专利名称:CURTAIN ROD BRACKET发明人:WILLIAMSON J,US申请号:US8005770申请日:19701012公开号:US3857538A公开日:19741231
摘要:A support bracket is provided for a curtain rod on at least one end of which rodis a flat-headed stud adapted for supporting the rod. The bracket employs a baseappropriately secured to a wall or window frame. A support web is mounted on the baseextending outwardly therefrom and a U-shaped receptacle element for the flat-headedstud is mounted on the web. The receptacle is formed by bending and stampingoperations employing metal adjacent to the upper margin of the web to provide first ahorizontal bridge element, a bracket face element bent downwardly parallel to the web,and a stop element bent toward the web at the bottom of the face element. The
receptacle is adapted to receive and resiliently retain the flat-headed stud of the rod, butat the same time it is proof against accidentally being bent away from the web by normalforces applied to the rod. The blank from which the bracket is stamped provides aneconomical use of metal. Also the structure lends itself entirely to bending operationsand is made from a single piece of metal with all elements integrally connected. Inaddition, no projections on the bracket can lock into any gaps or slots of like brackets sothat during collection, processing, or distribution groups of the brackets are proofagainst accidental interlocking.