专利名称:GNSS signal processing methods and
apparatus with ambiguity selection
发明人:Ulrich Vollath申请号:US13059463申请日:20090805公开号:US08830121B2公开日:20140909
摘要:Methods and apparatus are provided for estimating parameters, i.e. ambiguities,derived from GNSS signals. Observations of a GNSS signal from each of a plurality ofGNSS satellites are obtained (). The observations are fed to a filter having a state vector
at least comprising a float ambiguity for each received frequency of the GNSS signals,each float ambiguity constituting a real number estimate associated with an integernumber of wavelengths of the GNSS signal between a receiver of the GNSS signal and theGNSS satellite from which it is received, and the filter being for estimating a float valuefor each float ambiguity of the state vector (). A subset of float ambiguities of the statevector is selected (). Integer values are assigned to the estimated float values of the floatambiguities of the subset to define a plurality of integer ambiguity candidate sets (). Aquality measure is determined for each of the candidate sets. A weighted average of thecandidate sets is formed (). Ambiguities of the weighted average can be used in
subsequent operations to aid in determining a position of the receiver or can be used toprepare data, e.g., in a network processor that can be used to augment positioninformation of a rover.
申请人:Ulrich Vollath
地址:Ismaning DE
代理人:Bruce D Riter