标准无此继电器 第1继电器 消防)紧急输入及报警 五、产品外观及尺寸 23 CHD805 series intelligent access control user manual CHD805系列智能门禁控制器说明书 整机尺寸:公差±5% 28mm 六、安装说明 注 意 ! 1、控制器的安装需充分考虑便于以后的维护和维修; 2、控制器应避免安装在可能产生长时间高温或高湿场所; 3、避免控制器被阳光直接照射; 4、避免控制器被雨水淋湿; 5、安装前请务必检查控制器内的跳线设置是否正确。 6.1安装前准备 6.1.1 了解安装环境 在安装CHD805系列控制器前请先考察和了解安装使用环境,尽管控制器具有很长的设计寿命,但如果控制器长期处于下列环境中,仍然会影响控制器的使用寿命: 长期被日光照射 长期处于高温高湿环境 长期处于盐雾环境 长期处于有酸气或其他腐蚀性气体环境中 因此,在安装时应避免上述环境,如不可避免,应采取防护措施。 6.1.2 了解控制器的部件组成 在安装前必须了解CHD805系列的结构,它由上到下主要由装饰盖、主体、安装挂板六部分 24 CHD805 series intelligent access control user manual CHD805系列智能门禁控制器说明书 组成:如下图所示: 金属挂板 主体 CHD805系列的结构部件组成 6.2 控制器的安装 CHD805系列的设计寿命尽管很长,但任何电子设备不可能做到寿命无限,随时存在失效的可能,控制器本身在安装和维护的方便性方面作了充分的考虑;在安装控制器时也应充分考虑今后维护和维修的方便性。 安装步骤: 6*378mm面盖 m55m CHD805系列安装示意图 1 用小一字起子轻轻撬下控制器的装饰面板; 2 拧下控制器正面靠近底部的两个螺钉,取下控制器背面的金属挂板; 25 CHD805 series intelligent access control user manual CHD805系列智能门禁控制器说明书 3 将金属挂板安装安装到选定的安装场所,注意墙上应开有足够的大小的洞用以 放置控制器的插头和引线; 4 接好与CHD805系列的所有连接线,注意电源(+)端不要接入CHD805系列的信号线上,将插头插入CHD805系列的背面插座,用力插紧;安装上控制器,盖上装饰面板。 七、包装清单 项目 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 内容 控制器 M3X28mm平头自攻螺丝 M6X30胶塞 10P线材 7P线材 3P/5P线材 说明书 5克防潮珠 保修合格证 数量 1台 3颗 3颗 1条 2条 1条 1本 1包 2张 备注 3PIN RS485一条或5PIN RS422一条 中英文各1张 八、疑难问题解答 8.1为什么RS485或RS422联网会不通? 造成联网不通的原因有: 1. 设备ID重复(修改ID及分组码grP值,详见2.3.4节),电脑软件数据库内登录的 每台设备的ID号不能重复;安装的联网设备的ID号也不能重复(设备键盘设置); 2. 通信线A、B接反,交换即可; 3. RS422通信时,上位机的TX、RX与设备的TX、RX要交换连接; 4. 信号参考的“地”线未接,经常时通、时不通,并且丢失数据;将“地”线连接好 即可; 5. 通信的速率两端不同,或校验方式两端不一样。 8.2为什么RS485或RS422联网不正常? 1. 偶尔发生数据丢失:必须将“地”线连接好. 2. 通信距离短:A.是因为未使用双绞线。RS485/RS422必须使用双绞线(UTP)通信。 当通信线穿过电磁干扰较强的区域时,还应使用带屏蔽的双绞线(超五类)。B.是 26 CHD805 series intelligent access control user manual CHD805系列智能门禁控制器说明书 RS232---RS485的转换器(模块)一般都是无电源的,其驱动能力不强,致使通信驱动距离及设备连接数量不多,应使用有源的RS232-RS485模块或接口卡,例如CHD485C(电脑插卡)、CHD485HUB(标准RS232转485、485转485的多路光电隔离集线器)。 3. RS485连接设备少,甚至多于5台就不正常:未使用双绞线、RS232—RS485模块通 信驱动能力不够、上位机与设备之间的“地”是断开的;解决方法:见(2),再将所有终端的“地”(信号参考地)连接在一起。如果还有问题:更换RS232—RS485模块。还解决不了问题,就是有某一台设备的通信电路部分已经损坏。 8.3怎样增加RS485/422的通信距离 增加RS485/RS422的通信距离必须使用信号增强设备,例如CHD485HUB、CHD422HUB等。 8.4刷卡显示ERR 00为什么? 读卡器的输出信号WDO\\WD1连接到控制器时接反了,将WD0与WD1互换即可。 或者WD0/WD1其中有一条信号线与“地”或其他信号线短路。 8.5卡片已经由软件通信授权,为什么刷卡还是ERR 08? 刷卡显示ERR 08是表示: 在控制器里查找不到这张卡的号码。 控制器只能存储卡的“卡号”,而卡号又有不同的获取方法,不同用户要求不一样、不同开发商的处理方法也不一样,因此“同一张卡”由不同的“获取方法”将得到“不同的卡号”。 通过电脑软件授权时卡号的获取,是有软件处理方法 + 发卡器----决定了,例如:卡号为04,B5,13,A2,09。 控制器在处理刷卡时又有自身的“获取方法”,如果其“获取方法”同电脑软件的处理“方法”一样,就应得到相同的卡号:04,B5,13,A2,09;如果不一样就得到不同的卡号,例如:00,00,13,A2,09。 因此:必须将电脑软件内卡号的“获取方法”,与设备内的卡号“获取方法”设置一致。 8.6怎样关闭 “门状态”报警? 经常是因为未安装 “门磁”又没有设置好控制器内有关对 “门磁”的设置项目: 详细见2.3.7章节的控制器第一控制字:C1(1字节数) 有两个数位管理着门磁:D7=0, 不管门是开是关, 都不检测,不会产生报警。 如果D7=1,就必须正确设定“D3”是0还是1 ?,参考4.8章节。先必须了解门磁的特性输出,才能设定正确D3的值,就不会误报警。 必须记住:电脑软件内要改,然后通过RS485/RS422命令下达,既改了设备内的设置,又改了电脑内的数据库,否则改了设备,未改电脑内的数据信息,下次又被电脑将正确的 27 CHD805 series intelligent access control user manual CHD805系列智能门禁控制器说明书 设置成不正确的。 门磁监控还有一个“布防时段”,如果被开启,将自动检测门磁(不管上述D7=0还是1); 根据设置的D3值,检测门在“布防时段”是否被非法打开,所以必须正确设定D3。 如果,未装门磁,就将控制器门磁信号线剪短后断开,并用绝缘胶包好,将D7、D3全设成0即可。 8.7怎样关闭 “红外”报警? 经常是因为未安装 “红外”又没有设置好控制器内有关对 “红外”的设置项目: 详细见2.3.7章节的控制器第一控制字:C1(1字节数) 有两个数位管理着红外:D6=0, 不管感应器怎样, 都不检测,不会产生报警。 如果D6=1,就必须正确设定“D2”是0还是1 ?,参考5.9章节。先必须了解红外感应器的特性输出,才能设定正确D2的值,就不会误报警。 必须记住:电脑软件内要改,然后通过RS485/RS422命令下达,既改了设备内的设置,又改了电脑内的数据库,否则改了设备,未改电脑内的数据信息,下次又被电脑将正确的设置成不正确的。 红外监控还有一个“布防时段”,如果被开启,将自动检测红外(不管上述D6=0还是1), 根据设置的D2值,检测红外在“布防时段”是否有非法入侵,所以必须正确设定D2。 如果,未装红外,就将控制器红外信号线剪短后断开,并用绝缘胶包好,将D6、D2全设成0即可。 8.8为什么手动开门按键没有反应? 原因有二: (1)按键接触不好;(2)控制器第1控制字(详细见2.3.7章节)的C1(1字节)的D4位被设置成1,关闭了手动按键“开门”功能。 如果,不是上述两条原因,就是控制器有问题,找指定维修点或寄回厂家维修。 8.9为什么刷卡显示 “HALT”? 控制器在“常闭门布防”时,不接受刷卡、不接受键盘输入用户号加密码开门等。 显示“HALT”表示不接受。 “常闭门”布防有两类:(1)由“常闭门时段”决定,在常闭门时段内,控制器将门常闭,不接受刷卡。由电脑软件设置“常闭门”时段,例如20:00—23:59、0:00—7:00;(2)临时闭门布防,也由电脑命令开始,从命令开始计时,到临时布防结束,最多4小时间隔。 所以,检查是否(1)常闭门时段被设置,且开启;(2)被误设置临时常闭门。 参考2.3.7章节有关C3控制字的说明。 28 CHD805 series intelligent access control user manual CHD805系列智能门禁控制器说明书 8.10为什么会误开门? 原因有:(1)手动开门按键有误接触,或其连接线较长,有破皮,导线有误接触; (2)“消防联动”输入“MDIN”信号参考地选择不好,“消防主机”在消防报警时输出的继电器信号有两个触点,其1触点应接门禁控制机的信号地(电源地),其第2触点接“MDIN”。 所以“消防联动”是由消防主机启动,必须正确的连接消防主机的输出的“触点”。 如果“消防联动”MDIN的信号参考地选择不对,会造成MDIN信号线上的电平对控制器来说是不准确的,时高时低;不是一个稳定的开路触点输入,MDIN的信号低至使输入光偶导通而被控制器接受。 注意:控制器在判别“手动开门”按键、“消防联动”输入时,都有对信号宽度(200毫秒)的甑别处理。小于200毫秒的干扰脉冲是不会被控制器响应的。 8.11为什么控制器频繁“滴”声? 因为供电的电源电压不够, 或电源不能提供足够的电流,造成控制器启动不了,频繁复位,不断响声,控制器显示型号。 8.12显示 “ERR 02”又不能消除,为什么? 脉冲阳极电锁, 加电后锁舌缩回锁体内, 撤除电后, 锁舌不会自身伸出。不能伸出就不能上锁,这时门实际上是开的,需要开门再关门的机械动作,靠机械动作的压力才能将锁内的弹簧压回使锁舌吐出而锁上,主要是针对电脉冲锁。ERR 02就是表示锁舌缩回不能自动锁门而报警。 在使用脉冲阳极电锁时,刷卡后已加电开锁,就必须将门打开再关上,否则门就处于始终“开”的状态,因为这时锁舌是缩回的。 要判断“门”是开、还是关?必须安装门磁,假如安装了“脉冲阳极电锁”未装门磁,控制器不能正确判断门“开”、“关”;就始终有“ERR 02”。必须正确设置控制器的第1控制字C1的D5位: (1) 安装了“脉冲阳极电锁”且装了门磁,可以设D5=1,还必须根据“门磁”特 性设置好D3位。 (2) 其他情况,D5=0。 . 附录1:上位机读取CHD805系列记录注意事项 CHD805系列提供丰富的上位机操作命令,其中读取CHD805系列内部存储的历史记录主要有两种方法: 29 CHD805 series intelligent access control user manual CHD805系列智能门禁控制器说明书 (1) 顺序读取; (2) 随机读取; 同时提供上位机检测CHD805系列历史记录存储区指针标识的命令。 上位机通过RS485与CHD805系列进行通信(最长可能达1200米)时,可能受到环境干扰,造成数据包错误,特别是在上位机读取记录时,如果没有防护措施,将造成记录丢失。 图示如下: 上位机又顺序读记录 CHD805系列发送一条记录,再准备下一条 CHD805系列已发出 上位机顺序读记录 CHD805系列发送一条记录,并准备下一条 上位机未正确接受到 干扰 上位机正确接受到记录 如果上位机在“未能正确接受到记录时”不加处理,上图所示,已丢失一条记录。CHD805系列已正确发出,但在传输线上受干扰,上位机未接受到。 因此,使用者应考虑,利用CHD805系列提供的丰富命令,解决传输丢失问题。 当发生“未能正确接受到记录”时,上位机不能再次顺序读取,必须改为随机读取。通过访问CHD805系列的“历史记录存储区指针标识”,该标识有以下内容: 历史记录存储区的起始位置(BOTTOM); 下一条新记录的存储位置(SAVE POINTER); 下一次顺序读取的历史记录位置(DOWNLOAD POINTER); 存储区的覆盖特性(MODIFY FLAG); 存储区的结束位置(TOP)。 将DOWNLOAD POINTER指针减1,就指向被丢失的那条历史记录。有了该指针,上位机用随机读取命令重复读取该指针指向的记录,就把丢失的记录找回了,随机读取不影响顺序读取记录指针位置。再恢复顺序读取,就能将CHD805系列内的记录一条一条的读出。 30 CHD805 series intelligent access control user manual CHD805系列智能门禁控制器说明书 1. Introduction: CHD805 Series Intelligent Access Controller is made up of red digital display, control board, keyboard, and so on. Combine of contact-less inductive smart card unique security with external smart card reader, electric locks, door switch, infrared sensing devices and network communications equipment together organically to form intelligent access control system and connected with the network security, monitoring function. Widely used in intelligent access control, electronic surveillance, unmanned stations, security, time and attendance, data collection, such as patrol and applications. Number 1 2 Model CHD805AE CHD805BE Name Intelligent Access Controller Intelligent Access Controller with EM Card Reader 2. Performance parameters: Size: 150mm(Length)X100mm(Width)X28mm(Height) ±5% Net weight:: 0.33Kg(include the iron hanger plate) ±5% Color: Milky white, Black Rated working voltage: 12VDC Input voltage range: 10.8VDC-13.2VDC Working current: CHD805AE: static and non reading card<70mA, Dynamic and reading card drive relay & buzzer<120mA CHD805BE: static and non reading card<100mA, Dynamic and reading card drive relay & buzzer<120mA Minimum supply current: 300mA/when has 12V DC input Support card type: CHD805BE support all kinds of EM card (125 kHz) RF working frequency: CHD805BE 125KHZ±5% Reading card distance: CHD805BE 80-120 MM Working environment : 0~50℃、20~90% (no condensation, no ice over) Storage environment : -20~60℃、20~90% (no condensation, no ice over) Anti-jamming index:ESD:contact discharge±6kV,air discharge:±8kV EFT/B: Power supplier port voltage peak value: ±2KV I/O signal, data port voltage peak value: ±1kV Pulse repeat rate: 5KHZ SURGE: Power supply and communication port cable-cable & cable-earth: ±2kV 31 CHD805 series intelligent access control user manual CHD805系列智能门禁控制器说明书 Working condition: Directed the working state of sound and light, LED digital display indicate working state Administer standard: Access controller match our company standard. Standard number: Q/NBL002-2006 Intelligent card reader matches our company standard. Standard number: Q/NBL003-2006 Special parameters Means of communication: Standard RS485 mode National telecommunications administration of norms: YDN023—1996; Support RS422 communication mode Drive capability: relay transmission max: DC12V/2A/25sec 24V/2A/25sec AC75V/3A/25sec Real-Time Clock: Deviation<±30 Seconds / month Keyboard: 17 key conductive rubber keys: Press: 100g-1000g; Max=10kg, can use more than one hundred thousand times. External card reader: CHD805AE support two external Wiegand card reader CHD805BE support one external Wiegand card reader 3. Product function: 3.1. Introduction of function Registered up to 1744 different users: Users of non-contact number (5 bytes) User ID (4 bytes) Users is valid in period from1 January, 2000 to December 31, 2099 User’s classification (general users, VIP) Time-zone setting for user access control weekday allows pass the door setting) VIP user no these limited Support a variety of ways to open the door Card to open the door Local user ID number (keyboard) + user's password (keyboard) Local card + user password (keyboard) Remote (RS485 command) open the door Manual button to open the door (indoor or free up the release) Normal users access the door time zone control (working day, holiday, Support RS485 network: Controller parameter settings or modify 32 CHD805 series intelligent access control user manual CHD805系列智能门禁控制器说明书 User Management: authorization (add user), or cancel authorization (Delete user) Data Collection: Read history Real-time Monitoring: state of the door switch, infrared monitoring and controller of working conditions. Remote door open. Communication norms in line with the state Telecommunications Administration standards YDN023-1996 Time control: (1) Working days / holidays access time zone management Working days: Can set up to four quasi-table, Corresponding to different users for each table has four different prospective into the slots; Rest days, holidays: Rest day of a week:Every week can set: no, or any day, or any two day as rest day; National Holiday: Can be set 40 groups (days): XX (month) XX (date) E.g:1ST of Jan, 1st of May,25th of Dec. Can be set an allow–in time zone form, can set 4 kinds of different allow-in time zone; (2) By week (Monday to Sunday) access time-zone management: Can set 16 kinds of allow-in form, for different user, each form has 6 allow-in periods. (3) Arrange guard: Normal-close door, Normal-open door, intrusion detection, door-switch monitoring, password double-confirm; Environment monitoring, event management: Door switch status monitoring (install door switch set) Monitoring sensors such as infrared sensor, or smoke detectors Legal or illegal reading card records The parameter of the internal controller had revised Allow-in user setting information change Provide linkage operation function Normally open lock Normally closed lock Pulse lock Open lock relay drive time: 0.1 ~ 25.5 seconds (revisable) Open door waiting time: 2 ~ 25.5 seconds (revisable) 33 Supports many kinds of electric locks: CHD805 series intelligent access control user manual CHD805系列智能门禁控制器说明书 The delay time of infrared alarm: 2 ~ 25.5 seconds(revisable) Detailed record: Events are used in real-time record, up to date records of 6144 to retain: (2) Door-open records Reading card to open the door Button to open the door manually release records RS485 remote command to open records (3) Monitoring and Recording Controller parameters are modified records Open-infrared monitoring, and closure of the initial record Authorized users do not enter the credit card, or fail to enter the closed Card is invalid (non-authorized credit card into the card to try) Invalid authorization (the user has passed the validity period, or don’t have authorization with allow-in time-zone) try enter into Power off record Infrared alarm (unlawful entry) Open the door by in non-normal case (unlawful entry) (4) Alarm records Alarm Output: CHD805 series access control provides OC door alarm output; allow to setting the status of the OC output when alarm; Digital control and buzzer prompts: (2) Prompt the current time in normal status (3) Reading card correct prompt \"PASS\" with clear buzzer sounds (4) Reading card incorrect prompt \"Err08\" with hoarse voice. (Different error will be prompt different error code) 3.2 Operating instructions CHD805 series has a wealth of keyboard operation: system set-up time, operating parameters of controller settings, the keyboard and the abolition of authorized issuers, the password to open the door and the \"infrared anti-invasion\" of the deployment, such as. 3.2.1 Tips Prompt operation Prompt Pin_ Chg. Pin AgAin Can. SET YY Meaning Password prompt Password change 2nd input when revise password Allowed to set up Years of low default = 20 century 34 Valid values range 6 password number, 4 PIN number 6 password number, 4 PIN number 1-99 means from year 2001 to 2099 CHD805 series intelligent access control user manual CHD805系列智能门禁控制器说明书 Non Dd DE HH NIN SS C1 C2 C3 TyPE Id _ GrP BAUd S.O.E Rly OpT IrS. IrT. AL.d. Err xx ADD CD DEL CD DEL ID DEL ALL ID _ -CARD- month Date week hour minute second Control word, paragraph 1 byte Control word, paragraph 2 byte Control word, paragraph 3 byte Number of methods to obtain Network address of the controller /User ID No. Packet network door controller No. The rate of network communication Network communication means single-byte checksum Unlock the drive time relay To open the door waiting to enter the delay Infrared detectors to confirm the alarm time Infrared monitoring of the delay time to open Effective warning time-driven Wrong number Increase from the keyboard and user authorization card Authorization cards from the keyboard and delete users To delete a user from the keyboard and card Delete all users authorized to store Increase in users Asked to enter a user is valid Prompted to card From Jan to Dec. From 1st to 31st ,or 1st to 30th ,or 1st to 28th ,or 1st to 29th . Automatic calculation 0—23 0—59 0—59 0—255 0—255 0—255 Valid:00,10,20,30,40,50 When the equipment ID No. 1-254 / user number: four-digit 0—15 0-3, respectively: 4800/9600/19200/2400 (BPS) 0—4 Effective 1-255, unit 0.1 seconds (For 0.1 seconds -25 seconds) 20-255 units of 0.1 seconds (for 2.0 seconds -25 seconds) 20-255 units of 0.1 seconds (for 2.0 seconds -25 seconds) 20-255 units of 0.1 seconds (for 2.0 seconds -25 seconds) 0-255 (0-25.5 said sec) See the following \"error classification code\" YY / MM / DD (99/12/31, said the biggest December 31, 2099 35 CHD805 series intelligent access control user manual CHD805系列智能门禁控制器说明书 Ir SET HALT Infrared monitoring sensors have been open Password input error, Suspension of keyboard input Error prompt ERR 00: Check the wrong