作者: Zhou Yan Fang Lingling
作者机构: School of Foreign Languages Guangdong University of Technology,Guangdong Guangzhou 511495)出版物刊名: 学术界页码: 272-276页年卷期: 2014年 第6期
主题词: 跨文化交际;隐喻;文化背景;历史文化;文化模式;应用程序;文化交流;比喻
摘要:M etaphor is not only a rhetoric means of language,but also a basic way ofhuman cognition and thinking. In daily life,consciously using metaphor,peoplecomprehend the outside world through metaphor. Culture has generality that isdifferent from cultural understanding in metaphor. Therefore,the application ofmetaphor must adapt to corresponding culture mode and common sense ofhistorical culture,so as to form different understandings in conversation. Cross-cultural communication refers to the communication between people with differentcultural backgrounds and metaphor reflects the difference between Chinese andwestern cognition,which also reflects the difference between Chinese and westernthinking.However,context is another important reason of metaphor causing cross-cultural communication misinterpretation. As the communication between peoplewith different cultural backgrounds,the cultivation of cross-cultural communicationability needs be formed in mutual cultural exchange,and the improvement ofmetaphor thinking has a great significance.