Unit 1 Talking About Yourself
Vocabulary>>Task 1 Appropriate 合适的 be available for sth 有空做某事 be over the moon 快乐极了 burst 使(破裂),使(爆炸);破裂 burst in 突然出现;闯进 connection 关系,联系 consideration 考虑,体谅 counter 柜台 current 当前的,最近的 edition 版 enclose 随函附上;把……圈起来 engineering 工程技术;工程学 enquire 询问,查询,调查 failure 失败 final 决赛;最后的 firm 公司 hobby 嗜好 industry 行业,工业,产业 influence 影响 interest 兴趣,利息 journalism 新闻学 look back 回顾 manufacture 制造 particularly 尤其,特别的 period 时期 placement 安置,放置 product 产品 purchase 购买 racquet=racket 球拍 range 变化幅度;活动范围 a full range of 各种类的 regularly 定期的,有规则的 relevant 有关的;有实际价值的 be relevant to 与……相关 require 要求 risky 冒险的 special 特别的 specialization 专长,专门化 straightaway 立即 success 成功 take on 聘用 winner 胜利者 Lancaster 兰开斯特,英格兰西北部城市 Vocabulary>>Task 2 current;influence;interest;manufacture;product;require;specialization;regularly;failure;available
Vocabulary>>Task 3
Vocabulary>>Task 4 A C B A A B C D C D
Reading>>Reading Passage 1 B B D C
Reading>>Reading Passage 2 C B A B D
Grammar & Function>>Task 1 B B A A B B
Grammar & Function>>Task 2 1. The dog hated having a bath.
2. She quite liked wearing designer(s') clothes. 3. They hated beginning a new term at school. 4. I loathed running at the gym. 5. She loved doing puzzles.
6. He was keen on coming to my house for dinner.
Grammar & Function>>Task 3 1. was mending;arrived 2. shouted;was crossing 3. didn't hear;were making 4. made;was watching 5. were thinking;got 6. wasn't looking;hit
7. were talking;didn't understand 8. saw;was standing
Grammar & Function>>Task 4
1. Angela began by working in Paris, where she had a job in a cosmetics company. 2. Angela enjoyed the job, but she left it because she felt she was not paid enough. 3. Angela liked London because her brother lived there. 4. Then Angela found another job with very good prospects.
5. Angela had enough experience and decided to set up her own company.
6. Angela now works in London and Paris with a team of 60 people, who are French and English.
Listening & Speaking>>Task 1
Adam:watching cricket;walking;bird watching;playing with dogs
Ben:going to concerts;architecture;visiting old houses;music;eating out in restaurants;going to the cinema Claire:being at home;reading;spending time with my family;gardening;watching tennis;cooking
Listening & Speaking>>Task 2 1. was born;1958 2. father;British 3. studied;University 4. lecturer 5. London.
6. working;book 7. reading;cooking.
8. go to the cinema;walk
Talking About Myself
My name is Guo Fang. I'm Twenty-seven years old. I'm from Xi'an. I'm a math teacher in a primary school. My school is far away from my home,so I usually drive to work. There are three people in my family. They are my wife,my daughter and I. My wife is a doctor in a big hospital and my daughter is a ten-year-old pupil. In my spare time,I like reading books,watching TV,playing table tennis and so on. I used to go fishing in the weekends,but I don't now because I have to attend class in the TV University.
Unit 2 Family Influences
Vocabulary>>Task 1 admire artistic authority be in love(with) call in on(sb) come along(with) cross cruel demolish diabetic diagnose fizzy drinks forever funfair goat good-natured gossip grow up inner look up to loyal market marry musical poke one's nose into sb's business pound put up with sausage set set out(for) sophisticated specialist spend take care of take place 钦佩,羡慕 擅长艺术的 当局,权威 恋爱着(某人),迷恋 拜访 跟着……一起来 叉号,十字架;交叉;生气的,恼火的 残酷的,残忍的 拆毁,摧毁 (患)糖尿病的;糖尿病患者 诊断 带气泡的饮料 永远 游乐场 山羊 和善的 说闲话;闲话,流言蜚语 长大 内部的 敬慕 忠诚的 市场 嫁;娶 擅长音乐的 探听别人的事情 英镑 容忍,忍受 香肠 放,置;确定;(一)套;设定的 出发(去) 谈吐得体的;老练的,精密复杂的 专家 度过;花费 照料 发生 tell of 责备 try out 试验 whatever 无论怎样的;任何……的事或物 wheel 轮 Cardiff 加的夫(英国威尔士的主要港口) Vocabulary>>Task 2
Vocabulary>>Task 3
Vocabulary>>Task 4 C A D C D B B C B A
Reading>>Reading Passage 1 A B C D D
Reading>>Reading Passage 2 C D B C A
Grammar & Function>>Task 1
grew up;take after;get round;looked after;told him off;brought me up
Grammar & Function>>Task 2 B B A B B A
Grammar & Function>>Task 3
used to;used to;used to;used to;used to;used to;
Grammar & Function>>Task 4 1. She keeps asking questions. 2. He's always saying I am stupid. 3. He's forever staying in bed all day. 4. He keeps starting fights.
Listening & Speaking>>Task 1
Listening & Speaking>>Task 2 1. brother's birthday 2. speaker's birthday 3. invite friends
4. get£1
5. go to the funfair 6. have tea
7. listen to records
My Family:
There are five persons in my family: my parents, my wife, my daughter and I. My father used to be a senior engineer. His responsibility was designing new machines. My mother would work in a factory. They are retired now. My father is very serious about everything in life and pays attention to the details. My mother is patient and hardworking. I take after my parents. They have influence upon me to make me a good teacher. My wife is a nurse and she is very busy everyday. My daughter is a pupil. She is pretty and lovely and looks like her mother.
Unit 3 Society and Family Life
Vocabulary>>Task 1 along with 连同……一起 alternative 可供选择的办法;选择性的 appearance 外表,外观;出现;出场 bacon 熏肉,咸肉 (be) born to 出生 proud (of) 骄傲的,自豪的,得意的 care 操心;愿意;喜欢;关怀,照料 care of 照料 carer 照顾老人的人,(亲属中)护理病人者 crime 犯罪行为,罪行 date 约会;日期;约会,订日期 decline 下降;衰落;拒绝 divorce 离婚 European 欧洲的 freedom 自由 hairdresser 美发师 head 负责;出发;头脑,领袖 imagine 想象,设想 keep in touch 保持联系 normally 通常地,一般地 now and again 不时地 obviously 显然地,明显地 personal 个人的 proportion 比例 rather than recent retire retirement rob sharp 不是……而是…… 最近的 退休,隐退 退休 抢劫,抢掠 (思路、视觉、听觉等)机敏的;尖锐的;刻薄的;(刀口)锋利的;明显的;准时 significant 显著的,有意义的,重要的 size (尺寸/规格)大小,号码 slight 微小的,微不足道的 society 社会,协会 split 分开;分裂 split up 离婚,分开 spontaneously 自发地,自然地;随心所欲地 steady 平稳的,稳定的;使稳定 stressful 紧张的 toast 土司面包,烤面包;敬酒 trap 时……受限制;陷阱 victim 受害者,牺牲品 Vocabulary>>Task 2
Vocabulary>>Task 3 hairdresser;imagine;normally;proud;proportion;sharp;society;victim;significant;head
Vocabulary>>Task 4 C B A C D B C A B D
Reading>>Reading Passage 1 D A B A D
Reading>>Reading Passage 2 B A D A C
Grammar & Function>>Task 1 1. rose sharply
2. have risen significantly 3. has fallen slowly 4. increased slightly 5. has declined slowly 6. rose rapidly
Grammar& F unction>>Task 2 1.by;from;to;by;to
Grammar & Function>>Task 3
从不,很少 never;not often;hardly ever 偶尔,定期 occasionally;now and again;regularly;form time to time;sometimes 常常,一直 usually;always;often
Grammar & Function>>Task 4
left;lost;got divorced;retired;died;moved
Listening & Speaking>>Task 1 1. the divorce rate 2. the marriage rate 3. the cohabitation rate 4. the lone parent rate 5. the birth rate
Listening & Speaking>>Task 2 1. write a postcard to my parents 2. remember my brother's birthday 3. telephone my aunt
4. too selfish to help in the house 5. telephone my cousins 6. worried about my job
Society and Family Life
Like most ordinary Chinese families, my family life is busy and meaningful. My family members often get up at about six o'clock in the mornings. My wife deals with my little kid's chores while I'm cooking the breakfast. I drive my daughter to her school and then to my work. My wife takes the subway to her hospital. Around 4:30 p.m., I pick up my daughter and do some grocery shopping. My wife is good at cooking. So when we arrive home, a delicious meal is waiting for us. During the eating, we chat about interesting things from our daily life and discuss current affairs. We go to bed at 10 p.m.
Unit 4 Changes in Life
Vocabulary>>Task 1 amazing amuse bend chance by chance cancel carry on casualty considerably crockery design double-glazing drop sb off editor entire eventually export fall follow fresh guidebook hand over harbor horrified keen lose one's job normal own petrol Portuguese profit proper race reluctantly row sail sailing boat shortly sightseeing 了不起的,令人惊奇的 给……提供娱乐,逗乐 道路转弯处;弯曲 机会;可能(性) 偶然 终止,取消 继续 受伤者 相当大的,在很大程度上 陶器 设计 门、窗的双层玻璃 使(某人)下车 (报纸、杂志等的)主编,编辑 整个的,全部的 最后 出口;输出 降落;秋天;垮台;下降;瀑布 跟随 新鲜的 旅游指南 移交 港湾 惊骇的,惊恐的 热衷的 失业 正常的,正规的 拥有;自己的 汽油 葡萄牙语,葡萄牙人 利润 正确的,恰当的 快速行进;比赛;竞争 不情愿地,勉强地 争吵;一排;划船 航行;航海;帆 帆船 不久,立即 观光 sue 起诉 sunset 日落 to do sth till one drops 做某事直到撑不住为止 voluntarily 自愿的,自发的 wildlife 野生动物 Vocabulary>>Task 2
Vocabulary>>Task 3
Vocabulary>>Task 4 D B A C B A D B A C
Reading>>Reading Passage 1 A C B D B
Reading>>Reading Passage 2 D A B A D
Grammar & Function>>Task 1 bought;have slept;bit;ate;smelt;took;have lost;has flown/flew;have forgotten
Grammar & Function>>Task 2 1. who/that;who/that 2. whom/that 3. who/that 4. which/that 5. whom/that
6. which/that;which/that
Grammar& F unction>>Task 3 B D A C C D B A C D
Grammar & Function>>Task 4 C B D C A B A C D C
Listening & Speaking>>Task 1
Listening & Speaking>>Task 2 1. am not going to 2. am going
3. am signing
4. am having discussions 5. is coming 6. are staying 7. are visiting
8. are traveling;am meeting
Changes in Life:
There have been many changes in my life. Remember when the small, my house was small and built of soil, a very small. In the rainy, sometimes my house could leak. Now, my house was better off. My have a big and fine decoration house. Now, I'm very happy. I preserved pickles cramped and gloomy room to a big and bright flat. Another, Now, we were almost everyone have a computer and mobile phone. Explain, we were into the information age. But in the past, we used pen to write. Then, it was flying a message. In the field of transportation, people used cows and horses to replace.
Unit 5 Ambitions and Dreams
Vocabulary>>Task 1 as soon as possible 尽快 aware(of) 知道的,意识到的 ballet 芭蕾 civil 公民的,平民的,民用的 classical 古典的,经典的 closely 密切地,接近地 counselor 顾问;律师(美) creativity 创造力,创造性 deck 甲板 dynamic (尤指人)充满活力的,生气勃勃的 education 教育 energy 精力 gender 性别 helicopter 直升机 in one's opinion 某人认为 injure 伤害,损害 intelligence 智力;情报 intuition 直觉 involve 涉及,使(自己或别人)卷入,使介入 logical 逻辑的 marketing 销售业务 patient 病人;有耐心的 positive 积极的,确信的,肯定的 process 程序 psychiatrist 精神科医生 raise 筹集,举起 rough (海面)不平静的;粗糙的 section 部分 simply 只不过,仅仅 support 支持;支撑,赞助 wave 波涛 Vocabulary>>Task 2
Vocabulary>>Task 3
Vocabulary>>Task 4 A B D C A C A D B A
Reading>>Reading Passage 1 B A C C A
Reading>>Reading Passage 2 C A C
Reading>>Reading Passage 3 D B
Grammar & Function>>Task 1
1. What did Molly do after she had children?
2. What had happened before Molly joined a pop dance team? 3. Was Molly bored after the children had left home?
4. Where had Molly gone before the wave smashed into the boat?
5. How much money had Molly raised by the end of October last year?
Grammar & Function>>Task 2
Grammar & Function>>Task 3
am studying;was studying;study;had studied;have studied;
Grammar & Function>>Task 4 C B A D B C C D A B
Listening & Speaking>>Task 1 Angela:teacher of young children Bernard:lawyer
Clive:company director
Listening & Speaking>>Task 2 C A B D
My Ideal Job:
Everybody has his dream for his career in the future. He or she might want to be a teacher, a doctor, a scientist, and so on. My ideal job is to be a lawyer. Lawyers, especially those familiar with global laws and fluent in foreign languages, will be in great demand. I have a good eye for detail, a sharp mind, an excellent memory and like taking responsibility as well. So I think I would make a good lawyer. I am planning to open a law firm by myself some day. But now I must study hard to get
myself qualified for my future job.
Unit 7 An Englishman's Home is His Cast
Vocabulary>>Task 1 affect 影响 apologize(for) 道歉 appall 使惊骇 committee 委员会 commute 每天乘公交车辆(火车和地铁)上下班,尤指往返于市区和郊区之间;定期往返于两地间 complaint 抱怨,投诉 concern(about) 与……有关,为……操心;担心,挂念 conservatory 温室,暖房 detached 独立式的,分离的 disappointed(with) 失望的 dissatisfied(with) 不满意的 drawback 不利条件,障碍 dreadful 可怕的,讨厌的,糟糕的 due 到期的,应付的;应归因于 elect 选举,推选 extensive 广泛的,全面的,数量大的 flowerbed 花圃 frame 框架 gutter 排水沟 inactivity 无作为,不活动 lawn 草坪 look into sth. 调查 maintenance 维护,保养 mow 割(草) overall 总的来说,大体上 painter 画家;油漆工 path 小路,小径 quality 质量 replace 取代,替换 resident 居民 roof 屋顶,房顶 satisfactory 令人满意的 satisfy 使满意 shabby 破旧的 space 空间,区域;太空 suburb 郊区 tidy 使整洁,整理;整洁的 tidy sth up 收拾,整理 unacceptable 无法接受的 value 价值 weed 除草,刈草;野草,杂草 Vocabulary>>Task 2
Vocabulary>>Task 3
Vocabulary>>Task 4 A B D B D B C C A D
Reading>>Reading Passage 1 A C B C D
Reading>>Reading Passage 2 B D A
Grammar & Function>>Task 1 1. need painting 2. needed to replace 3. needed to fix 4. needs cleaning 5. need painting 6. need to replace 7. need repairing 8. needs cleaning
Grammar & Function>>Task 2 1. had the chimney replaced 2. had the floors cleaned 3. had the roof repaired 4. had the shower put in 5. had the conservatory built 6. had the garage converted
Grammar & Function>>Task 3 1. He looks shy
2. They look naughty
3. It looks safe 4. It looks old 5. It looks boring 6. She looks young
Grammar & Function>>Task 4
Listening & Speaking>>Task 1 B A A C B
Listening & Speaking>>Task 2 Writing My Home
I am living on the 10th floor of a tower building with my wife and daughter. It is a newly-built block of flats with 22 stories altogether in the north of the city. We have three bedrooms, one big living-room, one kitchen and two bathrooms. The size is about 127 square meters. When we moved in three years ago, I painted the doors myself, but I had the window frames painted. We are satisfied with the decorations except the cupboards in the kitchen, so I need to build them again. The neighborhood is nice too. I think my home is cozy and I like my home.