number. When the controller receives from the card number from the data reader does not meet the required data format, the controller shows ERR 00. The error caused by the reasons for the general as a result of the data during transmission or interference WD0, WD1 data access anti. ERR 01: After entering the credit card, do not close the door. (Open the door switch controller status monitoring feature). ERR 02: Card is correct, the controller has opened the door control relay, but the provisions of the \"entry time\" with no mechanical action to open the door (on the pulse of electromagnetic lock) ERR 03: Infrared alarm (open controller infrared monitoring feature). ERR 08: Unregistered card ERR 09: Card users, \"the validity period is over\ regional prospective. ERR 10: Controller into the slot by the prospective surveillance, the registered users in the non-quasi-credit card into the slot trying to enter the controlled area. ERR 11: \"Card plus password door management style,\" when: the right credit card, the user enter all the wrong password three times, without permission to enter, when prompted to \"HALT\ 3.2.2 Keyboard introduced The number keys:0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 for entering the numbers. Function keys: F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, ESC, ENT for functional operations F1: Features into the set, the password change F2: Function parameters into the controller settings F3: Into the user management settings F4: Deployment of the keyboard for Sensors on the invasion (for example, infrared sensors) F5: Enter the user ID number and personal password to open the door; ESC: Department set up retirement ENT: Confirm import or set up; 3.2.3 System setting Enter into the system setting function, it must first be subjected to \"Keyboard Settings\" to confirm the password: press (F1) key, LED display \"PIN ---\by the number of keyboard input 6 digits of password. If you input correct, LED display \"CAN SET\"; if not correct, LED shows \"PIN ERRhree times, three times all wrong, LED prompted \"HALT\" and wait for some time to re-accept keyboard input. After password confirmation, the controller can receive the keyboard settings. If the interval of more than about 8 seconds without key operation, the controller automatically turn off the licensing authority settings. Set once again, we must re-confirm the password. 36 CHD805 series intelligent access control user manual CHD805系列智能门禁控制器说明书 Controller set a password to amend Press F1 button to set password modification: Enter a new password after LED prompted \"CHG PINhe request suggesting that the number 6 \"----\enter the password, by the (ENT) confirmed, LED prompted to enter the second time to confirm \"AGAINhe prompt \"--- - \again, the two line input to be valid, CHD805 series with a new password as the password keyboard. ATTENTION \"Keyboard password\" is a door controller as part of the system password system password (5 bytes) = the software to increase the password (2 bytes) + Keyboard Set Password (3 bytes) So, from the keyboard to change the \"keyboard password\\"system password.\" Press (F2) to display or modify the control parameters, LED prompt by followed: Date Time Set After password confirmation, the controller can receive the keyboard settings, press (F2) to display or modify the control parameters, LED prompt by following: YY Numerical: (Low number of years, for example, in 2000, high of 20 to a fixed, low level can be set 00-99) in accordance with (ENT) to amend, LED prompt \"-o confirm. For example: enter \"said three-year low of 3, that is, 2003. NON Numerical: Current time display controller of the \"month\\"NON 11\" that in November, according to (ENT) to amend, LED prompt \"-\confirm. For example: Enter \"3hat is, in March. DD Numerical: Current time display controller of the \"datehat on the 18th, according to (ENT) to amend, LED prompt \"-\enter a new value, again in accordance with (ENT) to confirm. For example: Enter \"16\ DE Numerical: Controller that the current date \"a week\Friday said. Controller automatically calculates the \"week\" value. Shown for reference to confirm. HH Numerical: Current time display controller of the \"time\said the 18 o'clock, in accordance with (ENT) to amend, LED prompt \"-\confirm. For example: Enter \"16\16 o'clock. NIN Numerical: Current time display controller of the \"points\18\" said the 18 points, according to (ENT) to amend, LED prompt 37 CHD805 series intelligent access control user manual CHD805系列智能门禁控制器说明书 \"-\For example: Enter \"16\ SS Numerical: Current time display controller of the \"seconds\18\" said 18 seconds, press (ENT) to amend, LED prompt \"-\a new value, again in accordance with (ENT) to confirm. For example: Enter \"16\" (ENT), said, \"seconds\" for 16, that is, 16 seconds. Acquire and control inductive card number CHD805 series controllers can support 26bit, 34bit, 36bit, 44bit number of WIEGAND format and can automatically identify, fixed 16 hexadecimal characters get three cards. Networking Communications ID Numerical: Display controller communications address code, the scope of 1-254 by (ENT) to amend, and then enter a new value in accordance with (ENT) to confirm GRP Numerical: Display controller address code group (GROUP), bamboo mold Wai 0-15. When the same system than the number of RS485 networking equipment 254 when the equipment will be divided into 0-15 groups (a total of 16 group). By (ENT) to amend, and then enter a new value in accordance with (ENT) confirmed that; BAUD Numerical: Controller and the rate of systems, = 0 express as 4800BPS; = 1 express as 9600BPS; = 2 express as 19200BPS; = 3 express as 38400BPS. S.O.E. Numerical: RS485 network communication means fixed checksum: 1 start bit, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity bit. Gating parameters RLY Numerical: Said gating relay to open the door to the implementation of the action of time, unit: 0.1 seconds; OPT Numerical: That the open (OPEN DELAY) delay (unit: 0.1 seconds), for example, \"OPT 20\" that \"delay to open the door\" = 20 X 0.1 = 2 seconds. By (ENT) to amend, enter a new value (20-255) and then press (ENT) confirmed that; \"Delay to open the door\" Description: \"opening the door to delay\" means the credit card, the \"time\" to monitor whether the door open, delay the end of the back door is closed, dual-use. Infrared surveillance IRS. Numerical: From the infrared alarm appeared to be the controller to confirm it is the alarm delay time; infrared alarm occurred, the police are not necessarily in the time delay is not a legitimate credit card report to the police, and the legitimate credit card, the controller also Infrared monitoring of self-closing; if the time delay, without lawful card, that is \"to monitor illegal entry into the region\" and the police. Unit: 0.1 seconds; IRT.Numerical: Into quasi-authorized through the keyboard open CHD805 series 38 CHD805 series intelligent access control user manual CHD805系列智能门禁控制器说明书 of infrared sensors to monitor, controller delay to wait for a certain period of time authorized personnel to monitor the area to leave and