专利名称:Sputtering method and sputtering
发明人:藤井 佳詞,中村 真也,野呂 充則,橋本 一義申请号:JP2019562906申请日:20181204
摘要:Provided are a sputtering method and a sputtering apparatus capable ofsuppressing the number of fine particles adhering to the surface of a substrateimmediately after film formation as much as possible. A carbon target Tg and a film-forming object Wf are installed in the vacuum chamber 1, and the inside of the vacuum
chamber is evacuated to a predetermined pressure by the vacuum pump Vp, and thensputter gas is introduced into the vacuum chamber to power the target. In the presentinvention, carbon particles scattered from the target are adhered to and deposited onthe surface of the object to be formed to form a carbon film by sputtering the targetwith the ions of the sputtering gas in the plasma to form a plasma atmosphere. In thesputtering method, the temperature of the first refrigerant is cooled by exchanging heatwith the first refrigerant at least while the target receives radiated heat from the plasma,and the temperature of the first refrigerant is maintained at a temperature of 263 K orless. To control.