Unit 8 Leisure, Work and Animals
Vocabulary>>Task 1 aggressive alter bark bite blind commit commit an offence consequently criminal decade decrease device disabled dramatically duty off duty on duty fetch figure household incident injection leisure lifestyle majority mental microwave oven offence pet police force reorganize respond(to) search sergeant sock sort sth out supervise survey 侵犯的,挑衅的 改变 吠 咬 瞎的;盲目的 使承担义务,承诺;做(错事、坏事);犯(罪行) 犯罪 因此,从而 罪犯;犯人;罪犯的,犯法的 十年 减少 装置,设备 伤残的 戏剧性地,引人瞩目地 责任,义务;关税 下班 值班,上班 取来 数字 一家人,家庭 事件 注射 空间,闲暇 生活方式 多数 精神的 微波炉 过错;犯法;行为 宠物 警察部队,警方 重新安排,改组,整顿 回答,应答;反映;以……应答 搜寻,搜索 警官 短袜 整理,分类;弄清 监督;督导 调查
therapy (不依靠药物与手术的)疗法 tropical 热带的 uniform 制服 vacuum 真空 voluntary 志愿的 volunteer 志愿者 ward 病房 welfare 福利 wheelchair 轮椅 Vocabulary>>Task 2 figures;incident;injection;leisure;lifestyle;majority;offence;respond;sergeant;therapy
Vocabulary>>Task 3 alters;blind;commits;bite;decade;decreases;search;survey;voluntary;supervise
Vocabulary>>Task 4 A B A D C A D B C B
Reading>>Reading Passage 1 A D
Reading>>Reading Passage 2 A C
Reading>>Reading Passage 3 B C D D C
Grammar & Function>>Task 1 1. A large proportion 2. More than half 3. Just under a quarter 4. The majority 5. A minority
Grammar & Function>>Task 2 1. have been running;have run
2. have been decorating;have decorated 3. has been writing;has written 4. has been working;has suggested 5. have been going out;have decided
Grammar & Function>>Task 3
Listening & Speaking>>Task 1
work;have not;for;been;for 3;worked;shops in London;liked;since;I have;reorganizing;sorted out
Listening & Speaking>>Task 2 B C C A Writing My Hobbies
Hobbies are activities from which one can benefit a lot. In my spare time, I like painting, singing, raising flowers and cycling. My hobbies help me relax after periods of hard work. Moreover, I can make many friends who share the same hobbies with me. My hobbies make me maintain a mental and physical balance. As you can see, hobbies can be relaxing, challenging, interesting, enjoyable or educational. So everyone should have one or two hobbies, then the life is meaningful and amused.
Unit 9 The Olympic Games
Vocabulary>>Task 1 adopt 采用;接受;收(领)养 amount 数量 ancient 古代的 athlete 运动员 award 授予 ban 禁止,取缔(书刊等) bid 投标,申办出价 compete 竞赛,竞争 competition 竞赛,竞争 continent 洲,大陆 defeat 战胜,击败 dishearten 使……气馁,使……沮丧,使……失去勇气 economy 经济 effect 结果,效果 extension 延长,扩充 flame 火焰 honour 荣誉,敬意;使感到荣幸 in honour of 为纪念,为庆祝 infrastructure 基础设施 link 连接,联系;环节 marathon 马拉松 medal 奖章,奖牌 mentally 精神上 optimum 最适宜的 peak 顶峰 performance 表现,成绩 permanently 永久地 Persian 波斯人;波斯的 prestige 声望,威望 prize 奖,奖金 receive 收到 relay 接力赛跑,传递 religious 宗教的 represent 代表,象征 sponsor 赞助者,资助者;赞助,资助 stadium 露天大型运动场 stage 上演,举行;舞台,讲台 symbol 标志,符号 torch 火炬 underground (英)地铁;地下的 undertaking 任务;事业 venue 地点 victory 胜利 Istanbul 伊斯坦布尔(土耳其西北部港湾) Los Angeles 洛杉矶(美国城市) Toronto 多伦多(加拿大安大略省首府) Turkey 土耳其 Vocabulary>>Task 2
Vocabulary>>Task 3
Vocabulary>>Task 4 D C A A B C D A B C
Reading>>Reading Passage 1 A C D C
Reading>>Reading Passage 2 D B D D D
Grammar & Function>>Task 1
were always held;are held;is awarded;is chosen;is supported;is allowed;is considered;is selected;are held
Grammar & Function>>Task 2
the highest;the fastest;faster;better;best;the longest;most consistent;higher
Grammar & Function>>Task 3 1. Going to the cinema 2. Laughing together
3. Calling me the wrong name 4. Eating with your mouth open 5. Meeting someone else
Grammar & Function>>Task 4
1. host;will spend
2. will not have;spends 3. come;will spend 4. will benefit;build 5. wins;will feel
6. will look;carry out
Grammar & Function>>Task 5 B C A D D C B C D
Listening & Speaking>>Task 1
Listening & Speaking>>Task 2 1. host;will waste 2. get;won't help 3. build;will create 4. will encourage;win 5. bid;will promote Writing
My Favorite Sport
My favorite sport is swimming. There are three reasons why I like the sport best. First, it is good for keeping fit. It benefits the heart, the lungs and the limbs. Thanks to the sport, I lost my weight and am graceful in form.
Second, it is easy to find a place to swim. In the country, I can swim in lakes and rivers. In the city, there are many swimming pools spotted among the residential areas.
Third, it can be done in any weather. It is very cool swimming in hot summer. In cold weather, swimming is especially refreshing.
Swimming is a very popular sport. I hope you can enjoy it too.
Unit 10 Health and Leisure
Vocabulary>>Task 1 alcoholic 含酒精的 annoying 恼人的,讨厌的 be well off (经济)状况好的 brisk 轻快的 cause 引起;原因,理由;目的,理想 conclude 推断出,推论出 constant 不变的,持续的 dairy 乳制品的 died 饮食;特定的食谱 dizzy (指人)晕眩的,使(人)困惑的 double 使加倍;双重的,两倍的;两倍 encourage 鼓励 endorse 赞同,认可 expert 专家 fluctuate 波动,变动,上下浮动 fly in the face of 公然反抗 habit 习惯 inactive 不活动的 irrespective(of) 不顾及的,不考虑的 junk 废旧物,垃圾 level 水平;高度;平的;弄平 limit 限度 manufacturer 制造商 misunderstand 误解 nation 国家,民族 on the go (口)在进行活动,忙碌 overweight 过重的,超重的 percentage 百分比,百分率 prematurely 过早地;早熟地 pressure 压力 researcher 研究人员 restrict 限制,约束 routine 常规 shape 外形,体形 skinny 瘦的,皮包骨头 snack 小吃,快餐 stretch 伸展 sugar 糖 sweat 汗;出汗 upset 心烦的,苦恼的 weigh 称……重量,称 weight 体重,重量 whether 是否,不管,无论 Vocabulary>>Task 2
Vocabulary>>Task 3 brisk;constant;encourage;junk;misunderstand;pressure;restrict;weigh;routine;conclude
Vocabulary>>Task 4 C D C B C B D A A B
Reading>>Reading Passage 1 A B A B C
Reading>>Reading Passage 2 A D
Reading>>Reading Passage 3 D D A
Grammar & Function>>Task 1 1. go;will meet 2. see;will give 3. need;will come 4. will meet;stay 5. passed;would be
6. won/win;would win/will win 7. were;would take 8. would repair;knew
Grammar & Function>>Task 2
1. What would I have if I phoned a delivery service (for lunch)? 2. Why would it be better if I drank water with wine (in the pub)? 3. What would I cook if I invited people to my house for dinner? 4. What would I make if I brought a snack to work?
5. Why would it be better if I had a diet coke in the evenings?
Grammar & Function>>Task 3
Join;Be;Go;take;take;Continue;Stick to;add
Grammar & Function>>Task 4 1. have been advised 2. have been sitting 3. have been told 4. have been going 5. has been stopping 6. have been reprinted 7. has been taken 8. have been phoning
Grammar & Function>>Task 5 C A D C D B B A C D
Listening & Speaking>>Task 1
6,000;£1.5 billion;81%;2,400,000;5.1%;50%;£45;three quarters
Listening & Speaking>>Task 2
Health and Eating Habit
An eating habit is closely related to health. In order to keep fit, we should pay more attention to our eating habits. My suggestions for a good eating habit are as follows: First, don't eat too much or too little for each meal. Eating too much will cause overweight and eating too little, malnutrition.
Second, don't eat between meals. Sometimes we like eating biscuits and chips before the mealtime; as a result, we lose our appetite for lunch or dinner. Third, eat more vegetables and fruits everyday.
In my opinion, a good eating habit leads to a healthy life.
Unit 11 Health Care, and Travel and Health
Vocabulary>>Task 1 adjust 适应,调节 alcohol 酒,酒精 allow 为……留出;允许 ankle 踝 attendant 服务员 briefing 简明指示,情况简介 cabin 机舱,小屋 caffeine 咖啡因 clinic 门诊部,诊所 commission 委员会 conduct 进行,实施 cramp 痉挛;使痉挛,使抽筋 cramped 狭小的,拥挤的 effective 有效的 ensure 确保 finding 发现,发现物 grant 补助金 hygiene 卫生 inspection 检查,视察 investigation 调研,研究 lesson 减少,减轻 lie 躺 mild 温和的,和缓的 minimize 将……减到最少,最小化 occur 发生,出现 pattern 模式 pill 药丸,药片,片剂 pregnant 怀孕的 private 私人的,私有的 rate 比率 reveal 显示,透露 shiver 颤抖 squad 小组,小队 step 步骤 still 静止的;still(water)不含碳酸气的、不起泡的饮料 suffer 受痛苦,受损害 sufficient 充分的,足够的 swollen 肿胀的 tackle 解决,处理;铲球;拦截 up-to-date 新近的,现代的,包含最新信息的 vein 静脉,血管 virus 病毒 zone 区,地区,时区 Vocabulary>>Task 2 adjust;attendant;briefing;clinic;abroad;conduct;effective;ensure;step;private
Vocabulary>>Task 3
Vocabulary>>Task 4 C B D A C B B D A B
Reading>>Reading Passage 1 A B A D A
Reading>>Reading Passage 2 A B C B C
Grammar & Function>>Task 1
1. Four out of five hospitals are being cleaned by private companies.
2. The hospitals used to be much cleaner when they were being cleaned by public employees.
3. The 40 public hospitals are now being cleaned by special 'hit squads'. 4. One hospital is being given £1 million grant by the government. 5. This high rate of infection is being blamed on hygiene conditions.
6. Patients were being treated in a Glasgow hospital for a virus infection.
Grammar & Function>>Task 2
1. The young girl is being examined by the doctors now.
2. Bill is being taken to another hospital by an ambulance at the moment. 3. Currently the medicine cupboards are being checked every day.
4. Lunch was being served to the patients by the nurses for two hours yesterday. 5. The wards were being cleaned by the new staff all day yesterday. 6. Five new patients were being admitted when he arrived.
Grammar & Function>>Task 3
1. I want to lie down. My head aches and I feel sick.
2. I am pregnant. The lunch was badly cooked, so I didn't eat it. I want to eat some fruit.
3. I feel very unwell and I have a pain in my arm.
4. I think I am ill. I was very hot, but now I am very cold and am shivering. I brought some medicine with me, but I can't find it.
Grammar & Function>>Task 4
1. Charlie said he couldn't speak Spanish, but a lot of people spoke English. 2. Charlie said that his brother was still in Spain.
3. Charlie said that his brother was coming back on Thursday. 4. Charlie told me that he didn't know what time he arrived. 5. Charlie said that they had eaten a lot of fish.
6. Charlie said that he had swum in the sea every day.
Grammar & Function>>Task 5 B D C C C D A D C B
Listening & Speaking>>Task 1
Listening & Speaking>>Task 2 1.BA 062;92 2.AI 246;baby 3.AZ469;1 4.GA901;2
How to Keep Healthy:
Nowadays, more and more people know the importance of keeping healthy. Without a healthy body, they can do nothing. For me, there are three main ways to keep healthy. First, it is necessary to keep a balanced diet, which is the basis of good health. It is better for us to have more fruit and vegetables every day. Secondly, it is important to take regular exercises, such as swimming, jogging and so on. Thirdly, it is essential to stay in a good mood. If people follow these three ways of keeping fit, they'll greatly improve their health.
Unit 13 Education at School and University
Vocabulary>>Task 1 admit 承认 advanced 高级的,先进的 basic 基础的,初步的,主要的 certificate 证书 cheat 作弊,骗取;骗子,欺骗 compulsory 强制的,义务的 deny 否认 digital 数字的 diploma 毕业文凭 expel 驱逐,(从学校、俱乐部)开除 fee 学费,(付给医生、律师的)专业服务费 foundation 基础,根据 general 普遍的,一般的 gun hand 代考枪手 highly 高度地,非常 impersonate 扮演;假冒 likely 可能的 make ends meet 使收支平衡 mark 分数 mathematics 数学 mistake 错误,失误 national 国家的,全国的 nursery 幼儿园 perspective 视角,洞察力 postgraduate 研究生的;研究生 primary 初等的;小学的 proficiency 流利,熟练 promise 承诺,许诺;诺言,保证(书) regret 惋惜,遗憾,后悔 scared 惊慌的,害怕……的 secondary 中等的,第二的,次要的 sensible 明智的,合理的,切合实际的 spokesperson 发言人 state 国家,政府 steadily 沉着地,稳定地,坚定地 stick 钻;刺入;枝条,棍棒 stick to 坚持 strategy 策略,行动计划 struggle 挣扎,奋斗;尽力 tip 劝告;小费 vocational 职业的,为职业做准备的 washing 待洗涤的衣服;刚刚洗好的衣服 Vocabulary>>Task 2
Vocabulary>>Task 3admit;expelled;foundation;highly;mark;nursery;regret;scared;struggle;states
Vocabulary>>Task 4 C D A B A C D B C D
Reading>>Reading Passage 1 D A B B D
Reading>>Reading Passage 2 B A A A C
Grammar & Function>>Task 1
had to;had to;did they have to;had to;had to;mustn‘t;must;mustn‘t
Grammar & Function>>Task 2 If;When;If;if;when
Grammar & Function>>Task 3
sitting down;to leave;to register;visiting;studying;to check;to close;driving Grammar & Function>>Task 4 B D A C D A C B D B
Listening & Speaking>>Task 1 C B A A B A C
Listening & Speaking>>Task 2 Writing
High School Life and College Life
High school life is quite different from college life. In high school, the students have to wear school uniform. Teachers always ask students to do many tasks in the classroom and supervise students' behavior in detail. In college, students have to be responsible for them. They have more freedom in college than in high school. For example, they put on the casual clothes instead of uniform. Tutors give those lectures and assignments, and they must spend more time studying by themselves in the library. That means students must manage themselves very well. Although I often recall my
high school life, I like college life more.
Unit 14 Learning and Learning Styles
Vocabulary>>Task 1 auditory 听觉型 automatically 自动地 be engaged in 参加;从事 boost 提高;推进 chat 闲谈,聊天 concentration 专心 confidential 秘密的,机密的 constantly 不断地 credit 信用,学分 daydream 梦想;空想 demonstration 演示 description 描述 diagram 图表 direct 直接的;直截了当的;指导;针对 distract 使……分心 dominant 最显著的,突出的;最重要的 edge 边沿;刀口;优势 educator 教育工作者 enroll 吸收为成员;注册,登记 environment 环境 establish 建立,创立 explanation 解释 finance 金融,财政;筹措,资金给 forum 论坛 hug 拥抱 hum 哼唱 imagination 想象力 impact 影响,作用;冲击,撞击力 lip 唇 memorize 记住 neatly 干净利落地 online 在线的 particular 详情;值得注意的,特别的 in particular 特别地 physically 身体上 pre-arranged 事先安排的 ratio 比率 revolution 革命 secure 安全的,紧握;使安全 seminar 讨论课;研讨会 spreadsheet 电子数据表格 tape 在磁带上录音;带;录音带 tend 倾向于 term 期限;学期;术语 long term 长期的 tutorial 辅导课 up and down 来来回回;起伏地;一上一下 virtual 虚拟的 visual 视觉型的 European Union 欧盟 Brussels 布鲁塞尔 Austria 奥地利 Czech Republic 捷克共和国 Vocabulary>>Task 2
Vocabulary>>Task 3
Vocabulary>>Task 4 A C C B D C D B D A
Reading>>Reading Passage 1 D D B C A
Reading>>Reading Passage 2 A D A C C
Grammar & Function>>Task 1
1. The sandwich course, which I have been on for a week, is really excellent. 2. I go to an on-the-job training course, which takes one day a week.
3. The job prospects in engineering, which used to be good, are declining now. 4. The interview, which he had yesterday, went very well indeed.
5. A course with that company, which you could begin at any time, would be a very good idea for you.
Grammar & Function>>Task 2
1. Will they have installed the new computers before they launch the centre?
2. Will the Director have appointed new trainers before they install the new computers?
3. Will the new Director have started work by the end of this year? 4. Will they have installed the new computers by the end of this year?
5. Will the finance committee have approved the budget by the end of July? 6. Will the builders have converted the centre before it buys new computers?
Grammar & Function>>Task 3
1. By the end of July the building committee will have approved the plans. 2. The new Director will not have started his job by the end of July.
3. By the end of December the Director will have appointed the Director of Studies. 4. The technicians will not have installed the computers by the end of June next year. 5. By the end of June next year the Director will have appointed new trainers. 6. The centre will have been launched by the end of January the year after next.
Grammar & Function>>Task 4 enjoyed;difficult;marks;teachers;It;only;remember;time;felt;at;mathematics;about;seemed;didn't;PE
Listening & Speaking>>Task 1 C C B C A
Listening & Speaking>>Task 2 400;600;1;2;3;79;53
My TV University Life
Our TV University is mainly engaged in long distance education. The form of study is very convenient for adult learners like me. I can learn my courses anywhere in my spare time by computer. There are many web-based courses and sources on line. Moreover, I not only use email to send our homework to our tutors but also join online discussion forums. Meantime, the difficulties and puzzles can be solved in the tutorial once a week. The e-learning life is meaningful and demanding. I enjoy my TV university life.