not have due to their own \"illegal entry into the region to monitor\" and report to the police. Units: 0.1 seconds AL.D Numerical: OC alarm gate drive output of the effective time. OC alarm door alarm output in the \"conduction\" or \"disconnect\" C2second control word (see chapter 2.3.7) in the D3-bit (BIT) settings of the table. AL.D the effective range of 0-255; 0.1-25.5 seconds corresponds to the effective time. AL.D = 0 Alarm output stops. Controlling word C1 Numerical Controller control the work of the first byte (initial value = 0). It must be calculated as follows: a number of bytes (D7-D0) (D7 high), the following definition: BIT-bit control Instruction =0 Do not monitor the status of the door switch Monitor door switch state (through magnetic door), abnormal alarm; (1) Non-normal to open the door; D7 =1 (2) Can not automatically close the lock, after the credit card without opening the door - then closed the mechanical action (3) After the delay to open the door, not closed =0 Do not monitor the infrared Infrared surveillance, \"to monitor illegal entry into the region,\" the alarm, have a record. Legitimate credit card to enter, or enter User ID KEYPAD / password and open the door to enter, D6 remote release RS485 command (enter), the controller will =1 automatically turn off the infrared monitor. Orders can be opened by remote RS485 or directly open the KEYPAD. (KEYPAD not closed, only open; only legitimate credit card in order to shut down) Electromagnetic power-off after the lock in (or after power) can =0 be automatically locked; D5 Must rely on \"open the door - then closed\" mechanical =1 action of the stretch to lock Allow \"manually open the door\" signal ground and power line D4 =0 shorted, the realization of open the door; = 1 prohibited. Magnetic door output level settings as follows: Magnetic door to open the door when the two signal lines is D3 =0 short-circuit (pass); shut the door, the two signal lines open (barrier) 39 CHD805 series intelligent access control user manual CHD805系列智能门禁控制器说明书 =1 Magnetic door output level settings as follows: Magnetic door to open the door when the two signal line is open (open); shut the door, the two signal lines together on the short-circuit (pass) Set of infrared sensors output level: Alarm when the two signal lines is short-circuit (pass); Normal (not alarm) the two signal lines open (barrier) Set of infrared sensors output level: Alarm signal when the line is open two (barrier); Normal (not alarm) the two signal lines short-circuit (pass) The legitimate credit card, you can open the door, there is no need to confirm your password; Legitimate card, a PIN must be re-confirmed to open the door; Not allowed to separate from the keyboard by a 1 byte CTL (D7 high BIT-bit binary number, D0 to low) BIT-bit BIT value Weighted metric D7 1/0 128/0 D6 1/0 64/0 D5 1/0 32/0 D4 1/0 16/0 D3 1/0 8/0 D2 1/0 4/0 D1 1/0 2/0 D0 1/0 1/0 D7-D0 comprising the above-mentioned value (decimal), input to the controller For example: Open magnetic door monitoring: D7=1 (=128) Do not monitor the infrared D6=0 Lock can not be automatically locked D5=1(=32) Allowed to manually open the door D4=0 Magnetic door open when the door opened D3=1(=8) The second password to confirm D=1(=2) Does not allow keyboard The sum of 128 +32 +8 +2 = 170 (from the keyboard 170 (ENT) to confirm) C2 Numerical: Controller control the work of the second byte (initial value = 0). It must be calculated as follows: a number of bytes (D7-D0) (D7 high), the following definition: BIT-Bit control D7 D6 D5 D4 40 Instruction =0/1 Reservations (standby) CHD805 series intelligent access control user manual CHD805系列智能门禁控制器说明书 D3 D2 =0/1 =1 ALARM output when the alarm is \"on-\" = 0; \"Open\" = 1 When the credit card take the initiative to receive the data signals sent Wigan RS485 computer connection; = 0 to prohibit \"Emergency incident\" MDIN and GND input closed, the closed-door, do not respond to any card \"Emergency incident\" and the GND input closed MDIN often open the door Enter the ID number + the personal password to open the door prohibited Allowed individuals to enter the ID number + password to open the door =1 D1 =0 =0 D0 =1 C3 Numerical: Controller control the work of the third byte (initial value = 0). It must be calculated as follows: a number of bytes (D7-D0) (D7 high), the following definition: BIT-Bit D7 control =0/1 =0 D6 =1 =0/1 =0/1 =0/1 =0/1 =1 =0 =1 D0 =0 Keyboard add / delete cards After password confirmation (see above), press (F3), access to encryption / delete card tips LED operation is as follows: ADD CD Add cards 41 Instruction = 1 the use of regular closed-door sessions, often behind closed doors in the set period, normally closed door = 1 the use of regular open hours, often in the set period of time to open the door, Often open the door (holidays, rest days, except) = 0 to check the \"quasi-Jin officer\" into the quasi-period; = 1 does not check = 0 to check the \"quasi-Jin officer\" authorized to be valid; = 1 does not check = 1 to open coercion alarm function; = 0 closed = 1 \"must enter the correct credit card PIN,\" the time to open Split the first credit card \"credit card must enter the correct PIN\" Split the right credit card can be the first credit card The first main card \"credit card must enter the correct PIN\" The main credit card can be the first credit card correctly D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 CHD805 series intelligent access control user manual CHD805系列智能门禁控制器说明书 By corresponding film \"officer\" of the \"user ID number\" (for details see \"Appendix 2\"), \"user ID number,\" said the 4-digit, such as the type \"0145\" LED prompted \"UD ----\" that asks for the user's \"entry / exit\" rights is valid (end date), from the issuer at the time started when the end. For example: in 2004 / May / 23, the end use, then enter \"040523\" LED prompted enter valid after the \"CARD\automatically log on the card as a \"permission to enter the\" card. If the card has been given the number of controllers, LED prompted \"HAS IT\card issued with several different users. New card to replace and reading card again. Controller automatically to new users a default password (PIN) as follows: 1,2,3,4, users can modify their own PIN (see the latter). Controller card automatically under the user ID number corresponding increase of 1, if the new user ID in the controller does not exist, a direct prompt \"-CARD-\ corresponds to the user ID number: 0145 +1 = 0146, then continues, repeat the process. By ATTENTION: In the controller through the keyboard operation is not the user's personal identification card issuer, or modify to 0; only by the card issuer computer software to 0. DEL CD By By confirmed that it will be the controller of all \"out\" list of clearance personnel as \"empty.\" If (ENT) type, will not implement the \"removal action.\" Infrared keyboard open Press (F4), LED prompted \"Ir ON?