专利名称:Microprocessor controlled apparatus发明人:Menadue, Andrew,Withycombe, Ian申请号:EP93300444.2申请日:19930121公开号:EP0562704B1公开日:20011212
摘要:A microprocessor controlled apparatus includes a microprocessor (2) with e.g.eight address lines (A,₀,A₁ .... A₇) on which signals may be applied by the microprocessorfor selectively addressing a peripheral device coupled thereto, and a data device such asa LCD module (1) having data lines to which data signals may be applied for transfer intothe data device. Four of the data lines (D₀,D₁,D₂,D₃) are coupled to a sub-set of themicroprocessor address lines (A₂,A₃,A₄,A₅) excluding the two address lines (A₀,A₁)associated with the least significant bits. The signals on the sub-set of address lines arethus applied as data signals to the data device. When data is to be transmitted to thedata device the microprocessor (2) is caused to execute a sub-routine comprisinginstructions having addresses such that the signal appearing on the sub-set of addresslines remains substantially stable over an extended period of time allowing data to beclocked into the device even when the write timing of the microprocessor is too fast forthe device to accept data directly from the data output lines of the microprocessor.
代理机构:Frain, Timothy John