Unit 15 Town Life
Vocabulary>>Task 1 attraction bless block brake chop combine complex conservation cow designate difference donkey elephant emerge exhibition feedback flavour fountain hazard hold up horn income investment knock knock down landmark make way for mall mixture model motorcycle official pedestrian progress push 吸引力 求神赐福于 街区,一排房屋 闸,制动器 砍,剁‗带骨的肉块 使……合并,使……联合 综合体,综合性(体育场、商场) 保护 牛,奶牛 指定,指派 差别 驴 象 出现,显露 展览 反馈 味道;风味;特色;使具有特殊味 喷泉,源头,喷水池 危险,造成危害的事物 使……停顿 喇叭,报警器 收入,所得 投资 敲击,打;敲击(声) 拆 标志性(建筑);地标;里程碑 给……让出地方 大型购物中心 混合 模型;模特儿 摩托车 官员,公务员;官方的,正式的 步行者,行人 进展,进步,发展;取得进步 推;敦促;推销(商品等) push forward 推动 reason 原因,理由 roundabout 环岛 scale 规模 skyscraper 摩天大楼 statue 雕塑 tennis court 网球场 trade 贸易,生意;进行交易 typical 典型的 urban 城镇的 variety 变化;种类;各式各样的事物 a variety of 各式各样的 vehicle 交通工具 vision 视力;设想;远见 the Forbidden City 故宫 the Olympic Games complex 奥林匹克体育中心 New Delhi 新德里(印度首都) Vocabulary>>Task 2
Vocabulary>>Task 3 attraction;chop;difference;hazard;landmark;mall;official;pedestrian;vehicle;vision
Vocabulary>>Task 4 A D B B C A C D B C
Reading>>Reading Passage 1 A D B D C
Reading>>Reading Passage 2 C B C B C
Grammar & Function>>Task 1 1. the new houses being built? 2. are the families being moved to 3. is being put up in the square 4. are you being moved to
Grammar & Function>>Task 2
1. The cars have been parked in a side street 2. I have been offered a company car by my boss
3. They have been held up in traffic for hours 4. We have been lent a van
5. You have been warned about the steering
6. He has been taken to the hospital in a taxi by his wife
Grammar & Function>>Task 3 B C D C A B D A
Grammar & Function>>Task 4 1. No. It's still on the road. 2. Yes. They haven't gone yet.
3. Yes. They haven't filled it up yet. 4. No. It's still in traffic jam.
5. No. She hasn't phoned him yet. 6. Yes. He's already checked them. 7. No. He hasn't got it yet. 8. Yes. I've already paid it.
Grammar & Function>>Task 5 A D B C B A C D B D
Listening & Speaking>>Task 1
Listening & Speaking>>Task 2
Living In A Big City
In the eyes of many people, city life is attractive with all its advantages and conveniences. People can buy almost all kinds of things at supermarkets or shopping malls, dine out in good restaurants; and more important, they can have more educational opportunities. However, with the expansion of the city, more and more people are flowing into the big city, the traffic is heavier and heavier, the pollution is more and more serious, and the living condition is worse and worse. Most people love the advantages of city life, but a big city also has its disadvantages.
Unit 16 Crime and Justice
Vocabulary>>Task 1 absence 不在,缺席;缺乏 Aids 艾滋病 alone 单独的(地),独自的(地) asleep 睡着的 attack 攻击,进攻 blackmail 敲诈,勒索 break-in 强行进入 burglary 入室盗窃 case 案件;场合;病例;案例 chain 锁链 companion 伙伴,同伴 compare 与……比较 complicated 复杂的,棘手 control 控制 convict 证明/宣判(某人)有罪 court 法院,法庭 due to 由于 equal 同等的人;相同的,相等的 fact 事实 guilty 有罪的,犯罪的 imaginary 想象中的 initiative 主动的行动,主动性 judge 审判员,法官;审理,审判 jury 陪审团,评判委员会 loudly 大声地,响亮地 mugger 行凶抢劫者 murder 谋杀;谋杀(罪) murderer 谋杀者 noise 噪音,嘈杂声 pocket 衣袋,口袋 pretend 假装,装作,装扮 prevent 防止 prevention 预防,阻止 pull 拖,拉。拽 pull up 停下 representative 代表 risk 危险,风险;冒……的风险 robbery 抢劫,掠夺 safety 安全 sentence 句子;判决;宣判 swear 用粗话骂人 switch (用开关)转换;改变;(用手上、下开动的)开关 switch on 打开 theft 盗窃 threaten 恐吓 verdict 裁定,裁决 victim 受害者 vulnerable 易遭攻击的;脆弱的 workman 技术工人,工匠 Vocabulary>>Task 2
Vocabulary>>Task 3
Vocabulary>>Task 4 B C A C B D A C A D
Reading>>Reading Passage 1 C D C B B
Reading>>Reading Passage 2 A B D C A
Grammar & Function>>Task 1
1. Unemployment can be caused by poor education. 2. Crime can lead to family break-up. 3. Unemployment can cause unhappiness.
4. Crime can occur because of poor education. 5. Poor health can be due to unemployment.
Grammar & Function>>Task 2
Grammar & Function>>Task 3
had to;don't have to;mustn't;have to;ought to
Grammar & Function>>Task 4 B A D B A C D A C B
Listening & Speaking>>Task 1
Listening & Speaking>>Task 2 B A B A A A
Help For Elderly People
It is reported that China has stepped into an aging society. As the aging of the population quickens, the number of elderly people is becoming very large. Therefore, it is necessary to find good ways to deal with the problem. According to traditional Chinese moral values, it is the sons or daughters who should take the responsibility of caring for their elderly parents. The youth should not only look after their elderly parents in material terms but also understand their loneliness and do their best to spend more time with them. But because the family plan has been carried out for many years in China, it is a common picture that a young couple has to support four elderly parents. This trend will reach its peak in coming years. The government is responsible for guaranteeing the basic living standards of the elderly and safeguards their legitimate rights and interests and establishes a multi-level old-age insurance system.
Unit 17 Live and Let Live
Vocabulary>>Task 1 Arab 阿拉伯 architecture 建筑 arrival 到达者,到达物;到达 Asian 亚洲的;亚洲人 background 背景 Caribbean 加勒比海的(人) century 世纪 character 特点;性格 comfortably 舒适地 community 社区;团体 cross-cultural 跨文化的 cultural 文化的 culturally 文化上地 culture 文化 culture shock 文化冲击 deal 处理;打交道 deal with 处理;论述 diverse 各不相同的 diversity 多样性 earn 赚得,挣得 end 完成,结束;尽头,端 end up 最后处于 estimate 估计 ethnic 民族的,种族的,具有民族特色的 found 建立,建造,创建 get around 回避 hybrid 混合的 identity 身份 Iranian 伊朗人的;伊朗人 migrant 移居的;移民 minority 少数 mix 使混合 origin 起源 population 人口 prime minister 首相 prosperity 繁荣 punctual 准时的 religion 宗教信仰 respectively 分别地 Roman 古罗马人 rude 无礼的 sense 常识;判断力;感觉功能;感觉到 in a sense 在某种意义上讲 skilled 熟练的 be skilled at 擅长于 straight away 马上 take turns(to do) 轮流(做) terminal 终点站;终端 understatement 低调陈述 vast 广大的,大量的 Irish Republic 爱尔兰共和国 North Africa 北非 Eastern Europe 东欧 Tehran 德黑兰(伊朗首都) Vocabulary>>Task 2
Vocabulary>>Task 3 background;comfortably;diverse;estimate;identity;origin;population;punctual;skilled;terminal
Vocabulary>>Task 4 C A D A B C A B B D
Reading>>Reading Passage 1 D A D D C
Reading>>Reading Passage 2 C C D B A
Grammar & Function>>Task 1 B C D A D B
Grammar & Function>>Task 2 1. why I came to England 2. when I had left Iran
3. how long I had been studying English 4. if I was staying in England for long 5. if I would get a job in England 6. if I had a girlfriend 7. if I had got a car
8. if I could take her for a drive
Grammar & Function>>Task 3
aren't they;isn't she;is he;aren't I;have I;are they;wasn't it;was there
Grammar & Function>>Task 4 C B D D A B B D C B
Listening & Speaking>>Task 1
Listening & Speaking>>Task 2
My English Studies
I have been learning English for more than twenty years. Recalling my English studies, I would like to share some good ways and some frustrations with you.
First, I am independent in English studies. Instead of waiting for the teacher to explain, I try to find the patterns and rules on my own.
Second, I am an active English learner. I never wait for a chance using English. I look for such a chance, and create a language environment by myself. I am willing to make mistakes and not afraid of losing face.
Try your best to enjoy the pleasure of English studies, bear in mind that \"frustration gets you nowhere\".
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第一部分 交际用语
Afternoon, sir. Where to?---A. Please get me to the airport?
Ami,I want this report typed today.---it‘ll be ready in the afternoon, sir.
Are you feeling better today, Mrs. Silver?----Yes, thanks, doctor.but I still feel dizzy. Are you sure about that?---D. Oh, yes. I‘m absolutely positive. Can I help you to ge it down?---Thanks , it‘s so nice of you.
Can I take your order now?----Just a moment. Two friends are coming.
Can you turn down the radio, please?---- A. I‘m sorry, I didn‘t realize it was that loud Can you tell me how much a radio like this costs?---about eighty-five dollars.
Could you tell me where Mr. Lake is?---B. At the office
Could I borrow your CD of english songs?----I‘m sorry, it‘s not at hand now. Could you tell me where Mr. Lake is?---- B. At the office David, you've been losing your temper over nothing lately. ----I‘m sorry. I shouldn‘t have blown up like that.
Do you know if the Andersons are still living there?----Yes, they are.
Do you know where I can repair my motorcar?---Around the street corner. Do you know who telephoned me?----I hared it was Sally.
Do you like watching football matches? ----Football? No. It's a waste of time. Do you think the exam will be put off?----C. Not likely.
Don‘t takee too long at the coffee shop. It‘s 14:15.----I see. We have 30 minutes left. Ed said that this boy fell of a tree.----Oh, dear. I hope he wasn‘t hurt. Everyone knows where the shop is, but who‘s the owner?----Steve.
Excuse me, does this bus go to the bookstore?----No, you‘d better change at the next stop.
Excuse me , how can I get to she nearest supermarket?----Sorry,sir.I‘m a stranger here myself.
Excuse me , how far is the airport from here?----It‘s about thirty miles. Excuse me, I didn't mean to bother you.----That's quite all right.
Excuse me, when is the next flight from London due to arrive?----In half an hour.
Excuse me, which is the express tranto Tokyo?----On your right. It‘ll leave in 5 minutes.
Excuse me, would you lend me your calculator?---A. Certainly. Here you are Excuse me, is this table taken?----Yeah, I‘m savingthesesaets for friends. Go that way and take a seat.----Thanks, but I‘d rather stand.
Have you got a table for four, waiter?----Yes, sure. This way, please.
Hello, can I get a seat on the 8 pm flight to Detroit?---I‘m sorry, but it‘s completely booked.
Hello, could I speak to Don please?---B. Who‘s speaking. Hello, Sally. How‘s everything? ---D. Just so-so
Help yourself to the steak, maggie. Thank you, Helen.
Hey, babara. You look so pale.----I‘m just getting over the flu.
Hello, may I talk to the headmaster now? ---C. sorry, he is busy at the moment How do I get to Cairo?---- You shuld catch the 9:30 flight and change at Paris. How long have you lived in london?----my whole life.
How‘s the movie? Interesting?---B. Far from. I should have stayed home watching TV Hurry up. The lecture begins at 2:00.----Don't worry. We've got 20 minutes. I‘m sorry. Bob‘s not in his office.---Can you take a message for me? I don‘t like the spots programs on Sundays.---B. Neither do I
I don‘t think I‘m late. Excuse me, what‘s the time?---It says 8:00. But it‘s 5 minutes slow.
I have an appointment with Dr. Johnson.---C. Please wait for minute. He is busy now. I haven't seen Belly for 10 years.---- Neither have I.
I heard your motorcar was stolen.--- Mine wasn‘t, but Bill‘s was. I think the Internet is very helpful.--- A. Yes, so do I.
I wonder if Henrrywill come to the party at 8:00 sharp as he‘s promised.
----Do‘t worry, he always keeps his words.
I wonder if Tim could control the situation.---Well, if he can control it, no one can. I wonder if you could help me. ----Of course.
I‘d like to know something about your life in Paris.---I‘ll tell you. I‘m sorry to be late. Thank you for waiting.---That‘s OK.
I‘m trying to call Marie, but there‘s no answer.---D. Really? Maybe she‘s out In my opinion, you‘d better take a couple of days off.----A. I‘ll take your advice
Is the toileton the ground floor or 2nd floor?---On the Groun floor. Is there a drugstore near here?--- Yes, there is a big one.
Is there anything serios, doctor?----No, just stay in bed and drin more water. Is this the motel you mentioned?---A. Yes, it‘s as quiet as we expected
I've ordered pizza and salad. What else do you want? ---- A beer is fine for me. I'm not hungry yet.
Jack, are you leaving, now? It‘s 7:20.---- no, I‘ll set off in 30 minutes.
Joe will come to the party at Jane Ian‘s, won‘t he?---- yeah, he‘ll bring his cousin, Sandy.
Let‘s take a walk.--- C. Yes, let‘s.
Linda, can you give me a lift after work?----No problom, we got the same direction. Look at the rainbow! What a view!---Yes, how beautiful it is.
Look. 25% off. The $2500 camera is on sale today.---Yeah, a surprising bargain. May I give you a hand?----Thank you, you are so kind. May I have a look at your photo album?-----Yes, of course. May I help you, madam?---D. Yes, I‘d like 2 kilos of oranges May I know your address?---A. Sure. Here you are
Must I do the washing-up tonight? ----Leave it if you're exhausted. Must we hand in our home work now?---No,you needn‘t Nice weather,isn‘t it?---Yes,it is
Oh, the box is too heavy.----Can I help you to carry it?
Oh, you are back at work. How was your holiday?----We had rain every day and stayed at hotel.
Oh, sorry to bother you. --C. That‘s okay
Thanks a lot. You've gone to so much trouble. ----It's no trouble at all.
The lecture given by professsor Smith was really interesting.----I couldn’t agree with you more.
(我无比地同意。couldn‘t agree more指同意的不能再同意了)
There is an hour to go. Could we sit somewhere to have a drink?---Sure. There‘s a new cafeteria at the corner. How about going there for supper?
---Fine, but it‘s my trait this time.
Wait here and I‘ll get my car and go there together.---Why bother? It‘s within walking station.
Well, Mary, how are you?---C. I‘m fine
What a beautiful dress in the window?----Yes, really. If I had the money, I‘d buy it. What about going for a walk?----A. Why not? A good idea
What do you find difficult in learning English? ---- Listening and speaking. What do you think about this story?----I like it very much. What if my computer doesn‘t work?--- B. Ask Anne for help
What kind of TV program do you like best?---A. It‘s hard to say, actually What subjects are you studying?---I‘m studying philosophy. What would you like, tea or coffee?----B. Coffee, please
What‘s the problem, Harry?--- A. I can‘t remember where I left my glasses.
What‘s the weather like in you hometown?----It‘s cold in winter and hot in summer. When does the next bus leave for Glasgow?----They leave every hour. Where are you from?----Britain.
Where to? I‘m so thirsty.----Why don‘t we enjoy some beer at that bar? Which langguage do you speak at home?----English, most of the time. Who has done your hair, Susan?That hair stylist. Why are you so late? ----I came across an old friend.
Will you go on a picnic with us tomorrow?----Sorry,I have an appointment with Dr.Brown
Will you have some dessert, Judy? No, thank you. I‘m on a diet.
Will you please turn down the TV?---Sorry, I haven‘t realized you‘er sleeping. Would you like to order now?----Yes, I‘d like fish and the soup.
Would you like to see the menu?---A. No, thanks. I already know what to order. Would you mind if I open the window for a better view?--- C. Of course not Would you like to have dinner with us this evening?
---B. Sorry, but this evening I have to go to the airport to meet my parents 二、词汇与结构
1 .(As a rule ),we keep records on all
the experiments so that we may have enough data. 2 .( Above ) all we should put the theory into practice.
3 .( Until ) you told me,I had heard nothing of what happened. 4 .( What ) they are doing has never been done before.
5 .( The ) majority of people are highly against the pollution in this city 6 .Ancient Greece is the ( origin ) of western civilization
7 .After stopping for a few minutes.the bus moved ( on ) to its next stop. 8 .A lecture hall is ( one ) where students.attend lectures.
9 .Although I am a good swimmer,I don‘t like ( swimming ) in the sea.
10 .An adviser said in China ( a sandwich ) course should be developed in some Universites…
11 .A 15-year-old boy was ( arrested ) for stealing 22 charity boxes form local shops. 12 .All the team members tried their best.We lost the game, ( however )
13 .At present,the most important thing is that Britain needs ( to do ) more to improve the…
14 . Before she left on the trip, she ( had trained ) hard.
15 . By next year he ( will have worked ) in New York for five years. 16 . Before I got to the cinema,the film ( had begun )
17 .Bush‘s farm ( lane ) is said to be at bottom of the state of Texas in north America. 18 .Boggis‘ little secret was that she wanted to see herself the ( twelve-year-old ) gril. 19 .Do you know who are ( conducting) the survey? 20 .Do you feel like ( having something to eat ) today?