\surveillance. Controller in the legitimate after clocking region to enter the controlled, automatic shut down regional infrared surveillance. Therefore all staff after the departure of the keyboard should be open again. From the (ENT) to confirm the beginning of the controller for some time delay (for details see chapter 2.3.6), wait staff really only started to leave the monitoring of regional surveillance. Infrared monitoring can only open the 42 CHD805 series intelligent access control user manual CHD805系列智能门禁控制器说明书 keyboard can not be closed, only the legitimate credit card in order to shut down. Keyboard to open the door with a PIN code modification Press (F5), LED prompted \"ID -\within the user controller, LED prompt \"NO USER\". Enter the correct \"user ID number\" (number 4) by (ENT) end, and then asked to enter \"PIN -\"; for example: 1,2,3,4, (ENT). If the PIN is correct, the controller to open the door; or LED display \"PIN ERR\". LED display \"PASS\(ENT) confirmed, LED prompt \"PIN -\( ENT) to confirm), and then LED prompted \"AGAIN\" repeat request, the second type a new password twice to the same controller with a new password as a user's password, the old password was canceled. Second encryption (the right credit card, plus enter a user password to open the door) After the correct card, LED prompt \"PIN -\order to open the door, the controller about 5 seconds, waiting for the user to enter a PIN number four, by the (ENT) to confirm. If the input error, LED prompt \"PIN ERR\again, three times all wrong, the controller no longer accepts input. Forgotten your personal password, you must by the management system software to read out the user information, the user password is the user the contents of a message. Or the user to delete from the controller, and then re-enter, at the time of accession, the controller will have to 1,2,3,4 \"default password, the user can modify their own PIN all the circumstances to 0 as a special treat, only PC software to download, hold the entire 0 users password in the \"card + password way\" need not enter a password. Reserved for the use of special personal password Reset controller password When the controller's password (from the user's personal password) to forget, it's not possible to enter the system settings. Database system software damage, loss of equipment, passwords, then the software will not be able to establish communication links and equipment. Reset as follows: (1) the closure of the power controller (2) open the controller, the internal risk of the password reset jump \"RST\" shorted (see section 1.1 of the main control board graphics) (3) together with the power, wait until after the controller display (4) and then power off and then unplug \"RST\" to take a short hop then re-installed controller (5) to power, the controller of the system password (5 bytes) of all into a 0 It is: Software to increase the password (2 bytes) for the 0,0 43 CHD805 series intelligent access control user manual CHD805系列智能门禁控制器说明书 Keyboard Password (3 bytes) has been reset for the whole 0 External connections of CHD805 series 3.8.1 Power supply of CHD805 series CHD805 series access controllers, an external DC power input directly. Doors used in switching power supply controller, which has over-voltage, overheating, over-current protection. When the supply voltage is higher than D28V,RC should be considered a linear step-down can be a very good job. (side should be hided close to the Door control) Resistance value=(supply voltage-12V)/0.1(estimated value,unit:ohm) 3.8.2 A whole set of CHD805 electric drive lock Relays (1) The first relay (electric lock of driven-door) Lead Definition: 7 N.O1;6 COM1;5:N.C1; 4:GND 44 CHD805 series intelligent access control user manual CHD805系列智能门禁控制器说明书 (2) The second relay (back up: alarm or joint output, generally it is not provided within CHD805 series) Lead Definition: 10:N.O2; 9:COM2;8:N.C2;4:GND 3.8.3 Use the same type of electric drive electric lock Attention: First of all, you should make sure that when using the CHD805 series control the electric lock, it directly uses of the same power supply controller driver or use the different one separately. If the lock’s rating drive voltage is different with the controller, in this case you must use the separate way. When choosing the power supply of electric lock, you should take the actual capability of power supply, and the rating drive voltage of electric lock. (1) Use the same power supply drive normal closed lock (after power turn-off, the lock is locked) (2) Use the same power supply drive normally open lock (after power turn-off, the lock is opened, and free) 45 CHD805 series intelligent access control user manual CHD805系列智能门禁控制器说明书 Warning: If connect the normal closed lock by the same method of the normal opened lock,may lead to a long coil of electric locking power and the burning of electric locking. 3.8.4 Use the separate power supply drive the electric lock (1) Use the separate power supply drive normal closed lock (after power turn-off, the lock is locked) Warning! If connect the normal closed lock by the same method of the normal opened lock,May lead to a long coil of electric locking power and the burning of electric locking. (2)Use the separate power supply drive normally open lock (after power turn-off, the lock is opened, and free). 46 CHD805 series intelligent access control user manual CHD805系列智能门禁控制器说明书 3.8.5 Electromagnetic lock protection (1) In order to prevent the lock power is too high(if the lock power is too low and cannot be locked, or powerless),long term power up and heat of the lock body, the current-limiting resistance should be connected in series in the terminal side of power supply,plus the start capacitor: It is required that to use low bunched capacitor which can release peak value current needed when the lock is starting up. For example, the lock is starting up under +12V, so it should be able to maintain locked well when the power drops to +8 V after bunched a capacitor. (2) Properly setting the Power on Hours of the electronic lock (especially the impulse ones), e.g. as to impulse electronic lock, the Power On Hours should be kept in 0.1~0.5 second to avoid heating of the inside threads package. 3.8.6 CHD805 series connecting sensing head (1) Sensing head and CHD805 series using the same power (+12V) ①shielding layer can only link to the ground in one port(sensing head port/CHD805series port),the other should be hang in the air or arranged a decoupling; ②as depicted in the graph above: The 0.47—100UF/100V decoupling capacitor is added when the sensing head is 50 meters away from CHD805 series (2) Sensing head and CHD805 series using different power 47 CHD805 series intelligent access control user manual CHD805系列智能门禁控制器说明书 3.8.7 Connecting the manual open button The function that opening the door manually with button of CHD805 series is controlled by the D4-bit of the first control word in CHD805 series controller: D4=0,the function is allowed, CHD805 series access controller has the function of the manual door-open, it controlled by the 1st control word of CHD805 of D4 digit (bit). D4=0, this function allow use; D4=1,the function is prohibited. Please refer to relevant form for the D4-bit definition of control word C1. 