专利名称:Polymer alloy including polylactic acid发明人:Toshiaki Matsuo,Takayuki
Matsumoto,Naruyasu Okamoto,Ryuuji Kajiya
摘要:The object of the present invention is to provide a polymer alloy includingpolylactic acid which can be used in the same manner as conventional commodity plasticseven in an environment of high temperature and high humidity. According to the presentinvention, there is provided a polymer alloy including polylactic acid comprising (A) apolylactic acid, (B) a polyalkylacrylic ester and/or a polyvinyl ester, (C) a polyolefin and(D) a block copolymer of a polyalkylacrylic ester and polyolefin and/or a blockcopolymer of a polyvinyl ester and a polyolefin.
申请人:Toshiaki Matsuo,Takayuki Matsumoto,Naruyasu Okamoto,Ryuuji Kajiya
地址:Hitachi JP,Hitachi JP,Tokyo JP,Yokohama JP