21 .Don‘t worry,your watch ( is being repaired ) and you can have it in no time. 22 .Dr.Hoffman proposed that we ( put off ) the meeting until next week.
23 .Did you have a neighbor who was always ( getting above ) your business? 24 .Don‘t you think the small donkey can really pull the heavy ( cart ) 25 .Edgar began ( work ) as an office boy years ago.
26 .Everything ( would have been destroyed ) if Albert hadn‘t called the fire brigade. 27 .Frank plays ( a lot better than ) Alex
28 .‖Good-bye,Miss Liu.I‘m very pleased ( to have met you )‖ 29 . He keeps ( looking ) at himself in the mirror. 30 . He is the man (whose) dog bit me.
31 .His attitude toward us seems ( friendly )
32 .He,as well as I ,( is ) a student.
33 .He seldom does his homework at school on weekdays, ( does ) he? 34 .He speaks so quickly that I didn‘t ( catch ) what he said.
35 .He ( treated) the children so badly that they were terrified of him 36 .How the fire in the dance hall started ( remains ) a mystery.
37 .History is the story of ( whatever ) happened to the people before today. 38 .He is a kind-hearted and ( respectable ) gentleman.
39 .He ( adjusted ) himself quickly to the new condition of his work. 40 .He is over fifty,but he looks as though he ( were )only in his thirties. 41 .He was ( over the room )about his new job.
42 .He was ( engaged in ) the preparation of an international conference when I arrived in Beijing.
43 .Hardly ( had I got ) home when it began to rain.
44 . It is very convenient ( living ) here. 45 . I have lived here (since) 1997.
46 . I broke my leg when I (was) skiing in America. 47 . It happen (on) a winter night.
48.I know this is the secret between you and me, and I promise never to(mention) it to anyone else
49 .In addition to rice,we need to ( supplement ) our diet with fish,meat and vegetable. 50 .I‘d like to know what you ( did with ) the plants I gave you. 51 .If the man ( is to ) succeed,he must work as hard as he can. 52 .It is ( such a big job ) that he has to ask for help.
53 .If there were life on Mars,such life forms ( would be ) unable to survive on earth. 54 .If you want to learn something,you had better pay ( attention ) in class55 .I don‘t think this
kind of medicine has any ( effect )
56 .It ( happened ) that I met one of my old classmates on my way home yesterday. 57 .In this factory each worker must receive a ( two-month ) training course. 58 .I prefer to live in the countryside.Country life has a lot of ( advantages ) over city life.
59 .It was well know that Thomas Edison ( invented ) the electric lamp 60 .I don‘t think he will be back in an hour,( will he )?
61 .I saw she was in a difficulty with all those parcels,so I offered my ( services ) 62 .It is hoped that the weather will ( stay ) warm for three more days.
63 .If you want to visit someone in England,you‘d better make arrangement ( in advance ).
64 .I‘d rather stay at home than ( take ) a walk.
65 .I am pleased to take ( this opportunity ) to exchange views with you.
66 .I don‘t want you to make any trouble, (on the contrary ) ,I urge you to solve the problem.
67 .In China,children ( have to start ) school at seven.
68 .In the fifties last cuntury many,new cities ( grew up ) in the desert.
69 .I haven‘t read ( the whole )book,but I read half of it,At least I know something about the ….
70 .It is assumed that students at an intermediate level will have a good ( command ) of the basic
71 .I tried ( finishing ) the book in a few days,but actually I couldn‘t, just because of too much…
72 .I thought that this would be a funny trick ( to play on ) Jim. 73 .If you have made a dicision,please stice( to ) what you want.
74 .I prefer classic music ( to ) pop music.
75 .If I had more money,I ( would ) travel around the world.
76 .If you go to America, you will find that there are better ( communications ) by road…..
77 .I was busy with my paper when I heard someone ( moving about ) in the room above.
78 .I am very surprised thaat even an expert on foreign affairs can know the…( Moreover )…
79 .If you don‘t promise to help build more houses,ordinary people ( will not benefit ) 80 .John Preston was tired ( of ) living in east London,in which had moved after his wife‘s death
81 .Jean could be a very attractive girl,but she ( pays no attention ) to her clothes. 82 .John and Mary ( had been in love ) for years before they got married.
83 .John ( used ) tp be a teacher before the war,but now he works in a hospital. 84 .Let me ( look into ) the case carefully before I draw a conclusion.
85 .Last month,he paid a visit to the village ( where ) he had once worked for five years.
86 .Let‘s not wait any longer,he might not ( turn up ) at all.
87 .Last week I bought a flat ( whose ) biggest room faced south.
88 . Mary forgot ( to write ) a letter to her mother, so she wrote to her just now. 89 .Mr.Smith ( played ) a most important part in the development of our city. 90 .Mr.Smith,together with his wife and children,( is ) going to the party this weekend.
91 .Mother was busy,Although she was not watching the basketball on TV,she ( was listening to )
92 .Mark is a clerk ( with ) a job in a top bookstrore.
93 .My parents are not interested in modern music .They are ( behind ) the times. 94 .Mr.Liu,( whose wife I met ) at imoversotu om Changchun,works at Changhou Company now.
95 .My aunt has lived in New York ( since ) 1995.
96 .More and more people in China now ( drive ) to work regularly. 97.
No one can possibly recall any detail about the meeting.It is at least five years since it (took place) 98 .Not until most of the people had left the airport ( did he see ) his sister was there 99 .Not always ( can people do what ) they want(to).
100 .On his first sea ( voyage ),he was stillquite young but showd great courage to face the storms.
101 .Once he starts a job,he won‘t stop ( until ) it is finished.
102 .One of the benefits of the new model is that it is easier ( to operate ) than the old one.
103 .One day while Mr.King was working,he had an ( accident ) and his left leg was badly injured.
104 .Once you‘re into basketball,you‘ll find ( it ) great fun to play as a way to relax. 105 .Our Lab was being ( rebuilt ) when we visited the university. 106 .Of you have made a dicision,please stick ( A ) what you want. 107 .Please leave the key under the door ( in case ) you go out. 108 .Please stop ( shouting ),It cannot help the situation.
109 .People wandering in the fairground or park area ( don‘t have to ) wear a uniform. 110 .Parliament didn‘t think the Prime Minister did enough in the improvement…(therefore)…
111 . She was convicted (of ) murder.
112 .She ( owes ) her success to hard work and strong will.
113 .She has always ( looked up ) to her father,although he did not graduate from a famous
114 .Some of the citizens have been ( awarded ) medals for bravery. 115 .Sadam ( was married ) for 25years.
116 .Smith drove all the ( way ) to Los Angeles and was just in time for the opening ceremony of
117 .Silk ( has been used ) by Chinese for thousands of years now.
118 . The bedroom needs (decorating )
119 .The farmer caught the boys ( stealing ) his apples. 120 .These plants are rather difficult ( to look after )
121 .That‘s the ( veru ) gentlemean I‘ve been telling you about. 122 .The picture is pleasant ( to look at )
123 .The refrigerator is ( empty ) ;we must buy some food.
124 .The teacher spoke so fast that it was hard for the students to (take in )what he was staying.
125 .Three people,( including a child ),were injured in the accident. 126 .They handed in theire paper ( in trun )
127 .The population of the earth ( is;are ) increasing fast.One third of the population here…
128 .This is the problem ( to which ) we have no good solution as yet. 129 .The work ( will have been done ) by the time you get there.
130 .The patient acted on the doctor‘s ( advice ) and finally recovered. 131 .The sun heats the earth,( which ) is very important to living things. 132 .The definition leaves ( much room ) for disagreement.
133 .The heavy rain stopped us ( from arriving ) at the station on time.
134 .The president claimed the terrorists should be held responsible ( for ) the explosions that…
135 .The public transport system in many cities in the world ( is still run ) by the local authority.
136 .The ( politician ) is concerned with successful election,whereas the statesman is …
137 .The big man has always been eating ont the go,( so ) he has got stomachache. 138 .The beef I ate at the restaurant yesterday is delicious.i‘d like to have it again (twice as much)
139 .The man ( made for ) the gate when he realized that we had spotted him.
140 .The act of speaking will also help to improve listening comprehension ( to some extent)
141 .There are nations whose lack of contact with the outside world has ( resulted in) poverty.
142 .The mistake was ( caused ) by the carelessness of the assistant. 143 .The ancient letter was written ( with ) a pen.
144 .The roof of our house is broken ,so it needs ( repairing ).
145 .The volunteers started looking after other children ( whose ) parents died of AIDS last year.
146 .They are (such diligent) students that they all performed well in the nationwide examinations.
147 . You must explain ( to us, in ) how they succeeded () the experiment. 148 .You should make ( sure) your house or flat is secure. 149 .You ( ought ) to lock the door at night.
150 .We advised him to give up smoking,( and do ) a lot of exercise. 151 .What ( type ) of blood does Tom have?
152 .We consider ( is necessary that ) the instrument be adjusted each time it is used. 153 .When a fire ( broke out ) at the National Exhibition,at least ten priceless paintings…
154 .We are ( confident ) int eh future of our motherland.
155 .We failed in our ( attempt ) to climb the mountain.
156 .We lived on a (side street) when my wife studied in Oxford,It is quiet there,so very suited for.
157 .Why ( is…begin) the old block of flats()demolished next month?
158 .We are told that it is ( where ) we are born that decides our nationality. 159 .We have kept ( up ) our friendship by writing to each other, so we are true friends
160 .While ( raising ) money,he had worked very long hours. 161 .We have our house ( cleaned ) every week by a cleaner.
162 .When we were having a meeting,
the director ( was told ) the bad news by telephone.
163 . What‘s happened to Tom?( He‘s been taken)to hospital.
1.A survey was carried out ---CADBC ADCBB ①by ②sharply ③Although ④to ⑤walking ⑥walk ⑦on ⑧to make ⑨for ⑩for
2.Altough international travel---BDCCC DADCB ①interesting ②from...in…from ③which ④to ⑤live ⑥before ⑦effects ⑧lesson ⑨best ⑩for
3..A study ( ) that fitness is the key ()long life…CACCB AACBC ①has show ②to ③who ④even if ⑤more likely ⑥were ⑦exercising ⑧however ⑨to reduce ⑩encourage
4. A study has shown that fitness is ---CACCBAACBC ①to ②or ③those who do not ④the least ⑤whether or not ⑥to be fat ⑦being ⑧smoking ⑨one ⑩to exercise
5. Buck and his mother and all the men smoked tobacco and talked , …ADCBA DBADC ①while ②was living on ③was never heard ④but ⑤that ⑥travelling up ⑦off ⑧share ⑨had never seen ⑩of
6.Before 1836 the Texas are a __to Spain and then to Mexico,__the…….ADBAB CDABB
①belonged ②under ③free ④other ⑤as ⑥declared ⑦rebels ⑧signed ⑨elected ⑩of
6.Bill was on holiday and ①-②who ③had had ④about ⑤--- ⑥for ⑦anything ⑧his ⑨and ⑩--
7. Frank knew he was very ….ADCAA BCAAD ①sometimes ②in ③mind ④listenedr ⑤be admitted ⑥remember ⑦nobody ⑧whenever ⑨only ⑩like
8. In the UK. In business situations -----BCDAD ABCAC ①for ②to ③pleased ④shake ⑤to ⑥or ⑦the ⑧avoid ⑨especially ⑩turns 9.Jules Verne‘s most famous book is…….ADCABDACCD
①meaning ②invevted ③at ④story-teller ⑤to be ⑥who ⑦easy ⑧always ⑨as well as ⑩sometimes
10.Many teachers believe that the student should be responsible for ABBCD CBACD ①if ②context ③one ④learning ⑤with ⑥assigned ⑦minimum ⑧student‘s ⑨sources ⑩other than
11.Molley Wilson _______ a dancer------ CBADB CDBAC ①had been ②decided ③had trained ④became ⑤got married ⑥after ⑦up ⑧because ⑨before ⑩had met
12.More and more people ( )---- ①have ②have been asking ③due ④who ⑤which ⑥which ⑦estimated ⑧to have them installed ⑨yet ⑩to install 13.Most children with healthy appetites are ready to eat almost anthing….DCACB ACBBD
①unless ②way ③wether ④disguss ⑤anybody ⑥supposed ⑦idea ⑧allow ⑨soon ⑩no
13. Most workers spend eight….
①workdays ②enjoy ③extra ④to ⑤rather ⑥under ⑦As a result ⑧little ⑨end ⑩helth
14. Mr.Smith,a passenger on…… ACDAD ABABC
①avoid ②and ③of ④take ⑤shortly ⑥boders ⑦rest ⑧view ⑨accept ⑩reason
15. No man can change the weather ....CBDBA DABAC
①what ②make ③such as ④sign ⑤air ⑥on ⑦that ⑧weather ⑨above ⑩eyes 16.Peter Blake is a successful businessman, …..CBDCA BACDC ①used ②was ③decided ④been ⑤so ⑥which ⑦own ⑧on ⑨-- ⑩but 17. Plants are very important living things. ---ACADB CCADC
①were ②food ③Therefore ④types ⑤main ⑥covered ⑦no ⑧without ⑨float ⑩fall
18. Smoking may be a pleaseure for some people …BBDCA BBAAC ①Howerver ②discomfort ③on④In fact ⑤suffer ⑥surely ⑦persuade ⑧entirely ⑨rather ⑩sense
19.The anciant Olympic Games DBCAB ADCAD ①were ②of ③were held ④meaning ⑤for ⑥introduced ⑦named after ⑧where ⑨were defeated ⑩therefore
20.The country‘s 35 million ADBCB ACBDB
21.Traffic in India means ADBCB ACDBD ①have been sold ②in ③vehicled ④with ⑤on ⑥pulled ⑦watch out ⑧are recommended ⑨by ⑩that 22.There are advantages and disadvantages….
①both ②to ③than ④do ⑤prepares ⑥yet ⑦on ⑧new ⑨as ⑩have
四. 阅读 阅读理解1
There have been changes in all sorts of different areas of British society. ……which means that there's been quite a decline in the birth rate in the UK along with other European countries.
1. What does the passage mainly discuss?----C. The increasing divorce rate in the UK. 2. During the last ten years, _____.----A. the marriage rate has gone down more rapidly in the UK
3. According to the passage, the cohabitation rate in the UK tends to ____.----A. soar (急剧上升)
4. According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true? B. The highest divorce rate was around 1969.
5. The last paragraph tells us _____.----B. the birth rate in the UK is decreasing rapidly now
People all over the world today are beginning to hear and learn more and more about the problem of pollution. Pollution is caused either by man‘s release of completely new and often artificial (人造的) ……(处理) of the products we use in our daily lives.
1The main cause of pollution is the release of artificial or natural substances into the environment.
2. Much of the pollution could be controlled if only all sides concerned would make more efforts.
3. Food packages, bottles and tins for drinks can cause both a litter problem and a waster of resources.
4. Which of the following can not help solving the problem of pollution? ---- Eating. 5. What does the underlined word ―litter‖ mean in paragraph 2? ---- industrial
A funny thing happened on the way to the communication revolution: we stopped talking to each other.
I was walking in the park with a friend recently, ……. What good is all this gee-whiz technology if there is no one in the room to hear you crying out ―Gee whiz‖?
1. The author‘s experience of walking in a park with a friend recently made him feel -- A. unhappy
2. According to the author, human contact in a park means ____. C. both A and B 3. According to the author, the more connected we get in communications technology, the ____ we are. B. more disconnected
4. What are the examples the author gives to explain his idea that every advance in communications technology is a setback to the closeness of human interaction?C. All of the above.
5. What is the unintended result of communication technology, according to the author?
B. It actually creates a distance between people instead of bringing them together.
Some people think they have an answer to the troubles of automobile crowding and dirty air in large cities. Their answer is the bicycle, or ―bike‖.
In a great many cities, ……. But Bike for a Better City says that this is not enough and keeps fighting to get bicycle lanes downtown.
1. According to the passage, bicycles ___. C.are the solution to some city problems 2. The idea of special bicycle lanes is most favored by ____. B. some bike riders
3.―Bicycle lanes‖ in the third paragraph probably means ____.. C. special parts of the road for bicycle riders only
4. Which of the following is not true according to the passage? A. In New York City, many people use bikes as they have special lanes
5.The best title for this passage is ____. C. Solution to Traffic Problem in New York
Benjamin Disraeli, the famous nineteenth century prime minister, said, ―London is not a city, - it is a nation.‖ ……They are ―skilled cross-cultural travellers‖ without leaving their home-town.
1.Why does the writer think that Benjamin Disraeli‘s statement is an understatement?
Because he thinks London is a miniature world thanks to its great cultural diversity. 2. London is regarded as the most culturally diverse city in the world due to the following facts EXCEPT that many young people are immigrants from different backgrounds.
3. Ethnic minority groups will make up 40% of the London population in the future. 4. The last paragraph mainly tells us in London young people feel at ease with a large
number of diversified cultures.
5. The passage mainly deals with the cultural diversity in London.
Who will stage the games?
Preparing for the Olympics Games is …— Osaka, Paris, Toronto and Istanbul. 2 Why does it take so long to prepare? Building the infrastructure ……, the city becomes more attractive for tourists. Why do countries want to host the Olympic Games? Hosting the games has a …… are permanently improved.