3.9.8 connecting the door Magnetic latch (door switch sensors) 7 threads joint in up row(the first inductive head) The door switch monitoring function of CHD805series is controlled by the D7-bit of the control word of the CHD805 controller. 48 CHD805 series intelligent access control user manual CHD805系列智能门禁控制器说明书 D7=1,monitoring the door switch; D7=0,this function was forbidden. The door Magnetic latch (door switch sensors) generally has two output types when the door is open. First type: open circuit Second type: close So the D3-bit of the first control word in CHD805 series needs to be set. When you choose the first door Magnetic latch above, the D3-bit should be 1, the other 0. Please refer to section 2.3.7 for the description of C1 control word 3.9.9 Connect the infrared (or other) sensors 7 threads joint in up row (the first inductive head) 7 1 CHD805 series of infrared alarm monitoring capabilities, is limited by No. 1 series CHD805 control D6-bit word (BIT) limit D6=1,Infrared Alarm Monitoring。 D6=0,This feature is prohibited。 There are two general types of infrared sensors in the alarm status output: First type: open circuit The second type: close circuit So when you choose the first type above, you should set the D2-bit 1, the other 0. Please refer to section 2.3.7 for the description of C1 control word 3.9.10 Alarm output CHD805 series provide OC door output when alarming: 49 CHD805 series intelligent access control user manual CHD805系列智能门禁控制器说明书 Note: When using the instantaneous reverberant unit or DC bell as a \"alarm implementation equipment\of the \"machinery\。 3.9.11 Connect Fire Linkage (emergency) In the below row 10 threads joint of CHD805 series, the emergency incident input is valid under \"MDIN and GND are closed\" and time of closing up is not less than 0.1 seconds for the effective input. 。 The emergency incident function of CHD805 series is controlled by the D1-bit of the second control word.(please refer to section 2.3.7 for the description of C2 control word). 3.9.12 RS485 local network Notice !!! 485 communication line should be two or more pairs of Shielded Twisted Pair; Take one pair of the multiple core Twisted Pair as signal line and use the remainders to link work reference grounds of two ends of equipment 485; The shielding layer of communication line should be linked to the ground. The key of RS485 networking is: (1)the joint of A and B signal line should be welded well; (2)having to use CTA5; (3)all the RS485 connected equipments within the network must be linked to the ground. The ground is just the reference ground of RS485 signal and also a basic lightning proof measure. 50 CHD805 series intelligent access control user manual CHD805系列智能门禁控制器说明书 If shielding CTA5 is used, one end of its shielding layer links to the Shielding Grounding. The other end should be added a high frequency decoupling capacitor before linked to the Shielding Grounding when the distance is long. RS485 signal A and B use differential transmission mode, difference-mode is lower than 7V;common-mode is lower than 12V,if the equipments within the network are not connected well with the Shielding Grounding, the following situations will occur often: (1) due to the difference of Shielding Grounding, common-mode which is affected by the environment now and then exceed 12V, causing communication interrupt; (2)The impact of distributed capacitance, through the RS485 signal A, B discharge, easily burned RS485 driver chip. (3)since it is not linked to the earth, lightning easily destroyed equipment and even all the equipments connected with the entire system. CHD805 Series 20 ohm termination resistors CHD805 Series CHD805 Series G.GND A B 3.9.13 RS422 local network Notice !!! 422 communication line should be use three or more pairs of Shielded Twisted Pair; Take one pair of the multiple core Twisted Pair as signal line and use the remainders to link work reference grounds of two ends of equipment 422; The shielding layer of communication line should be linked to the ground. 51 CHD805 series intelligent access control user manual CHD805系列智能门禁控制器说明书 Attention: RX of equipment side sent to LAN's TX, but TX sent to LAN's RX when RS422 correspond, acceptance exchange with transmission. Explain: (1) ―Terra‖ is the Earth, communication signals RX-/RX+, the reference place of TX-/TX+. (2) (Do not exchange RX (+/-) and TX (+/-) of Equipment side (for example CHD805 series), but exchange with the host computer. 4. Connection definition: Joint of 7 pin lines on row of right back---First induction head Pin 1 Red Pin 2 Black Pin 3 Green +12V GND WD0 WD1 Power source for induction head + Power source for induction head - Wiegand for induction head #1 D0 Wiegand for induction head #1 D1 52 Pin 4 White CHD805 series intelligent access control user manual CHD805系列智能门禁控制器说明书 Pin 5 Purple Pin 6 Orange Pin 7 Yellow DOOR.SW IR/ID HANDLE DOOR_SWITCH input Infrared sensor input Manual allowance and key-press input Joint of 7 pin lines on row of left back---The second induction head Pin 1 Red +12V GND WD0#2 WD1#2 DOOR.SW IR/ID HANDLE Joint of 7 pin lines on left lower Pin 1 Pin 2 Pin 3 Pin 4 Pin 5 Pin 6 Pin 7 Pin 8 Pin 9 Pin 10 Orange MDIN Emergency import for fire prevention Emergency import for fire prevention and Blue ALARM Alarm input alarming Red Black Grey +12V GND +12V(―+‖ of power source) Power source input GND(―-‖ of power source) N.C Normally on close out-port of 1st relay Public out-port of 1st relay 1st relay Linkage function for using or standby Power source for induction head + Power source for induction head - Wiegand for induction head #2 D0 Wiegand for induction head #2 D1 Pin 2 Black Pin 3 Green Pin 4 White Pin 5 Purple Pin 6 Orange Pin 7 Yellow Orange COM White Blue N.O Normally on open out-port of 1st relay N.C Normally on close out-port of 2nd relay 2nd relay for standby, Orange COM Public out-port of 2nd relay no relay for standard White N.O Normally on open out-port of 2nd relay Joint of 5 pin lines under row of right back---RS485/RS422 RS485 Green Brown Shielding grounding(earth’s land) A+ RS422 Shielding grounding(earth’s land) TX+ Standby, Standard: RS485 communication First Second 53 CHD805 series intelligent access control user manual CHD805系列智能门禁控制器说明书 Third Fourth Fifth Grey Blue Yellow B- TX- RX+ RX- 5. Appearance and dimension: Machine size: tolerance ±5% 28mm 6. Installation illustration Note: a、Controller's installment needs the full consideration to be advantageous for the later maintenance and the service; b、Controller should be installed to avoid possible long period of time in high temperature or high humidity place; c、Controller was to avoid direct sunlight; d、Controller to avoid the rain soaked; e、Be sure to check before installing the controller inside the jumper 54 CHD805 series intelligent access control user manual CHD805系列智能门禁控制器说明书 settings are correct. 6.1 Pre-installed 6.1.1 Understanding of the installation environment CHD805 series controller is installed before the installation of study and understanding of the use of the environment,despite the controller has a long design life,but if the controller is in the following long-term environment,still will affect the life of the controller: Sunlight has long been A long time in hot and humid environment Salt spray environment for a long time A long time there is acid gas or other corrosive gas environment Therefore, the installation should be to avoid the above-mentioned environment, such as the unavoidable, protective measures should be taken. 