Non standard outputs available as specials between 1.5V ~5.5VLow ripple and noiseR-78xx-1.0Series
Single Output
Selection GuidePartNumberSIP3R-781.8-1.0 R-782.5-1.0R-783.3-1.0 R-785.0-1.0 InputRange(V)4.75 – 184.75 – 184.75 – 186.5 – 18OutputVoltage(V) VinMax. Vin(%)(%)8287909476818489DescriptionThe R-78xx-1.0 series high efficiency switching regulators are ideally suited to replace 1 Amp 78xx linearregulators and are pin compatible. The efficiency of up to 97% means that very little energy is wasted asheat so there is no need for any heat sinks with their additional space and mounting costs. Low ripple andnoise figures and a short circuit input current of typically only 10mA round off the specifications of thisversatile converter series.Specifications ( typical at 25°C, 10% minimum load, unless otherwise specified )CharacteristicsInput Voltage Range Output Voltage Range Output CurrentOutput Current LimitShort Circuit Input CurrentInternal Power DissipationShort Circuit ProtectionOutput Voltage Accuracy (At 100% Load)Line Regulation (100% Load, Vin max.)Load Regulation (10 to 100% full load)Dynamic Load StabilityRipple & Noise (20Mhz BW)Temperature CoefficientMax capacitance LoadSwitching FrequencyQuiescent Current Vin = min. to max. at 0% loadOperating Temperature RangeOperating Case Temperature (with derating)Storage Temperature RangeCase Thermal ImpendanceThermal ShutdownPackage WeightMTBF (+25°C). (+71°C)148Internal IC junctionusing MIL-HDBK 217Fusing MIL-HDBK 217F+160°C1.9g13338 x 10³ hours3880 x 10³ hourswww.recom-international.com
-55°C-40°C2803505All SeriesAll SeriesAll Series100% <-> 50% loadAll Series-40°C ~ +85°C ambient±20.20.4±85mVConditionsAll SeriesAll SeriesAll SeriesAll SeriesAll Series10Min.4.751.50Typ.Max.18V5.5V1000mA3000mA30mA0.4WContinuous, automatic recovery±3%0.4%0.6%±100mV0.015%/°C220µF7mA+85°C+100°C+125°C70°C/WOutput Power (%)Derating-Graph
(Ambient Temperature)
12010080604030200-4020mVp-p30mVp-p430kHzSafe Operating Area02550Operating Temperature (°C)608575100}Detailed Information see Application Notes chapter \"MTBF\"27-March-2007元器件交易网www.cecb2b.comINNOLINEDC/DC-ConverterStandard Application Circuit+Vin+VoutR-78xx-1.0SeriesR-78xx-1.0Add a blocking diode toVout if current can flowbackwards into the out-put, as this can damagethe converter..-Vout-VinCharacteristicsEfficiency1007550Vo=5VVo=3.3VVo=2.5VVo=1.8V50Ripple25Vo=5VVo=3.3VVo=2.5VVo=1.8VEfficiency (%)255Vin ( V )101518Ripple (mV)5Vin ( V )101518Efficiency Vs Vin (Full Load)Ripple Vs Vin ( Full Load )1007550Vo=5VVo=3.3VVo=2.5VVo=1.8V5025Vo=5VVo=3.3VVo=2.5VVo=1.8VEfficiency (%) (mV) Current ( A )Output Current ( A )Efficiency Vs Load ( Vin=Max )Ripple Vs Load ( Vin=Max )1007550Vo=5VVo=3.3VVo=2.5VVo=1.8V5025Efficiency (%) (mV)Vo=5VVo=3.3VVo=2.5VVo=1.8V0. Current ( A )Output Current ( A )Efficiency Vs Load ( Vin=Min )Ripple Vs Load ( Vin=Min )www.recom-international.com27-March-2007149元器件交易网www.cecb2b.comINNOLINEApplication ExamplesDC/DC-ConverterR-78xx-1.0SeriesREC3-0515DRW/H4High efficiency, isolated, dual regulated outputs+VinR-785.0-1.0+15VDCComC1-VinC2- Medical Grade Isolated Dual Outputs- Wide input range 6.5V to 18V-15VDCC1: Optional , C2 : Required (further decoupling filteringmay be necessary between the two converters)- High Efficiency, Suitable for 12V Battery Powered DevicesIsolated (up to 6KV), wide Input range regulated outputDC/DC Converter ( 1:1 )+VinR-78xx-1.0C1C2- High isolation voltage- Improved loading / line regulation- Wide Input Voltage Range- Point-of-Load Architecture+Vout-Vin-VoutC1: Required (further decoupling filtering may benecessary between the two converters), C2: OptionalPackage Style and Pinning (mm)SIP3 PIN Package3rd angleprojection7.5510.2RECOMR-785.0-1.00.51 typ.**** PbRECOMR-785.0-1.0**** Pb4.100.7 typ.123Recommended Footprint Details11.500.25Bottom ViewPin ConnectionsPin #123xx.x ±0.5mm xx.xx ±0.25mm +VinGND+Vout1.00ø+0.15/02.542.0Top View3.215.082.5415027-March-2007www.recom-international.com