1. Bidding for the Olympic Games usually starts ten years before the games are really held.
2. Beijing was one of the five bidders for the 2008games. 3. The World Cup 2002 was held in Japan 和 South Korea.
4. What construction projects did Beijing start after winning the bid? All of the above.
5. Why do countries want to host the Olympic Games? All of the above.
Once the king of India fell ill and sent for his doctor. The doctor came, ……, so I had to come and wash them now.‖
……and tell your father that he may keep the bull‘s milk for his baby.‖
1. According to the doctor in the story, the king‘s illness can be cured by drinking bull‘s milk.
2. The doctor told the king to ask Gulbo to find bull‘s milk because he hated Gulbo very much.
3. How did Gulbo feel after getting the king‘s order? He was upset.
4. Why did Gulbo‘s daughter wash clothes below the king‘s bedroom window at night? Because she wanted the king to notice her.
5. From the dialogue between the king and the girl, we know that after hearing the girl‘s story, the king understood the girl‘s meaning.
Thousands of years ago, in the middle of an ocean,……. So plants had to be the pioneer life on this new island.
1. The passage centers on how life began on a volcano-produced island. 2. According to the passage, the island got its first soil from its own rock.
3. The word ―naked‖ (in para. 3) could be replaced by which of the following? Bare. 4. The order of coming into being on the island is soil, plants and animals.
5. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE ? Insects could not live on the island without plants.
In the last 500 years, nothing about people – not their clothes, ideas,……. He tried one and experienced the ―wide-awake‖ feeling that one-third of the world‘s
population now starts the day with.
1. According to the passage, which of the following has changed the most in the last 500 years?Food.
2. ―Some‖ in ―Some still exist today‖ refers to some shops.
3. Thousands of Irish people starved during the ―Potato Famine‖ because the potato harvest was bad.
4. Coffee originally came from Ethiopia.
5. The Arabic legend is used to prove that coffee drinks were first made by Arabs.
Crime Prevention Initiatives The chances that you will be a victim of violent crime are low.……If someone attacks you - remember your safety is more important than your property.
1. This passage mainly focuses on . A. how to avoid the crimes both at home and in the street
2. If you want to guarantee you are secure at home, you should . B. never leave the keys to workmen since they can easily make copies
3. Based on the passage, if you notice someone following you,it‘s better for you to . B. go to public places
4. Why should you have a telephone in the bedroom? C. Because it‘s convenient for us to report to the police in case there is a burglary.
5. From the passage, we can infer that we might be victims if. A. we cannot part with the money when being attacked
阅读理解11 ( Unit 5 p67)
An Extraordinary Change of Direction Molly Wilson had been a dancer and a mother for many years ……. Then on the trip I was simply a good team member.‖
1. What does the word ―extraordinary‖ mean in the title? B. very unusual and surprising
2. The sentence ―…my husband thought I was bored …‖ in Para. 4 meant that my husband thought I felt A. dissatisfied because I had nothing better to do at home 3. The word ―section‖ in Para. 4 most probably means here C. part of the route of sail
4. Which of the following is nearest (closest) in meaning to ―rough‖ in the sentence ―One night the sea was very rough …‖in Para. 5? C. not smooth because of huge waves
5. The last paragraph suggests that ______. A. the qualities she needed for the trip were the same as those for a dancer
I was 15 when I walked into McCarley Bookstore and began to look over the titles of the books on the shelves.……, and most importantly, it helped me find a good sense of myself.
1. How did the author get the job in McCarley Bookstore? A. He happened to walk
into the shop and got it by chance.
2. According to the author, selling books was one of the most satisfying job experiences, because ____. B. it helped him understand the world and himself
3.After he helped the fearful lady looking for books on cancer, the author was .D. proud of himself
4. The author decided to help the poor boy by B. persuading his boss to let him do the story on TV
5. The main reason that the author thinks his present job is the same as the one in the bookstore is . C. it helps people make sense of the world.
Paper was invented by the Chinese in the first century AD. ……. But the latest in paper making seems to be paper houses. 1. Where was paper invented? In China. 2. Scandinavia began to make paper in 1500.
3. Every four hundred copies of a forty-page newspaper will need one tree.
4. All over the world, trees are being cut down faster than they are being planted. 5. The latest things made of paper are houses.
We often use gestures to express our feelings, ……recognize or understand body language than younger people do.
1. Which of the following is true according to the passage?
D. It is difficult to tell what people‘ gestures really mean sometimes.
2. People‘s facial expressions may be misunderstood in different cultures because D. people from different cultures have different meanings about some facial expressions
3. From the passage, we can conclude that . A. gestures can be used to express feelings
4. In the same culture, people . D. may have different abilities to understand and express feelings
5. The best title for this passage can be . C Gestures and Feelings
We walked in so quietly that the nurse at the desk didn‘t even lift her eyes from the book. ……. It‘s a fine hospital. But such floors! A mop is no good. You need a brush.‖ 1. When she took a mop from the small room what Mum really wanted to do was C. to see a patient
2. When the nurse talked to Mum she thought Mum was a D. cleaner
3. After reading the story what can we infer about the hospital? B. It has strict rules about visiting hours.
4. Why did Mum go to see Kate in the hospital? D. To find out how she was. 5. Which of the following words best describes Mum? D. Clever.
Did you know there are some very special dogs doing good work in our hospital wards? These are PAT 2 (Pets As Therapy) dogs. ……. He gave me an insulin injection.‘
1. Doctors and nurses think pets are particularly helpful for . D) all of the above people
2. Today ___people in hospital get the help of dogs and cats and their owners.C) 100,000
3. Alan got the dog from ___.B) the charity
4. Which of the following that Tess CAN NOT help Alan do? D) buy newspaper from the shop
5. When Alan was going to a coma, Tess went to his ___‘s home for help. A) neighbour
卓越人社区-全国最大的大学生交流Dear Sirs,
Headquartered in Chicago, Illinois, ……PMC‘s packaging expertise (专长) is mainly in the following areas:
— Packaging and paper box making machinery — Wrapping machines for varying uses Faithfully yours, General Manager PMC Co. Ltd.
1. The company wants to sell . D. machinery and chemicals
In Chicago, Illinois.
3. When did the company‘s annual sales exceed $2 billion? B. In the year of 2000. 4. The company thinks C. it plays a leading role in the world‘s packaging industry 5. The letter is written to A. its customers in the States and abroad
阅读理解18 ( Unit 2 p18 )
Anna is our only daughter. My wife and I have two sons and Anna is the case with. …….But I think she was easy to bring up. I don‘t remember ever telling her office.
1. From the text we learn that There are five people in Anna‘s family .
2. When she was a little child, Anna was often ill and her mother looked after hereditary.
3. It can be inferred that Anna‘s mother is a beautiful woman who loves art and music. 4. Which of the following statements is true? Anna doesn‘t like hunting because she loves animal.
5. Which of the statements is NOT truest? Anna is a little girl suffering form diabetes(糖尿病).
I had two jobs growing up and they all helped shape my life.
When I was about 12, I started caddying (当球童) at ……business lesson: You have to take risks in business. If you take a risk and fail, get up to bat and swing again.
1. The author thinks what he has learned from his first job is how to talk and behave properly.
2. The phrase ― people from all walks of life‖ in the third paragraph means people working in different occupations.
3. The author thinks his second job is challenging.
4. The author compares his second job to joining a baseball game.
5. The business lesson the author gets from selling shoes is never be afraid of taking risks.
阅读理解19 ( Unit 1 p8 )
When I was a little girl, my brothers and I collected stamps for many years. My mother didn't use to work during the week, ……. She was waiting to sell us a very special limited edition with ENGLAND WINNERS on each stamp. We were over the moon.
We still have it today, and perhaps it is worth a lot of money.
1). This passage mainly tells us _____. C. the author and her brother had an unforgettable experience in collecting stamps
2). According to the passage, her mother worked in the post office ______. B. on Saturdays
3). Their mother told them to go to the post office straightaway after the match if England won, but she didn't tell them why. Why do you think she did that? A. She wanted to give them a surprise.
4). What does the sentence \"We were over the moon.\" mean? B. We were extremely happy about it.
5). What is the best title for this passage? D. A Memorable Experience in Collecting Stamps.
\"Listen, that's not right.\" \"Look, you don't understand!\" \"Sorry, I don't follow.\" Are these three speakers, who are just chatting naturally, ……. The kinaesthetic learner:
A teacher, who knows about learning styles suggested that I tape the lectures and listen to them when I am jogging.
1). Which of the following learners is NOT mentioned in the passage? D. Sensory learner.
2). Which of the following is NOT true about the visual learners? D. They remember people's names quickly.
3). Which of the following describes best the auditory learners? B. They prefer to listen rather than watch.
4). From the fourth paragraph, the kinaesthetic learner tends to ____. C. do more physical exercises
5). According to the passage, the drawback of being a visual learner is _____. A. he
cannot concentrate on things
Every day, the news of the world is relayed to people by over 300 million copies of daily papers, over 400 million radio sets, and over 150 million television sets. …… Electronics and automation(电子和自动化)have made it……. Thus, pictures can be brought to the public more quickly than previously.
1). People learn about what happens in the world through ____. A. newspapers and magazines 和 B. radio and television sets
2). According to the passage, the expression \"no man is an island\" means that _____. D. every man belongs to some society
3). The passage suggests that newspapers have been published for about ____. D. 400 years
4). According to the author, people in today's world _____. B. are affected more by whatever happens in the other parts of the world
5). Today the publishing of newspapers and magazines is more economical because _____. B. new inventions are changing the techniques of newspaper publishing
Hello, new students! This is a message from the Students Union Committee.
We've been at the university for at least a year now, so we can give you some good tips. Don't worry we remember being new and making a lot of mistakes! ……(BA or BSc) throughout your three years here —— try to keep things in perspective. You'll always find someone in the Student Union office if you need to talk.
1). What does the word \"scared\" mean in the second paragraph? B. frightened
2). What does the word \"grants\" mean in the third paragraph? A. money given by the government to support the students' study, which they needn't pay back
3). The sentence \"But if you are struggling to make ends meet, …at weekends\" in the third paragraph implies______. A. if you are short of money, you can find a part-time job in the restaurants and bars in your spare time
4). From the fifth paragraph, we can infer that in order to overcome the stress of living faraway from home, _______.
A. it's better for new students to talk to their parents over the phone from time to time 5). This passage is written for the purpose of ______. C. offering new students some advice about their university life
PALO ALTO, California ―Switching off the television may help prevent children from getting fatter even if they do not change ……Thomas Robinson, a pediatrician(儿科专家) at Stanford University…….Robinson said. ―Another reason might be due to eating fewer meals in front of the television. Some studies have suggested that eating in front of the TV encourages people to eat more,‖ Robinson said.
1). The author tries to tell us in the first two paragraphs that ______. D. children will get fatter if they spend more time watching TV
2). According to the passage, the time American children usually spend on watching TV ______. A. is more than four hours a day
3). The time the group of children in the study spend on TV viewing every day is suggested to be about _______. C. three hours
4). Which one of the following is right? B. Children usually eat more while watching TV.
5). Why can watching TV increase kids' weight according to the passage?
A和B. A.They usually eat more while watching TV. 和 B. They burn off fewer calories.
People travel a lot with Heaven Air because they know they will get what they want. They want to go quickly and safely across the land, ……People fly with Heaven Air because they know they will leave on time and arrive on time. They know that they will receive the best food and watch the best films. Heaven Air is second to none.
1). Heaven Air is the name of ______. B. an airline
2). Travelling with Heaven Air is ______. D. quick and safe
3). Heaven Air can take you to Paris ______. C. any time in a week 4). Most flights of Heaven Air go to ____. C. both big and small cities
5). According to the advertisement, Heaven Air believes it is ______. D. the best in the world
阅读理解25 ( Unit 7 p92 )
John Preston lives in a flat in north London. He moved there after his wife died four years ago to be closer to his daughter's family, and because his ……. We need to fix the gate and repair the path — it looks dreadful when you arrive.\"
1). What does the word \"replaced\" mean in the sixth line in paragraph 1 ? A. renewed 2). The word \"shabby\" in the last line of paragraph 1 means ____. C. in bad condition
3). The word \"drawback\" most likely means _____. B. disadvantage
4). The sentence \"we have a list of things to do as long as your arm\" means _____. C. we have quite a few things to do
5). Which of the following is TRUE about June and Pete's house? D. It generally please them.
The ancient Olympic Games were part of a religious festival in honour of the Greek god Zeus, the father of all Greek gods and goddesses. ……. The first torch relay in the modern Olympic Games was staged in Berlin in 1936.
1. The ancient Greeks held the first Olympic Games in 617 BC. F 2. The ancient Greeks held the Olympic Games for 393 years. F
3. They did not allow women to compete in the ancient Olympic Games. T 4. They first used the Olympic flag in 1908. T
5. Both the Olympic Games and the Marathon Race are very popular for old and young people in many countries of the world. NG
Lily is 70 years old and she takes care of her 91-year-old mother. She told us about caring for her mother.
I wake up early every day, it‘s usually about 6.30 am, ……, so I feel a bit trapped. But what is the alternative? An old people‘s home? I couldn‘t do that to my mother. 1. Lily wakes before her mother. T
2. Joan sometimes spends the day with Lily‘s mother. T 3. Tilly is satisfied with her hairdresser. NG
4. Lily‘s brother comes to visit every three weeks. F
5. Lily and her mother play cards more than they watch TV. F 判断正误3
People who cannot tell all colors apart are said to be color blind. Most color-blind people can see yellow and blues, …… (遗传). And although doctors have thought up tests to determine(测定)color blindness, there is no cure to treatment for it. 1. A color-blind person can tell correctly red and green. (F)
2. Many color-blind people are unaware (没意识到) that they are color-blind. (T)
3. It‘s especially dangerous for a color-blind person to cross a street when there are no traffic lights at the cross of the streets. (F)
4. A person who is color-blind is not allowed to drive. (NG)
5. Up to now, doctors have found a way to free a person from his color blindness. (F)
―Get up, the water is coming.‖ Yan Xinzhi, ……., leading to a loss of RMB 200 billion (approximately US $24 billion) in industrial output.
1. As neighborhood committee director, the major part of Yan Xinzhi‘s job was to wake up her neighbors at midnight to get water. (T)
2. The passage reveals that all the cities in China suffer from water shortage. (F) 3. The passage is written by a water expert. (NG)
4. The lack of water has lead to a loss of US $24 billion in industrial output. (T) 5. Xi‘an is another city with water in short supply. (NG)
Benjamin Disraeli, the famous nineteenth century prime minister, said, ―London is not a city, it is a nation.‖……. They are ―skilled cross-cultural travellers‖ without leaving their home-town.
1. London is a nation. (F)
2. The city of London was founded by the Romans. (T) 3. All African population live in London. (F)
4. 39% of the total population of London are Chinese. (F) 5. Old people are also ―skilled cross-cultural travelers‖. (NG)
My grandfather was a very interesting man. He died when I was 11, but I remember ……, but when the race was run, my grandfather‘s dog won anyway, so they lost all their money and didn‘t win anything!
1. The author‘s grandfather doesn‘t tell stories now. (T) 2. His dog always won when it raced. (F)
3. The author‘s grandfather usually won lots of money. (NG)
4. The author‘s grandfather and his friend fed the dog cakes to make it strong. (F) 5. The author‘s grandfather and his friend bet on a dog which didn‘t win. (T)
Traffic in India means a mixrure of kinds of vehicles on the road. About 700,000 new cars __ in India ----------ceremonies are held for new car owners in which the steering wheel and the driver are both blessed.
T 1、The number of second-hand------is 14,000---
F 2、Because there are 35 million-----two-wheeled market.
T 3、Because the amount of money-------types of vehicles in India. F 4、Because the road are very bad,--------help up in India.
T 5、The brakes ,the horn and luck--------important things in India.
The police are investing the theft of a statue from the City Museum yesterday. The statue, which is made of bronze, ------------An expert at the museum said that the statue would not be easy to sell because it was very easy to recognize. T 1、The statue was given to the museum over a hundred years after it was made. T 2、There were no witnesses to the crime. F 3、The statue was made by Helen Payne. NG 4、The statue is very valuable.
F 5、Because the statue was easy to recognize, it would be easy to sell.
判断正误、Speedway racing is a type of motorcycle racing that is done on a track with a special motorcycle.------------They expected 3,000 people to come and watch the races,but over 30,000 people arrived to see the first races! T 1、You need a special motorcycle for a speedway race.
F 2、Speedway races are held on the road.
T 3、Speedway races were held in Australia before they were held in Britain. F 4、Jack Hill-Bailey organized the first races by himself. F 5、There were no many people come to see the first races.
一、1.日常活动2.主要工作(职业活动)3.社交生活 / My family life (共4篇例文)
1.Dear Bob,
I‘ll tell you something above my daily life in this email and hope you will find it interesting.
I usually get up early and go to work at 8 o‘clock. I have lunch in the office. And I come back home at six. As a secretary, I deal with phone calls, emails and faxes during work hours. I also do the paper work for the manager. After work, I like to do shopping with friends or watch TV at home.