6.1.2 Understand the components of the controller Must understand before installing CHD805 family structure, it is from the next by the decorative cover, the main, the installation consists of six linked panels: as follows: Metal peg board Main body Surface lid CHD805 series of structural components 6.2 Controller installed CHD805 series access controller despite very long design life, but any electronic devices can not be unlimited life, at any time there is the possibility of failure, the controller itself in the installation and maintenance aspects of the convenience of full consideration, in the controller should also be installed give full consideration to future maintenance and ease of maintenance Installation steps: 55 CHD805 series intelligent access control user manual CHD805系列智能门禁控制器说明书 6*378mmm55m CHD805 series installation diagram 1、 With a small screwdriver gently pry the word under control of decorative panel; Positive control screw near bottom of the next two screws,remove controller linked to the back of the metal plate; Will be installation of metal peg board to install to the selected sites,pay attention to the wall should be open enough to place the size of the hole and lead plug controller; Then confirm CHD805 cable series of all,pay attention to power supply(+) terminal should access the online CHD805 series of signals to plug the back CHD805 series socket,plug hard feelings; installed on the controller,covered with surface decoration board。 7. Packing list Item 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Content Controller M3X28mm Flat head self-tapping screws M6X30 rubber stopper 10P Wire 7P Wire 3P/5P Wire User manual 5g moisture beads Warranty certificate Quantity 1 3 3 1 2 1 1 1 2 Remark One of 3PIN RS485 or one of 5PIN RS422 The one in English and Chinese 56 CHD805 series intelligent access control user manual CHD805系列智能门禁控制器说明书 8、Troubleshooting 8.1 Why would RS485 or RS422 aren’t network successfully? Caused network access blocked due to: 1. Device ID repeat(modified ID and grP value of block codes, see section 2.3.4),computer software, database login ID number for each device can not be repeated; the installation of networking equipment can not duplicate ID No.(equipment keyboard settings); 2. Communication lines A,B anti-access and can exchange; 3. RS422 communications, the host computer of TX,RX and equipment of TX,RX to connect to the exchange of ; 4. Signal reference ―earth‖ line did not then, often when the pass, when the barrier and the loss of data; will ―earth‖ line can be connected 5. The rate at both ends of the different communications, or check at both ends of different ways。 8.2 RS485 or RS422 why do not network normally? 1. Occasional data loss: need connect the ―earth‖. 2. Short distance communication: A. because unused twisted pair.RS485/RS422 must use twisted pair (UTP) communication. When communication line through a strong electromagnetic interface areas, should also be used with unshielded twisted-pair of (super-five).B. RS232---RS485 converter (module)are generally no power, and its drive capability is not strong, resulting in communication-driven distance and small number of devices should be used in active RS232—RS485 module or interface card .For example,CHD485C(PC card),CHD485HUB (standard RS232 to 485,485 to 485 photoelectric isolation of multi-hub)。 3. RS485 connection device less than 5 or even not normal: not using twisted pair, RS232-RS485 communication module enough drive capability, and equipment between the PC’s: earth‖ is broken; solution : see(2),then all terminals: earth‖(reference to the signal) link. If there are problems: the replacement of RS232-RS485 module. Also can not solve the problem, there is a piece of equipment has been part of the communication circuit damage。 8.3 How to increase the communication distance RS485/422 Increase communication distance of RS485/RS422 that must be used to enhance equipment such as CHD485HUB,CHD422HUB and so on. 8.4 Why show ERR 00 when reading card? The output signal of the reader WD0/WD1 connected to the controller with anti-access ,it is OK if exchange WD0 and WD1 mutually。 One of WD0/WD1 signal lines is short circuit with ―earth‖ or other signal lines. 8.5 Card has been communication mandated by software,why also show ERR 08 when reading card? 57 CHD805 series intelligent access control user manual CHD805系列智能门禁控制器说明书 Demonstrate ERR 08 when reading card is expressed as: Do not search this card number in the controller。 Controller can only store ―card number‖,and card number have different obtaining method,different users’require and different developers’treatment are not the same,so ―same card‖from different ―obtaining method ―will gain different card number。 Through computer software authorization to obtain card number,they are decided by software approach and card sender,such as :card number is 04,B5,13,A2,09。 When controller dealing with reading card have their own―obtaining method‖if its ―obtaining method ― is same as dealing with computer software method,it should be the same number:04,B5,13,A2,09;If they are not the same one will indicate different number,for example:00,00,13,A2,09。 Therefore: Must set ―obtaining method‖ of the card number inside computer software be consistent with ―obtaining method‖ equipment's card number. 8.6 How to close the “door state” alarming? Is frequently because has not installed ―magnetic door‖ or has not established related right ―magnetic door‖ establishment project in the controller: Details see chapter 2.3.7 of the first controller to control the word: C1 (1 byte) There are two digital management magnetic door: D7=0, no matter closed doors or open doors, are not detected, no alarms. If D7=1, must properly configure value of―D3‖ should be 0 or 1? Reference to section 4.8.First need understand characteristics output of magnetic door in order to set the correct value of D3,would not False Alarm。 It must be remembered: computer software must be changed and then the order was given through RS485/RS422,we not only changed setting of equipment, but also changed its computer database. Or else change equipment but not change the computer data information, settings will be set at incorrect by computer。 There is also a magnetic door monitoring ―guard time‖, if opened, will automatically detect magnetic door (regardless of the above-mentioned D7=0 or 1);According to D3 value, testing the door in the ―guard time‖ if has been illegally opened, it must be properly configured D3. If magnetic door is not installed, could cut off the controller signal line , and wrap with plastic insulation, the D7,D3 can be set to 0. 