Abstract: air pollution is one of the most concerned environmental problems around the world, with the rapid development of China’s economy and accelerating urbanization process, urban air pollution problem more and more get people’s attention. Chongqing launched in 2005 “blue sky” action, within the scope of control dust pollution in the urban area, such as coal powder and dust pollution, motor vehicle pollution thousands of pollution sources. Makes the protection measures of atmospheric environment in chongqing has changed constantly, it is necessary to change characteristics of the atmospheric pollution in chongqing in recent years and its influencing factors were studied, in order to provide reference for scientific atmosphere pollution control policies.
Key words: chongqing; Atmospheric environment; Pollution; Variation characteristics; The energy structure
重庆大气环境的主要污染物及来源 (一)重庆大气环境的主要污染物
重庆市主城区共设置空气质量自动监测点11个,监测的项目有SO2、NOX、PM10、O3 等。2003~2008年,空气污染指数API>
(二)重庆大气环境主要污染物的来源 1、二氧化硫