Sometimes, I also like to chat on the Internet. Best regards, Michelle
2.In the morning ,I usually get up at 7.00.Then,I take a shower and brush my teeth. Then I eat breakfast at 7:30. After breakfast I go to work at 8.00 After work I go to pick up my daughter.and do some grocery shopping.and I am good at cooking. I have dinner at 6:30. After dinner I read the newspapers to know the current affairs. Then I go to bed at 9:00. This is my day. Please tell me about your day.
3. During the workdays, I usually get up at 6:40. Then wash my face and brush my teeth. At 7:00, I wake up my daughter and help her to dress up. I usually send my daughter to the kindergarton at 7:40. Then I drive to work.
I seldom do some grosery shopping because I have no time, my mother can help me do this, she is good at cooking. My work time is from 8:10 to 11:40 in the morning, 2:00 to 5:20 in the afternoon. After work, I drive to pick my daughter. We usually have dinner at about 6:30. After dinner, I play with my daughter till 9:00 o'clock in the evening. Then I help my daughter have a bath. After my daughter goes to bed I watch TV programme for a while. I smetimes pay attention to current affairs, but I never watch sports programme. I go to bed at 11:00 at night.
4. Like most ordinary Chinese families, my family life is busy and meaningful. My family members often get up at about six o'clock in the mornings. My wife deals with my little kid's chores while I'm cooking the breakfast. I drive my daughter to her school and then to my work. My wife takes the subway to her hospital. Around 4:30 p.m., I pick up my daughter and do some grocery shopping. My wife is good at cooking. So when we arrive home, a delicious meal is waiting for us. During the
eating, we chat about interesting things from our daily life and discuss current affairs. We go to bed at 10 p.m.
二.1童年的梦想2.目前的情况3.对未来的希望 1.Dear Jennifer,
Thank you for telling me about yourself. I‘d like to let you know more about me too.
As a child, I wanted to be a detective. I thought a detective was really great because he could solve criminal cases to do justice. But my dream never came true. I‘m now a librarian, dealing with
books every day. The work is nothing thrilling, but I like it. Since there are more and more
electronic materials, I hope that we will have an e-library built soon. Looking forward to hearing from you again. Best wishes, Ian
2.Different people have various ambitions. Some want to be engineers or doctors in the future. Some want to be scientists or businessmen. Still some wish to be teachers or lawers when they grow up in the days to come.
Unlike other people, I prefer to be a farmer. However, it is not easy to be a
farmer for Iwill be looked upon by others. Anyway,what I am trying to do is to make great contributions to agriculture. It is well known that farming is the basic of the country. Above all, farming is not only a challenge but also a good opportunity for the young. We can also make a big profit by growing vegetables and food in a scientific way. Besides we can apply what we have learned in school to farming. Thus our countryside will become more and more properous.
I believe that any man with knowledge can do whatever they can so long as this job can meet his or her interest. All the working position can provide him with a good chance to become a talent. 3.
One day last week, a girl parked her car outside a fashion house. As soon as she was inside, two men opened the car door, started the engine and drove away in just one minute. When the girl recovered from the shock, she called 110. Luckily, there was a police patrol car nearby. So the girl got
in the police car and they drove in the direction where the thieves escaped. Twenty minutes later,
they found the car waiting at a busy crossroad for the traffic lights to turn green. Needless to say,
the car thieves were caught red-handed.
四.1.自主(autonomous )学习与远程教育2.自主学习与合作(collaborative )学习3.你自己的学习情况
Autonomous learning is an important learning style in distance education. It is an essential skill
for distance learners because they study alone most of the time. They do not meet their tutors or
classmates very often. However, distance learners can learn a lot from each other. So autonomous
learning and collaborative learning go hand. I am a distance learner. I have to do most learning tasks by myself. Meanwhile we have group activities every two weeks to complete some learning
tasks or share experiences. I have found both forms of learning very helpful.
五.1.有一种观点认为:城市生活比乡村生活好2.你对这种观点的看法3.你的结论 Some people believe that country life is better than country life. I don‘t agree with this. Town life can be convenient to us in many aspects. For example, you can move around easily, shopping can be more fun in a big shopping mall and you can enjoy a more colorful nightlife. But there are also many disadvantages. It is much nosier than in the country. Air pollution is more serious. It is not easy to park your car. It costs more to live in town. To name but a few is enough. Therefore, I prefer country life.
Living in a big city \\
Great changes have happened in my hometown. Ten years ago there were only ten homes, however there are hundred new homes. In the enter of the town, there is one very wonderful statue, many tourists often take photos there.A lot of old blocks of flats have been demolished. Many families have bought new cars, so the local government has to issue new parking regulations. At present one new school is being built. It will be finished next month. People in my hometown are leading one happy life there.
六1.保持身体健康的重要性2.保持身体健康的方法3.重申保持身体健康的意义 How to keep healthy
1. Nowadays, more and more people know the importance of keeping healthy. Without a healthy body, we can do nothing. For me, there are three ways to keep healthy.
First, it is necessary to keep a balanced diet, which is the basis of good health. It is better for us to have more fruits and vegetables everyday. Secondly, it is important to take regular exercises, such as swimming, jogging and so on. Last but not least, it is essential to keep in a good mood. Relaxation and entertainment are ways to renew our spirits and release our stress. When we make healthy habits a part of our daily life, we
are bound to keep healthy.
2. Nowadays more and more people are concerned about their health. But how to keep healthy? Different people may give different answers to this question. In my opinion, it is essential to do the following.
First, it is absolutely important to do regular exercise. Research shows that getting plenty of exercise makes the heart beat faster and the lungs work harder. Through sports and exercise, people become healthier and stronger.
Second,medical researchers have proved that what people eat affects their health. so it is necessary to keep a balanced diet.They advise people to eat more fruits and vegetables and less meat such as beef and pork because meat contains more fat than poultry and fish.
Third,it is essential to keep in good spirits.and listening to music can renew our spirits and release our sress.
If people follow these three ways of keeping fit, they will greatly improve their health.
3. Health and Eating Habits
As we know, good health is more important than wealth.and eating habit is closely related to health.Food gives us energy,so we must have enough food to keep fit.First,we should eat more fruit and vegetables and less meat,and second we also must have right kinds of food.A cup of milk a day can help make us healthy as well.Third,different foods help us in different ways, if we eat too little or too much,or if we choose the wrong food,we may become sick,such as overweight,malnutrition.so we must have meals three times every day on time,too. It's necessary for us to have healthy eating habits.
七、1. 哪一种是你最喜欢的交通方式2. 阐述你的理由3. 作出结论
1.In a modern city, there are many means of transportation, such as subway, taxi, bus and so on.
But my favorite means of transportation is by bike.
First, riding a bike is good for keeping healthy. I spend one hour riding a bike to my office on my working day, and I think it is a good form of physical exercise. Secondly, it is money-saving. Recently, the private car drivers always complain the price of gas is higher and higher, but if you ride a bike, it will cost you nothing. Thirdly, it is beneficial for protecting the environment, so it is a ―green ‖form of transportation. Therefore, although it has some disadvantages, I like riding a bike best.
2. My favorite means of transportation In a modern city, there are many means of transportation, such as subway, tax, bus and so on. But my favorite means of transportation is by bike. First, riding a bike is good for keeping healthy. I spend one hour riding to my office on working days. I think it is a good form of physical
exercise. Secondly, it is money saving. Recently, the private car drivers always complain the price of gas is higher and higher, but if you ride a bike, it will cost you nothing. Thirdly, it is beneficial for protecting the environment, so it is a ―green‖ form of transportation. Therefore, although it has some disadvantages, I like riding a bike best.
八、1. 描述你家的位置2. 各个房间的功能3. 表达你对你们家居条件的态度 1.My home is a newly-built house in the north of the city. We have three rooms in addition to the kitchen and bathroom. The first room is the main room or living room. It is for having meals, relaxing, reading, watching television and so on. It is the busiest room in the house. The second room is my daughter‘s bedroom. She sleeps and dresses there. The third room belongs to my wife and me. It seems quite spacious because we have little furniture. We sleep, prepare lessons and generally relax there. I think my home is cozy and I like my home.
2. I like my home. I live in a pleasant flat right in the center. We have three rooms and our own kitchen and bathroom. The first room is the main room or living room. It is having meals, relaxing, reading, watching television and so on. It is the busiest room in the house. The second room is my parent‘s room. They sleep there, store their clothes and dress there. The third room is my room. I work and sleep there. The bathroom is for doing all the usual personal activities and for washing clothes. It‘s nice living here. We‘ve made plenty of friends with people with children.
My Family
Hello, everyone. I’m Lily. I come from Hunan. I have a happy family. There are five people in my family. They are my grandpa, father, mother, cousin and I.
My grandpa used to be a senior engineer and now he is retired. He likes sports. Every morning, she goes to the park to do morning exercises. My father is a policeman. He is very serious about everything and pay attention.to the details.He is not very fat, but he works very hard. He likes cooking very much. At weekends, he often cooks nice food for us. My mother is very pretty. At weekends, she always does some cleaning at home. She likes cleanliness. My cousin is a lovely boy. He takes after my father.He likes playing games and eating snacks. I am a happy girl.I look ;like my mother. This is my family, a big and happy family.
My home
My home is in a Tower Building,in the north of the city.It has two floors,about 300 square meters.On the ground floor There is a big sitting room .and we had the window frames painted.There's a coffee table in front of the sofa .There are two armchairs beside the coffee table.and a big TV.There is also a computer in my bedroom .I want a small TV in my room ,too. The bedroom and kitchen are small and are clean.There 's a dinning room near the kitchen .
The first floor is only for us to play . There 's only one room .There are big windows in the wall and light shines through the window.I can invite my friends to stay with me here . We can grow flowers because there's a lot of sunshine . Iam satisfied with my home.I think it is very cozy.
九、1. 你最喜欢的电视节目是什么2. 你喜欢它的理由3. 作出结论 My Favorite TV Program
CCTV today offers a great variety of programmes to meet different needs and tastes. For example, the weather forecast, serials, films, sports and so on. My favorite TV programme, however, is THE NEWS. There are several points that are worth mentioning. For one thing, it covers news about events both at home and abroad. Besides, the news it provides is timely and reliable. Finally, it broadcasts in the evening during the so called ―golden time‖. It saves me much time reading through newspapers for current affairs.In short, watching the news on CCTV has become part of my daily life
十1. 你理想的工作是什么2. 你的理由3. 如何实现你的理想
1. Everybody has his dream for his career in the future. He or she might want to be a teacher,
a doctor, a scientist, a sportsperson and so on. To tell you the truth, my ideal job is in business. The idea came into being when I was a child. With the development of market economy, there are many prosperous opportunities in business. I like reading stories about some successful businessmen such as Bill Gates, Li Jiacheng, etc. I believe I will be a man like them some day.
Now, I am majoring in Computering. I must study hard to get myself qualified for my future job.
2. Every person has his own ideal job. Some people wish to be doctors, while others want to be teachers and so on.As far as I am concerned, I have been dreaming of being a guide for a long time. First, my major is the manage of tourism, so I want to get a job about tourism. Secondly, good guides are knowledgeable and amiable, meanwhile, they have wide vision. Finally, guide can constantly expand his knowledge and understand lots of customs about different cultures and countries.
To achieve my dream of being a qualified guide, I have to make sufficient preparations. Fro one thing, I must learn my specialty well and travel at my spare time, just as the saying goes: ―Seeing is believing.‖ For another, I should enhance my eloquence so that I can express the allusion about the view clearly. What‘s more important ,I should control my mood freely and treat every traveler kindly.
Being a good guide is difficult, but I believe if I endeavor to do this things in all hands. I‘ll be successful sooner or later.
十一. 介绍自己, Talking about myself
1. My name is Wing Ling. I was born in Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province. My father worked as an engineer in a large factory which makes colour TV. I studied in a primary school and a secondary school in Nanjing. Later I studied at a local vocational college majoring in business. I am an office worker at a big company. I live in a flat not very far from my office building. I am currently working on open courses which are offered by central Radio and TV University. I am working very hard at them. In my spare time I like watching TV, listening to radio and sometimes I go swimming with my friends. At the weekends I often go out shopping in different stores and supermarkets, and sometimes stay at home reading. 2. Now i will introduce myself briefly
I am 26 years old,born in shandong province .
I was graduated from qingdao university. my major is electronic.I spend most of my time on study, and I have acquired basic knowledge of my major during my school time.
in my spare time ,I like basketball, tennis and chinese chess. also English is my favorate.I often go to English corner to practise my oral English on every Thursday,and write compositions to improve my witten ability .but I know my English is not good enough ,I will continue studying.
十二、有关自己爱好/ My Hobbies
1. My hobby is reading. Since I was seven years old, I have been reading in my spare time. I often read novles, peoms, stories and so on. I often go to the library to borrow some books which I am interested. Sometimes I go to the bookshop to select some. There are over 2000 books in my study now. My friends often come and enjoy reading with me. I like reading so much that I have a good knowledge in writing. I have got over 10 awards. I am now learning to write peoms.In my life books are my best friends and I will like them for ever.
2. I have many hobbies, such as raising flowers,cycling,playing computer games, reading comics, going shopping. I also like playing pingpong very much. I benefit a lot from the hobbies.I have a friend. His name is Nick. He is crazy about playing pingpong, too. In our spare time,, we often play pingpong together. I think it can help us to maintain a mental and physical balance.One summer holiday, he took me to a sports centre. Then we played pingpong together, but he always lost. He was very angry. He said to me, “I will beat you in a month.”“OK. We will have a match at that time.” After a month, when I talked to him about it, he answered, “I forgot the thing! I don't want to have a match with you.” I was very surprised and angry and said, “Oh, you're a forgetful boy!”
1. I am now studying in STRTVU for my further certificate and knowledge. I come here to study half a month. Every time I have to study several subjects or get the CIA, listening, and computer coaching. In fact , the knowledge in every subject is hard for me, because I don‘t have too much time in teaching myself in the spare time . I have
to work on the weekdays. I work in school, so sometimes I have to do extra work for the graduating grades. Thanks to the teaching methods of the RTVU, I think it‘s a little easy to understand the contents of the subjects. The coaching teachers are always caring for us in studying here. So I think it looks like a real university or a warm home for me.
2. My TV University life
I'm now engaged in long distance education. Some people may feel that TV university life is boring. We do not know how to deal with the plenty of spare time. But I think the college life will become wonderful as long as you make it meaningful.
First,I want to say something about our studies.We have web-based courses,join online discussion forums .and we send our homework to the tutor,and solve the difficulties and puzzles in the tutorial.
In our spare time, we play basketball, football and so on. Doing sports is very interesting and good for our health.
In fact, we can do anything which you are interested in.
Studying in TV university is a brand new start of our life.We can continue to study hard for the better scords. Libary is a good place for students to study in. If we want to show our talents and skillswe can join in all kinds of activities. In a word,TV university life is wonderful! 3. High school life and college life
Most of us may have felt that high school life is quite different from college life. Briefly, college life differs from high school life in three ways. First, in high school, we did not live on campus, so we did not have to worry about such things as making decisions, balancing our budget, etc. But living at college, far away from homes, we have to do these things on our own. Next, in high school our teachers asked students to do many tasks and showed us how to solve every problem by detailed explanations and elaborate examples. At college, however, the teachers only tell us the different approaches to problems and we are left with a lot of free time to study and solye these problems by ourselyes. and we spent more time studying by ourselves.Finally, since we didn't live on campus in high school, it was usually easy to maintain a friendly relationship with our classmates. Yet, this is no longer always the case at college. As we lire and study together, there is bound to be divergence or disagreement in opinions, life styles, etc. So we have to learn to get on well with each other.
I am studying at Nanjing Radio and TV University. This university offers variety of open and distance courses for adult learners. The students can study here and receive a diploma when they get enough credits. This university has three campuses and many classroom buildings. In these buildings there are many computers. They are all linked to the Internet.The students can use computers to learn the courses at home or in the offices. However, they also can go to the classroom buildings to have face-to-face lessons.This university is really good for busy adults. It will be a very interesting and exciting learning experience to study at this university.
5. My English Studies
I am an active English-learner.And I am independent in my English studies.In my opinion, it is not very difficult to learn English well. In general, English can be divided into five parts: listening, speaking, reading,To improve listening, I think, first of all,we should enlarge our English vocabulary. The more, the better. We can imagine if you know few words, you will surely not understand what the speakers mean. Secondly,we had better use some better teaching materials to practise listening.Finally, practise more. We know practice makes perfect. If we don’t know what the speakers say for the first time, we should listen again and again until we absolutely understand the main idea. Furthermore, I think the best way to improve our English is to listen to the radio or the tapes every day. In a word,I enjoy the pleasure of English studies.