8.7 How to close “infrared” alarm ? Is frequently because has not installed ―infrared‖ or has not established related right ―infrared‖ establishment project in the controller: Details see chapter 2.3.7 of the first controller to control the word: C1 (1 byte) There are two digital management infrared: D6=0, No matter the sensor is what kind of, are not detected, no alarms. If D6=1, must properly configure value of―D2‖ should be 0 or 1? Reference to section 5.9.First need understand characteristics output of infrared sensor in order to set the correct value of D2,would not False Alarm。 It must be remembered: computer software must be changed and then the order was 58 CHD805 series intelligent access control user manual CHD805系列智能门禁控制器说明书 given through RS485/RS422, we not only changed setting of equipment, but also changed its computer database. Or else change equipment but not change the computer data information, settings will be set at incorrect by computer。 There is also a infrared monitoring ―guard time‖, if opened, will automatically detect infrared (regardless of the above-mentioned D6=0 or 1);According to D2 value, testing the infrared in the ―guard time‖ if has been illegally opened, it must be properly configured D2. If infrared is not installed, could cut off the controller infrared signal line , and wrap with plastic insulation, the D6,D2 can be set to 0. 8.8 Why no response button to open the door manually? There are two reasons: (1) poor contact button; (2) controller to control the word, paragraph 1 (details see chapter 2.3.7) of the C1 (1 byte)of D4 bit is see to 1,closure of manual button ―open‖ feature。 If not the above-mentioned two reasons for this is that the controller is a problem to find designated points, or sent to factory repair maintenance. 8.9 Why show “HALT” when reading card? Controller in the ―deployment of regular closed-door‖ does not accept reading card , user does not accept keyboard input and password to open the door. Show ―HALT‖ is expressed as not accept.. There are two types of deployment \"normally closed doors\": (1) by \"normally closed-door sessions\" decided, in normally closed-door sessions, the controller will often close the door, do not accept reading card. Set up by the computer software \"often behind closed doors\" sessions, such as 20:00-23:59,0:00-7:00; (2) temporary deployment normally closed doors, but also by the command to start the computer from the command start running, to the temporary deployment the end of a maximum of four hours interval. Therefore, check the below points (1) was set up regular sessions normally closed doors, and open; (2) the provision of temporary often be mistaken for a closed-door. Reference to section 2.3.7 of the word control Note C3. 8.10 Why is wrong to open the door? The reasons are: (1) to manually open the door button incorrectly contact, or a longer cable, there have scratch, incorrect contact wire; (2) \"Fire linkage\" input \"MDIN\" bad choice of the reference signal, \"Fire host\" in the fire alarm signal when the output relay has two contacts, the contact should be an access control machine access to the signal ( power source), then its 2nd contact \"MDIN\". Therefore, the \"Joint Fire\" is started by the fire host, must be correct to connect the host output of \"contact. If \" fire linkage \"MDIN choose wrong reference signal, this will result in MDIN line level signal to the controller is not accurate, when the low-high; is not a stable open-circuit input contacts, MDIN signal Even as low as the input light has been on-controller to receive。 Note: The controller in the discriminant \"manual open\" button, \"Fire linkage\" type, both deal with the width of the signal (200 ms) . Less than 200 ms pulse of the interference will not be the controller response. 59 CHD805 series intelligent access control user manual CHD805系列智能门禁控制器说明书 8.11 Why controller frequently have \"di\" sound? Because of insufficient power supply voltage, or power can not provide enough current, causing the controller can not start, reset frequently, and constantly ringing, the controller display models. 8.12 shows \"ERR 02\" can not be eliminated, and why? Pulse Anodic electric locks, power lock-tongue back after the lock body, after removal of power, not their own lock-tongue out. Can not be locked can not out when the door is open, need to re-open the door to close the mechanical action, by the mechanical action of pressure in order to lock the spring pressure to make lock-tongue and locked out, mainly for electricity lock pulse. ERR 02 back lock-tongue is that the police can not automatically be locked. In the use of pulsed anode electric locking, credit card after the power has been disengaged, it is necessary to open door then closed, otherwise the door is always \"opened\" state, because that's when the lock-tongue is back. To determine the \"door\" is opened or closed? Magnetic door must be installed, if \"pulse anodic electric locking\" installed but magnetic door not installed, the controller can not correctly judge the door is \"opened\" or \"closed\"; there will always be on the \"ERR 02\". Controller must be properly set up to control the No. 1 word of the D5 bit C1. (1) \"Pulse anodic electric locking\" and magnetic door installed, you can set up D5 = 1, also must be based on \"magnetic door\" good feature set bit D3. (2) Other circumstances, D5 = 0. Appendix 1: PC read records Notes of CHD805 series CHD805 series provides a wealth of PC operating command, which read CHD805 series history of internal storage, there are two main methods: (1) The order of reading; (2) Random reading; Detection of host computer while providing CHD805 Series history storage area of the command pointer logo。 PC through the RS485 and CHD805 series to communicate (the longest possible up to 1200 meters), the environment may be subject to interference, resulting in packet errors, especially in the host computer to read the record, in the absence of protective measures, would result in lost records. 60 CHD805 series intelligent access control user manual CHD805系列智能门禁控制器说明书 Icons are as follows: If host computer do not process when in the \"failed to receive a correct record\in the chart, a record has been lost. CHD805 series have been issued correctly, but interference in the transmission lines, PC did not receive. Therefore, users should consider the use of rich orders of CHD805 series to solve the issue of transmission loss。 When a \"record of failure to receive the correct\ once again, needs be changed to random read. The logo has the following elements by CHD805 series visiting the \"history pointer store logo\": Initial position (BOTTOM) of history storage area; Next new record storage location (SAVE POINTER) The next order of reading the history record location (DOWNLOAD POINTER); Coverage characteristics of the storage area (MODIFY FLAG); The end location of storage area (TOP)。 DOWNLOAD POINTER pointer will be reduce 1, on the point that was lost history. With the indicators, host computer with a random read command to read the indicators point to record repeatly, they retrieved the loss record, and does not affect the sequence of random read pointer position to read records. To restore the order reading, CHD805 will be able to read out record of CHD805 one by one。 61 因篇幅问题不能全部显示,请点此查看更多更全内容