
Drop out compensation system


专利名称:Drop out compensation system

发明人:Anthony Donald Stalley,John Albert Coffey申请号:US05/503586申请日:19740905公开号:US03949416A公开日:19760406

摘要:The drop out compensation system comprising input means for accepting acolour or monochrome picture information signal, output means, a drop outcompensating signal generator, switch means for effecting connection of said inputmeans to said compensating signal generator and for effecting connection between saidcompensating signal generator and said output means, and a drop out detector foreffecting switching of said switch means, said compensating signal generator includingdelay means for providing a delayed output signal of the information signal entering thedelay means, adder means for summing the information arriving simultaneously at thedelay means and said delayed output, means for reducing the level of the signal from thecompensating signal generator so that the low frequency luminance level of saidresulting compensating signal at said output means has a value the same as that in thecolour picture information signal at the input means, and storage means for effecting adelay within the compensating signal generator equal to at least one scanning line time.The resulting compensating signal at said output means has the correct luminance andhue values, but with a reduced saturation value. The compensating signal on the

occurrence of a drop out is fed into the picture line being scanned at the correct time andin the correct phase relationship.


代理机构:Dowell & Dowell

