专利名称:Encapsulated device with integrated gas
permeation sensor
发明人:Ramadas Senthil Kumar,Adrian Paul
Burden,Soo Jin Chua
摘要:An encapsulated device comprising an integrated gas permeation sensor isprovided, comprising a base substrate with an electronic component arranged thereon
being enclosed within an encapsulation for protecting the electronic component frommoisture and/or oxygen; at least one sensor is arranged within the encapsulation tomeasure the permeation of gas into the encapsulation; each sensor comprises anelectrically conductive sensing element comprising a moisture and/or oxygen sensitivematerial, wherein the reaction of said material with moisture and/or oxygen results in achange in the electrical resistance/conductivity of the sensor.
申请人:Ramadas Senthil Kumar,Adrian Paul Burden,Soo Jin Chua
地址:Singapore SG,Malvern GB,Singapore SG
代理机构:Blakely, Sokoloff, Taylor & Zafman LLP