专利名称:Apparatus for forming an internal groove in
a molded part
发明人:Gary Bethurum,Randy Anderson申请号:US07/634667申请日:19901227公开号:US05080576A公开日:19920114
摘要:A die apparatus permits the formation of an internal recess in a molded part.The die apparatus includes first and second mold members which are movable betweenan open and closed position. A core pin assembly includes a first core pin element and asecond core pin element supported between the movable mold members for relativemovement therewith. A resiliently deformable element is positioned between the firstand second core pin elements. The resiliently deformable element is deformablyexpandable to form an external projection upon relative movement of the moldmembers to a closed position, and is elastically returnable upon the relative movementof the mold members to an open position.
代理人:Robert M. Rodrick,Salvatore J. Abbruzzese