十四、Notice 1、假设你是王华,想去北京21st Century 报社应聘,请根据下面表格写一封80-90词左右的应聘信。
姓名吴华 职业记者工龄 11年 出生日期1965年7月6日 出生地 中国吉林长春 求职信 Dear Sirs,
My name is Wuhua, born on July 6th, 1965 in Changchun, Jilin Province, China. I am a journalist and have already had eleven years of working experience. I can speak Japanese and Germany besides English and of course I‘m good at operating computer. I graduated from Journalism Department of Beijing University in 1990 and then worked as a journalist in Shenzhen Daily till December, 1996. I studied in BBC from 1997 to 1998 and since I came back in January, 1999, I have been head of the news section . I will be very lucky if I can work in your newspaper---- The 21st Century. And I think I have abilities to do the job well. Yours Sincerely, Wuhua
2. NOTICE:假设你是汕尾广播电视大学学生干部,贵校要举办一次英语讲座。 时间:2004年5月5日,星期六晚7:30~9:30。 地点:多媒体报告厅 主讲人:美籍教授Iycidro. 内容:美国印第安人与美国历史。
注意事项:可邀请朋友或校外同学参加,不要迟到。听完报告后,要求用英文写一篇感想。 NOTICE
There will be an English lecture on American Indians and America History by Miss Iycidro, an American professor from Shenzhen TV University . It will be given in the hall of the Culture Centre in our university on Saturday evening from 7:30 to 9:30, May 5, 2004. Those who are interested in it are welcome . And you may also invite your friends from other schools to attend it . Be sure not to be late . After the lecture , please write a report about it in English . Student Union May 4, 2004
1. I‘m going to write about someone I look up to. The person I look up to is my father. His name is Gao Ming. I look up to him because he is wise and kind. He is always very kind to my mother, the children, our relatives and our friends and his friends. he is always ready to give his hand to all the others. He always knows what he can do and how he can do. He never does something wrong. He is tall and handsome. He has a round face and bright eyes. He smiles a lot. He has a darker skin. 2. My daughter is the most important person in my life.
All things about her influenced my every nerve.It's make me very pride of her smart and beauty. Make me very happy when I saw her even forget all the trouble about work..
My daughter likes drawing.She often draw on the wall.So the wall of my house is
full of her abstract picture.Some can understand what she draws,others can‘t.
She is naughty like a crawl jumping round and around.
Now I find she like study very much, especially language, she often read English poety by herself, and I find her pronounce is very criterion. So I want to train her language talent. 3. 描述你的朋友
I have got a good friend. Her name is Wu Ming. She is tall with dark eyes, dark hair and white skin. She looks like her mother.
She likes walking, talking, and discussing life with her father. She also likes looking after animals. She is artistic and musical, very funny and very good natured. She is outgoing and she likes meeting new people.
She is now studying at Nanjing Radio and TV University. She likes learning English via Internet. She hopes working in London in the near future.2
1.利用提示就一起谋杀案写一篇新闻报道 Criminals: A woman Verdict: Guilty
Date of trial: Yesterday
Crime: Murdered her husband
Arrest: At home, cutting up body, claimed it was meat for her dinner Evidence: Tests showed it was human flesh Sentence: 25 years, prison
A woman was accused of murder yesterday. She was guilty of murdering her husband. She was arrested at hom when she was cutting up her husband body, she claimed it was a meat for her dinner. The meat was tested and the tests showed it was human flesh. The woman was sentenced to 15 years in prison.
2.给商场经理写一封70-90词的投诉信 Dear Mr. Gao,
I am writing to complain about the work you have done to my colour TV,which I
bought from your shop. I bought the colour TV from your shop last week. But when I came home and turned it on, I found there was no picture at all. I tried and tried for a long time, however, there‘s still no picture. So I visited your shop again, telling them about the problem. But they said it must be my fault. I am very dissatisfied with your service. I hope you will replace the TV with a new one or refund me as soon as possible.
Yours sincerely, (你的名字)
3.写一封介绍信 Dear Mr. Smith,
I am writing to introduce Mr. Wang, my former student to you. He would like to make an appointment to see you as soon as possible.He wants to apply for the marketing manager post. As far as I know, he is the kind of the person working to deadlines and working alone. He is patient as well as dynamic. Besides that, he has a good eye for detail with an excellent memory. He likes taking responsibility for doing things. He is the best person you want to hire. I think you will give him an opportunity for an interview.
I look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely, (你的名字)
4 My favorite sport
Talking about my favorite sport, undoubtedly, it is swimming. Firstly, I love swimming because it is good for keeping fit in that by swimming every part of the body including the joints and muscles is exercised. Water is like a capable massage that makes you comfortable. More importantly, swimming is a very clean sport for me because it would not leave you all the sweating on your body like running, basketball and tennis. And in the summer, it is really an enjoyment to jump into the water and have a swimming. In addition, it is known to all that swimming would lose one's weight and be graceful on form, especially for girls, so that’s why I love swimming. In my country, there is even winter swimming that exercise the patience of a person.and swimming is especially refreshing.
5. Helping for eldly people
China has stepped into an aging society.according to traditional chinese moral values,to be kind to one’s parents is the height of virtue.We owe so much to our parents in that they not only geve us life but have done much in bringing ue up.It is against nature for us to shirk the responsibility of taking care of our parents when thay are old.Rather,we have the duty to pay back their love by making their later years enjoyable and happy. the family plan has been carring out for many years.And we should establish a multi-level old-age insurance system
6. Changes In my Life
Over the past twenty years or so, there have been many changes in my life. Take my family for example. My parents contacted others mainly by sending them letters in the past, but now we call long distance at home. And once my parents listened to the radio for news and other information, but now we watch the news and other programs on TV. Another big change is in the housing conditions. When they got married about twenty years ago, my parents lived in a small room crowded with furniture, but now we have moved from a cramped and gloomy room to a big and bright flat.. In short, changes in my life in the past twenty years have brought us comfort and convenience. We are better off. 阅读理解:
1、 When I was a little girl, my brothers and I collected stamps for many years. …………………………………
1). This passage mainly tells us __________.
C. the author and her brother had an unforgettable experience in collecting stamps 2). According to the passage, her mother worked in the post office ________. B. on Saturdays
3). Their mother told them to go to the post office straightaway after the match if England won, but she didn't tell them why. Why do you think she did that? A. She wanted to give them a surprise.
4). What does the sentence \"We were over the moon.\" mean? B. We were extremely happy about it. 5). What is the best title for this passage?
D. A Memorable Experience in Collecting Stamps
2、\"Listen, that's not right.\" \"Look, you don't understand!\" \"Sorry, I don't follow.\" 1). Which of the following learners is NOT mentioned in the passage? D. Sensory learner.
2). Which of the following is NOT true about the visual learners? D. They remember people's names quickly.
3). Which of the following describes best the auditory learners? B. They prefer to listen rather than watch.
4). From the fourth paragraph, the kinaesthetic learner tends to _________. C. do more physical exercises
5). According to the passage, the drawback of being a visual learner is __________. A. he cannot concentrate on things
3、I had two jobs growing up and they all helped shape my life.
1). The author thinks what he has learned from his first job is ____________. B. how to talk and behave properly
2). The phrase \"people from all walks of life\" in the third paragraph means people ____________.
D. working in different occupations
3). The author thinks his second job is ____________. A. challenging
4). The author compares his second job to ____________. C. joining a baseball game
5). The business lesson the author gets from selling shoes is ____________. C. never be afraid of taking risks 4、Every day, the news of the world is relayed to people by over 300 million copies of daily papers,
1). People learn about what happens in the world through ____________. D. both A and B
2). According to the passage, the expression \"no man is an island\" means that ____________.
D. every man belongs to some society
3). The passage suggests that newspapers have been published for about ____________. D. 400 years
4). According to the author, people in today's world ____________.
B. are affected more by whatever happens in the other parts of the world
5). Today the publishing of newspapers and magazines is more economical because ____________.
B. new inventions are changing the techniques of newspaper publishing
5、Hello, new students! This is a message from the Students Union Committee. 1). What does the word \"scared\" mean in the second paragraph? B. frightened
2). What does the word \"grants\" mean in the third paragraph?
A. money given by the government to support the students' study, which they needn't pay back
3). The sentence \"But if you are struggling to make ends meet, …at weekends\" in the third paragraph implies_________.
A. if you are short of money, you can find a part-time job in the restaurants and bars in your spare time
4). From the fifth paragraph, we can infer that in order to overcome the stress of living faraway from home, _________.
A. it's better for new students to talk to their parents over the phone from time to time
5). This passage is written for the purpose of _________.
C. offering new students some advice about their university life
6、PALO ALTO, California – “Switching off the television may help prevent children from getting
1). The author tries to tell us in the first two paragraphs that ____________. D. children will get fatter if they spend more time watching TV
2). According to the passage, the time American children usually spend on watching TV ____________.
A. is more than four hours a day
3). The time the group of children in the study spend on TV viewing every day is suggested to be about ____________. C. three hours
4). Which one of the following is right?
B. Children usually eat more while watching TV.
5). Why can watching TV increase kids' weight according to the passage? D. Both A and B.
7、People travel a lot with Heaven Air because they know they will get what they want. They want to
1). Heaven Air is the name of ____________. B. an airline
2). Travelling with Heaven Air is ____________. D. quick and safe
3). Heaven Air can take you to Paris ____________.
C. any time in a week
4). Most flights of Heaven Air go to ____________. C. both big and small cities
5). According to the advertisement, Heaven Air believes it is ____________. D. the best in the world
8、John Preston lives in a flat in north London. He moved there after his wife died four years ago to
1). What does the word \"replaced\" mean in the sixth line in paragraph 1 ? A. renewed
2). The word \"shabby\" in the last line of paragraph 1 means _________. C. in bad condition
3). The word \"drawback\" most likely means _________. B. disadvantage
4). The sentence \"we have a list of things to do as long as your arm\" means _________.
C. we have quite a few things to do
5). Which of the following is TRUE about June and Pete's house? D. It generally please them.
9、Crime Prevention Initiatives
1). This passage mainly focuses on ________.
A. how to avoid crimes both at home and in the street
2). If you want to guarantee your safety at home, you should _________. B. never leave the keys with workmen since they can easily make copies
3). Based on the passage, if you notice someone following you, it's better for you to _________.
D. go to public places
4). Why should you have a telephone in the bedroom?
C. Because it's convenient for us to report to the police in case there is a burglary. 5). From the passage, we can infer that we might be victims if _________. A. we cannot part with the money when being attacked
10. There have been changes in all sorts of different areas of British society. In recent years in the UK we have had a very large increase in the number of couples who get divorced.
After 1969 and the Divorce Law Reform Act we had a very rapid increase in the number of divorces.
1). What does the passage mainly discuss? D. Trends in …
2). During the last ten years, __________. A. the marriage …
3). According to the passage, B. soar
4). According to the passage, A. The highest….1969.
5). The last paragraph tells us …
D. the birth rate ……
11. STUDY WHEN AND WHERE YOU WANT WITH DIRECT COURSES Do you want to improve your skills and boost your job prospects? ………………
1). The passage is… the purpose of ________. A. informing ……
2). Which of the …about the Direct? D. It requires … skills.
3). Based on the passage…… A. meet the tutors on line
4). We can infer from the passage that C. we needn't have ……
5). According to the passage, C. simply go to the …
12. A funny thing happened on the way to the communication revolution: we stopped talking to each other. ………………………………
1). The author's experience of walking in a A. unhappy
2). According to the author, human contact in
D. both A and B
3). According to the author, the more C. more disconnected
4). What are the examples the author gives to D. All of the above.
5). What is the unintended result of
B. It actually creates a distance between …
13. When I was a little girl, my brothers and I collected stamps for many years. My mother didn't use to work during the week, but she worked in the post office near our house on Saturdays, and she used to bring home all the new stamps as soon as they were issued.
1). This passage mainly tells us __________. C. the author and her brother had an… 2). According to the passage, her mother B. on Saturdays
3). Their mother told them to go to the post
A. She wanted to give them a surprise.
4). What does the sentence \"We were over the B. We were extremely happy about it. 5). What is the best title for this passage? D. A Memorable Experience in Collecting
14 . May you wish upon a thousand stars? May you catch a million fireflies? Get started with choosing a motorhome or a travel trailer. And then you may realize just how much you learn when you look at life through the eyes of a traveler. ………………………………
1). From the passage, we know for sure that Don C. husband and wife
2). In the third paragraph, when Mary said, D. her motorhome
3). Which of the following sentences do you A. They learn a lot more than ordinary school 4). At the end of the fourth paragraph, the B. Global Positioning System
5). The family consider themselves lucky A. their life is rich and they stay closer
15. When companies need new employees, they usually place advertisements in newspapers in order to attract as many applicants as possible. …………………
1). What kind of companies are the best choice C. Larger, well-known companies. 2). Which of the following is not true? A. A person looking for a job should only 3). When people are looking for jobs, what C. A resume and a cover letter.
4). If you send your resume to a company that
D. The company might write back and tell you 5). According to the author, ____________. B. it is always a good idea to send in one's
16. Anna is our only daughter. My wife and I have two sons, and Anna is the youngest in the family, but she's twenty-five now. Anna was not well when she was little.
1). According to the passage, when Anna
A. got an illness
2). It can be inferred from the passage B. mainly a woman's responsibility 3). What does \"take after\" mean in the C. look like
4). My daughter and I have little in D. character
5). From the passage, we can see the D. affectionate
17. A 15-year-old boy, who was first found guilty of theft at the age of 12, was convicted of stealing 22 charity boxes yesterday from local shops. ………………………………
1). The boy was caught stealing while he C. dressed up as a woman representative 2). Which of the following is NOT true D. He had been arrested and thrown into 3). Why did one of the shop owners call C. Because the boy answered the call in 4). According to the judge, why did the
B. Because he came from a single-parent 5). What does the title of the passage B. The boy who pretended to be a woman
18. PALO ALTO, California – ―Switching off the television may help prevent children from getting fatter – even if they do not change their diet or increase the amount they exercise,‖ US researchers said last week. ………………………………… 1). The author tries to tell us in the D. children will get fatter if they 2). According to the passage, the time A. is more than four hours a day
3). The time the group of children in the C. three hours
4). Which one of the following is right? B. Children usually eat more while
5). Why can watching TV increase kids' D. Both A and B.
19. Until the twentieth century cigarette smoking was not a widespread habit. ………………
1). When did cigarette smoking begin to C. When cigarettes were made in large 2). Among which age group of people are B. People in their thirties.
3). Which of the following has little to D. How long he has worked.
4). Which of the following is true
B. Women with high family incomes and 5). What does the author mean by saying C. Family income and education have much
20. The Extended Family
Mrs Sharp, a large, red-faced woman in her late sixties, has lived in Greenleas, a 'new town' in the countryside outside London, since 1958. …………………………………
1). Why did Mrs. Sharp have to move to
C. Because her house in the downtown area was
2). When she got married, she lived
D. together with her parents for some time 3). How did she know so many people?
B. Because they were either her relatives or 4). The sentence \"I had one neighbour who was C. I had one neighbour who always showed 5). What does this passage mainly deal with? A. What the extended family is like. 21. The British School System
Children in the UK have to go to school from the age of five for 11 years. ……………………………
1). Which of the following basic subjects D. Dancing and music.
2). Which of the following statements is TRUE A. State school students study subjects 3). It can be inferred from the first two B. primary and secondary schooling
4). According to the last paragraph, why do
B. they will acquire some western ideas as
5). What is the author's attitude towards to D. Objective
22. Every day, the news of the world is relayed to people by over 300 million copies of daily papers, over 400 million radio sets, and over 150 million television sets. Additional news is shown by motion pictures, ………………………………
1). People learn about what happens in the D. both A and B
2). According to the passage, the expression D. every man belongs to some society
3). The passage suggests that newspapers have D. 400 years
4). According to the author, people in today's B. are affected more by whatever happens in 5). Today the publishing of newspapers and B. new inventions are changing the
23. An Extraordinary Change of Direction Molly Wilson had been a dancer and a ………………………………
1). What does the word \"extraordinary\" mean in the title? B. very unusual and surprising
2). The sentence \"…my husband thought I was bored …\" A. dissatisfied because I had nothing better 3). The word \"section\" in paragraph 4 most C. part of the sail roufe
4). Which of the following is nearest (closest) C. not smooth because of huge waves 5). The last paragraph suggests that
A. the qualities she needed for the trip were the same as those for a dancer 24. Hello, new students!
This is a message from the Students Union Committee.
1). What does the word \"scared\" mean in the B. frightened
2). What does the word \"grants\" mean in the A. money given by the government to support 3). The sentence \"But if you are struggling to A. if you are short of money, you can find 4). From the fifth paragraph, we can infer A. it's better for new students to talk to
5). This passage is written for the purpose of C. offering new students some advice about
25. Lillian Hanson, a college student, expects to graduate in about two years. What makes Mrs Hanson different from her classmates is her age ? …………………………………
1). Mrs Hanson couldn't go to college A. she hadn't got enough money
2). Mrs Hanson wanted to borrow money from the C. to further her education at college
3). In the college, what makes Mrs Hanson C. that she is 73 years old
4). The computer students welcomed Mrs Hanson D. they were deeply moved by her spirit 5). Mrs Hanson is the sort of person who A. cares for study very much 26. 10th August, 2004
Dear Sirs,Headquartered in Chicago, Illinois, PMC Company is a major producer of technically advanced machinery and chemicals for industry and agriculture. …………………………
1). The company wants to sell ____________. D. machinery and chemicals
2). Where is the Head Office of the company? C. In Chicago, Illinois.
3). When did the company's annual sales exceed B. In the year of 2000.
4). The company thinks ____________. C. it plays a leading role in the world's 5). The letter is written to ____________.
A. its customers in the States and abroad
27. Benjamin Disraeli, the famous nineteenth century prime minister, said, \"London is not a city, - it is a nation.
…………………………………… 1). Why does the writer think that D. a miniature world thanks to its great 2). Why does the writer think new A. Because they have regularly 3). London is regarded as the most
D. many young people are immigrants from 4). The last paragraph mainly tells us in D. young people feel at ease with a large 5). The passage mainly deals with C. the cultural diversity in London
28. People travel a lot with Heaven Air because they know they will get what they want.
1). Heaven Air is the name of…… B. an airline
2). Travelling with Heaven Air is … D. quick and safe
3). Heaven Air can take you to Paris … C. any time in a week
4). Most flights of Heaven Air go to … C. both big and small cities
5). According to the advertisement, … D. the best in the world
29. Morgan Rees has always been a good businessman. He used to own three petrol stations and was busy most of the time. ……………………………… 1). The topic sentence of paragraph 1 is A. Morgan Rees has always been a good 2). The topic sentence of paragraph 2 is C. He was unhappy after he retired
3). Which of the following statements can B. He bought a small crockery factory in 4). What is the central idea of the last D. Since he started working again, 5). The passage mainly deals with
B. how Morgan Rees lived his retired life more happily by turning to work again 30. The entertainment profession, or \"show business\ ……………………… 1). What is not mentioned as the C. Getting the best tailor.
2). A successful pop singer must work C. younger singers are catching up
3). For a pop singer, the most important D. they make him rich and famous 4). According to the author, the fans B. can be very annoying
5). The most important thing that a pop A. keep smiling
31. In the United States, 30 percent of the grown-up population has a ―weight problem.‖
1). What kind of physical problem do many C. They are too fat.
2). Based on the information given in D. 150.
3). Are there scientific facts to support C. There are hardly any scientific facts
4). Compared with the grown-up Americans A. ate more food and had more physical 5). What have some modern medical and A. Fat people eat less food and are less
32. Some people think they have an answer to the troubles of automobile crowding and dirty air in large cities. Their answer is the bicycle, or \"bike\". …………………………
1). According to the passage, bicycles ____________.
D. are the solution to some city problems
2). The idea of special bicycle lanes is most favored by ____________. B. some bike riders
3). \"Bicycle lanes\" in the third
C. special parts of the road for bicycle 4). Which of the following is not true D. In New York City, many people use 5). The best title for this passage is
D. A Solution to Traffic Problem in New
33. PAT the Dog
Did you know there are some very special dogs doing good work in our hospital wards?
1). Which of the following statement is B. Only some special dogs can help the 2). Pets are particularly beneficial to C. elderly people who live alone
3). The first sentence of paragraph 2 D. people feel relaxed and hopeful when 4). The dog helps Alan do the following D. She picks up the phone for him
5). The sentence \"when I was going to a
C. when I became unconscious…
34. We are all in a rush. We are hurrying here and there. The pressure of time characterizes life today.
…………………………… 1). According to the passage, what D. feel time is pressing
2). In the sentence, \"These days it is possible to drive, eat, B. at the same time
3). The author believes that the A . about time
4). The author ____________the American C. is doubtful about
5). The best title for this passage is A. Can We Save Time?
35. ―But I just paid $ 1.69 for this bottle of wine last week. How come the price is now $ 2.25? What's going on?‖ ……………………………… 1). From the first paragraph, we know D. complaining about the price
2). The three factors mentioned in the B. the price of wine to go up
3). The supply of wine has remained the D. the production of wine has ceased to 4). What does \"production costs\" refer to D. The cost of manpower and equipment.
5). The author's purpose of writing this
C. explain why the price of wine is
36 When I was a little girl, my brothers and I collected stamps for many years. My mother didn't use to work during the week, ……………………….. 1). This passage mainly tells us C. the author and her brother had an 2). According to the passage, her mother B. on Saturdays
3). Their mother told them to go to the post office straightaway after the match if England won,
A. She wanted to give them a surprise. 4). What does the sentence \"We were over B. We were extremely happy about it. 5). What is the best title for this
D. A Memorable Experience in Collecting
37. When companies need new employees, they usually place advertisements in newspapers in order to attract as many applicants as possible. …………………………
1). What kind of companies are the best C. Larger, well-known companies. 2). Which of the following is not true? A. A person looking for a job should only 3). When people are looking for jobs, C. A resume and a cover letter.
4). If you send your resume to a company D. The company might write back and tell 5). According to the author,
B. it is always a good idea to send in
38. A Day in the Life of a Carer
Lily is 70 years old and she takes care of her 91-year-old mother. ……………………………………… 1). What does this passage mainly deal B. Lily's daily experience as a carer of 2). Their breakfast from Monday to A. toast
3). Which of the following is TRUE, based
D. They usually have breakfast together 4). From the passage, we learn Lily's A. is good looking
5). How does Lily feel about caring for C. She feels she is bound by it but she 39. Dear Folks,
I've been here for about three weeks and already I have so much to tell you. New York is nothing like I thought.
………………………………… 1). According to Yichen, New York D. looks very different from what she 2). Yichen lives in a dormitory, because A. it is the cheapest
3). The most difficult thing at the C. to keep up in a different learning 4). Yichen seems to be ____________ B. less confident in making
5). On her arrival in New York, Yichen D. Lanzhou
40. The greatest recent social changes have been in the lives of women. During the twentieth century there has been a remarkable shortening of the time of a woman's life spent in caring for children.
…………………………………… 1). According to the passage, around the A. at about twenty-five
2). We are told that in an ordinary family A. many children died before they were 3). When she was over fifty, the late D. was unlikely to find a job even if she
4). According to the passage, the women B. marry before they are twenty-five 5). Which of the following statements is C. Today more married women leave work
41. Airline companies are responsible for transporting your luggage. 1). If you can't find your luggage at the B. deliver it to where you live
2). Before taking your air trip, you have
A. of the restrictions on luggage
3). The charge for the excess luggage B. the passenger
4). In case you have no idea at all where D. the executing agency given in the 5). The passage is mainly about CIDA's D. the transportation of your luggage
42. We often use gestures to express our feelings, but the problem is that the gestures can be understood in different ways. ……………………………… 1). Which of the following is true D. It is difficult to tell what people' 2). People's facial expressions may be D. people from different cultures have 3). From the passage, we can conclude A. gestures can be used to express 4). In the same culture, people D. may have different abilities to 5). The best title for this passage can C. Gestures and Feelings
43. Traffic in India means a mixture of all kinds of vehicles on the road.………………………………… 1). Why is India the world's largest
C. Because there are so many motorcycles 2). From the second paragraph, we can B. a hybrid of vehicles, especially slow 3). What does the phrase \"Given the C. If we take into consideration the 4). In the last paragraph, why does the B. Because driving in India is often
5). What does the title suggest? C. Drivers should be careful in the
44. I was 15 when I walked into McCarley Bookstore and began to look over the titles of the books on the shelves.
………………………………… 1). How did the author get the job in
A. He happened to walk into the shop and 2). According to the author, selling
B. it helped him understand the world
3). After he helped the fearful lady D. proud of himself
4). The author decided to help the poor B. persuading his boss to let him do the 5). The main reason that the author C. it helps people make sense of the 45.Telecommuting(远程办公)
It's 8:30, time for John to start work. So he turns on his radio. Then he eats breakfast. ………………
1). From the passage we know that John D. through the Internet
2). Which of the following is mentioned B. One can work on one's own schedule. 3). The passage tells us that
C. their employers can save more money 4). The phrase \"suited to\" in the third C. fit for
5). The passage is mainly about A. a new way to work
46. John Preston lives in a flat in north London. He moved there after his wife died four years ago to be closer to his daughter's family, ………………………………
1). What does the word \"replaced\" mean in A. renewed
2). The word \"shabby\" in the last line of C. in bad condition
3). The word \"drawback\" most likely means B. disadvantage
4). The sentence \"we have a list of things C. we have quite a few things to do
5). Which of the following is TRUE about D. It generally please them.
47. Bill Cooper is portfolio (证券投资) manager of the $13 billion Value Trust Funds, one of the best mutual funds of the last decade. ………… 1). In the sentence of the first paragraph,
C. for nine years running
2). It was ____________ that Bill learned A. through his father's explanation 3). It was the idea that ____________ D. one can make money through buying 4). From the passage, we know that Bill's B. hard work
5). Bill Cooper soon learnt after his C. only indicated that one was ready to
48. We often use gestures to express our feelings, but the problem is that the gestures can be understood in different ways.…………………… 1). Which of the following is true D. It is difficult to tell what people' 2). People's facial expressions may be D. people from different cultures have 3). From the passage, we can conclude A. gestures can be used to express 4). In the same culture, people D. may have different abilities to 5). The best title for this passage can
C. Gestures and Feelings
49. Crime Prevention Initiatives
The chances that you will be a victim of violent crime are low. ……………………….. 1). This passage mainly focuses on
A. how to avoid crimes both at home and 2). If you want to guarantee your safety B. never leave the keys with workmen 3). Based on the passage, if you notice D. go to public places
4). Why should you have a telephone in the C. Because it's convenient for us to 5). From the passage, we can infer that A. we cannot part with the money when
A study has shown that fitness is the key to long life, irrespective of body shape or even smoking habits. …………………………
1). In the second paragraph, the word
A. supporting
2). What does the word \"sedentary\" mean B. inactive
3). It can be inferred from the third A. the new study contradicts the
4). What can we infer about the British B. It has approved of the previous 5). What's the author's attitude C. Objective.
51. We walked in so quietly that the nurse at the desk didn't even lift her eyes from the book.
1). When she took a mop from the small C. to see a patient
2). When the nurse talked to Mum she D. cleaner
3). After reading the story what can we B. It has strict rules about visiting
4). Why did Mum go to see Kate in the
D. To find out how she was.
5). Which of the following words best D. Clever.
52. Learning Styles
\"Listen, that's not right.\" \"Look, you don't understand!\" \"Sorry, I don't follow.\"……………………
1). Which of the following learners is D. Sensory learner.
2). Which of the following is NOT true D. They remember people's names 3). Which of the following describes best B. They prefer to listen rather than 4). From the fourth paragraph, the C. do more physical exercises 5). According to the passage, the A. he cannot concentrate on things 53. MAPPING THE FUTURE
At Beijing's new Urban Planning Exhibition Centre a computerised city planning map is creating great interest. …………………… 1). Which of the following best describes A. Beijing's planning map interests 2). According to the passage, which of D. Factories
3). Which of the following best states B. The main attraction is a big model and 4). Which of the following illustrates D. Some people feel happy and others 5). Based on your understanding of each
C. The newly-planned city map reveals
54. The entertainment profession, or \"show business\people. ………………………… 1). What is not mentioned as the C. Getting the best tailor.
2). A successful pop singer must work C. younger singers are catching up
3). For a pop singer, the most important D. they make him rich and famous
4). According to the author, the fans B. can be very annoying
5). The most important thing that a pop A. keep smiling
55. Paper was invented by the Chinese in the first century AD. ………………………………… 1). Where was paper invented? A. In China.
2). Scandinavia began to make paper C. in 1500
3). Every four hundred copies of a B. one tree
4). All over the world, trees are being D .faster
5). The latest things made of paper are D. houses
56. Cynthia Woolly is called the Michael Jordan of women's basketball. With the help and support of her mother, she made her way out of a Los Angeles ghetto (贫民窟) and into the world of women's basketball. ………………………………… 1). From the first sentence of this D. the best professional woman
2). Cynthia Woolly is now ____________. A. the team leader of a basketball team 3). From the passage, we can come to the A. at a disadvantage
4). Which of the following statements is C. She doesn't want the younger
5). The right thing that Cynthia Woolly B. providing them with a better
57. Robert was born in a small town in England. His father has a farm and can supply him enough money to university where he's studying law. ………………………………… 1). Robert can study in the university B. his father is a rich farmer 2). The English visitor thought
A. there were a lot of thieves in the 3). Robert brought his money out of his D. he was afraid to lose his wallet 4). Robert put the note in the wallet B. he hoped to make fun of the thieves 5). In fact, ____________. A. the thief made fun of Robert 58 A: What was your very first job?
B: When I left school, I sold double-glazing and I hated it. ………………………………… 1). Why did he (the second speaker) give D. Both B and C
2). It can be inferred from the passage A. he got the job as a journalist mainly 3). Why did he give up journalism to sail B. Because was bored with the fact that 4). It can be inferred from this passage A. he prefers to look after children
5). What does the word \"chaotic\" mean in
D. disorderly
59 In the UK, in business situations, when you meet someone for the first time you shake hands and say, ……… 1). The first paragraph tells us
C. how to greet someone in business 2). If you are invited to someone's house C. leave the house before the last guest 3). English people like to talk about the D. income and marriage
4). In the last paragraph. The sentence B. it's usual to pay for a drink one 5). The subject matter of the passage A. British social customs
60 After her husband had gone to work, Mrs Richards sent her children to school and went upstairs to her bedroom. ………………… 1). The reason for Mrs Richards'
B. she was to attend an evening party 2). Mrs Richards went downstairs with the A. make sure that the costume fitted her
3). The man who was knocking at the door D. an electricity man
4). What did the man do after he knocked C. He stepped directly towards the
5). The man ____________ and that made A. thought he must have met a ghost
61 We walked in so quietly that the nurse at the desk didn't even lift her eyes from the book.………………………
1). When she took a mop from the small C. to see a patient
2). When the nurse talked to Mum she D. cleaner
3). After reading the story what can we B. It has strict rules about visiting 4). Why did Mum go to see Kate in the D. To find out how she was.
5). Which of the following words best
D. Clever.
62.John Preston lives in a flat in north London. He moved there after his wife died four years ago to be closer to his daughter's family, ………………… 1). What does the word \"replaced\" mean in A. renewed
2). The word \"shabby\" in the last line of C. in bad condition
3). The word \"drawback\" most likely means B. disadvantage
4). The sentence \"we have a list of things C. we have quite a few things to do
5). Which of the following is TRUE about D. It generally please them.
63. My mother raised me as best as she could, taking on odd jobs in the neighborhood for money.
……………………………………… 1). From this story, we may guess that the
C. poor
2). The author used to behave himself D. badly
3). From the context, we understand that B. which are not regular or fixed
4). In the first sentence of the second A. the three years of military service 5). What is not true according to the B. The author was surprised that he was
64. To us it seems so natural to put up an umbrella to keep the water off when it rains. But actually the umbrella was not invented as protection against rain. Its first use was as a shade(遮光物) against the sun! ………………………………… 1). According to this passage, the A. in ancient China
2). Which of the following statements is C. The umbrella changed much in style in 3). A strange feature of the umbrella's
B. a symbol of honour and power
4). In Europe, the umbrella was first C. in Rome
5). This passage talks mainly about D. the history and use of the umbrella 65. THE FITTEST DO LIVE LONGER
A study has shown that fitness is the key to long life, ………………………………
1). In the second paragraph, the word A. supporting
2). What does the word \"sedentary\" mean B. inactive
3). It can be inferred from the third A. the new study contradicts the
4). What can we infer about the British B. It has approved of the previous 5). What's the author's attitude C. Objective.
66. My mother raised me as best as she could, taking on odd jobs in the neighborhood for money.
1). From this story, we may guess that the C. poor
2). The author used to behave himself D. badly
3). From the context, we understand that B. which are not regular or fixed
4). In the first sentence of the second A. the three years of military service 5). What is not true according to the
B. The author was surprised that he was
67. When I was a little girl, my brothers and I collected stamps for many years. My mother didn't use to work during the week,……………………… 1). This passage mainly tells us C. the author and her brother had an 2). According to the passage, her mother B. on Saturdays
3). Their mother told them to go to the
A. She wanted to give them a surprise.
4). What does the sentence \"We were over B. We were extremely happy about it. 5). What is the best title for this
D. A Memorable Experience in Collecting 68. Crime Prevention Initiatives
The chances that you will be a victim of violent crime are low. …………………………………… 1). This passage mainly focuses on
A. how to avoid crimes both at home and 2). If you want to guarantee your safety B. never leave the keys with workmen 3). Based on the passage, if you notice D. go to public places
4). Why should you have a telephone in the C. Because it's convenient for us to 5). From the passage, we can infer that A. we cannot part with the money when
69. May you wish upon a thousand stars? May you catch a million fireflies? Get started with choosing a motorhome or a travel trailer. 1). From the passage, we know for sure C. husband and wife
2). In the third paragraph, when Mary D. her motorhome
3). Which of the following sentences do A. They learn a lot more than ordinary 4). At the end of the fourth paragraph, B. Global Positioning System
5). The family consider themselves lucky
A. their life is rich and they stay closer to each other
70.When I was a little girl, my brothers and I collected stamps for many years. My mother didn't use to work during the week, ………………………………… 1). This passage mainly tells us C. the author and her brother had an 2). According to the passage, her mother
B. on Saturdays
3). Their mother told them to go to the A. She wanted to give them a surprise.
4). What does the sentence \"We were over B. We were extremely happy about it. 5). What is the best title for this
D. A Memorable Experience in Collecting
71. I was 15 when I walked into McCarley Bookstore and began to look over the titles of the books on the shelves.
…………………………………………… 1). How did the author get the job in A. He happened to walk into the shop and 2). According to the author, selling B. it helped him understand the world 3). After he helped the fearful lady D. proud of himself
4). The author decided to help the poor B. persuading his boss to let him do the 5). The main reason that the author C. it helps people make sense of the 1