May 1997 NDH8521CDual N & P-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistor General Description FeaturesN-Ch 3.8 A, 30 V, RDS(ON)=0.033Ω @ VGS=10 V RDS(ON)=0.05 Ω @ VGS=4.5 V P-Ch -2.7 A, -30 V,RDS(ON)=0.07 Ω @ VGS=-10 V RDS(ON)=0.115 Ω @ VGS=-4.5 V. Proprietary SuperSOTTM-8 package design using copper leadframe for superior thermal and electrical capabilities.High density cell design for extremely low RDS(ON).Exceptional on-resistance and maximum DC currentcapability.These dual N- and P-Channel enhancement mode power fieldeffect transistors are produced using Fairchild's proprietary,high cell density, DMOS technology. This very high densityprocess is especially tailored to minimize on-state resistanceand provide superior switching performance. These devicesare particularly suited for low voltage applications such asnotebook computer power management and other batterypowered circuits where fast switching, low in-line power loss,and resistance to transients are needed. ________________________________________________________________________________564321 78Absolute Maximum RatingsSymbolVDSSVGSSIDPDTJ,TSTGRθJARθJCParameterDrain-Source VoltageGate-Source Voltage TA= 25°C unless otherwise notedN-Channel 30±203.810.50.8-55 to 150P-Channel-30±20-2.7-8UnitsVVADrain Current - Continuous (Note 1) - PulsedPower Dissipation for Single Operation (Note 1)Operating and Storage Temperature RangeW°CTHERMAL CHARACTERISTICSThermal Resistance, Junction-to-Ambient (Note 1)Thermal Resistance, Junction-to-Case (Note 1)15640°C/W°C/W© 1997 Fairchild Semiconductor CorporationNDH8521C Rev.C
Electrical Characteristics (TA = 25°C unless otherwise noted)SymbolBVDSSIDSSParameterDrain-Source Breakdown VoltageZero Gate Voltage Drain CurrentConditionsVGS = 0 V, ID = 250 µAVGS = 0 V, ID = -250 µAVDS = 24 V, VGS = 0 VVDS = -24 V, VGS = 0 VIGSSFIGSSRVGS(th)Gate - Body Leakage, ForwardGate - Body Leakage, ReverseGate Threshold VoltageVGS = 20 V, VDS = 0 VVGS = -20 V, VDS= 0 VVDS = VGS, ID = 250 µATJ = 125oCVDS = VGS, ID = -250 µATJ = 125CRDS(ON)Static Drain-Source On-ResistanceVGS = 10 V, ID = 3.8 ATJ = 125CVGS = 4.5 V, ID = 3.2 AVGS = -10 V, ID = -2.7 ATJ = 125oCVGS = -4.5 V, ID = - 2.1 AID(on)On-State Drain CurrentVGS = 10 V, VDS = 5 VVGS = 4.5 V, VDS = 5 VVGS = -10 V, VDS = -5 VVGS = -4.5 V, VDS = -5 VgFSForward TransconductanceVDS = 5 V, ID = 3.8 AVDS = -5 V, ID = -2.7 ADYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICSCissCossCrssInput CapacitanceOutput CapacitanceReverse Transfer CapacitanceP-ChannelVDS = -15 V, VGS = 0 V, f = 1.0 MHzN-ChannelVDS = 15 V, VGS = 0 V, f = 1.0 MHzN-ChP-ChN-ChP-ChN-ChP-Ch500560310340125130 pF pF pFN-ChP-ChP-ChN-Ch10.59-8-3 95.5SP-ChooTypeN-ChP-Ch TJ = 55oC TJ = 55oCAllAllN-ChP-ChN-ChP-ChN-ChMin30-30 TypMaxUnitsVVOFF CHARACTERISTICS110-1-10100-100µAµAµAµAnAnAVON CHARACTERISTICS (Note 2)10.8-1-0.81.671.04-1.6-1.20.0270.040.0410.0620.0880.10221.6-2-1.60.0330.0630.050.070.1250.115AΩNDH8521C Rev.C
Electrical Characteristics (TA = 25°C unless otherwise noted)SymboltD(on)trtD(off)tfQgQgsQgdParameterTurn - On Delay TimeTurn - On Rise TimeTurn - Off Delay TimeTurn - Off Fall TimeTotal Gate ChargeGate-Source ChargeGate-Drain ChargeN-ChannelVDS = 15 V,ID = 3.8 A, VGS = 10 VP-ChannelVDS = -15 V,ID = -2.7 A, VGS = -10 VConditionsN-ChannelVDD = 10 V, ID = 1 A,VGEN = 10 V, RGEN = 6 ΩP-ChannelVDD = -10 V, ID = -1 A,VGEN = -10 V, RGEN = 6 ΩTypeN-ChP-ChN-ChP-ChN-ChP-ChN-ChP-ChN-ChP-ChN-ChP-ChN-ChP-ChDRAIN-SOURCE DIODE CHARACTERISTICS AND MAXIMUM RATINGSISVSDNotes:1. RθJA is the sum of the junction-to-case and case-to-ambient thermal resistance where the case thermal reference is defined as the solder mounting surface of the drain pins. RθJC is guaranteed bydesign while RθCA is determined by the user's board design.MinTyp10131516203594018191. CHARACTERISTICS (Note 2)Maximum Continuous Drain-Source Diode Forward CurrentDrain-Source Diode Forward VoltageVGS = 0 V, IS = 0.67 A (Note2)VGS = 0 V, IS = -0.67 A (Note2)N-ChP-ChN-ChP-Ch0.72-0.740.67-0.671.2-1.2AV PD(t)=TJ−TARθJA(t)=TJ−TARθJC+RθCA(t)=I2D(t)×RDS(ON)Typical RθJA for single device operation using the board layout shown below on 4.5\"x5\" FR-4 PCB in a still air environment:TJ 156oC/W when mounted on a 0.0025 in2 pad of 2oz copper. Scale 1 : 1 on letter size paper. 2. Pulse Test: Pulse Width < 300µs, Duty Cycle < 2.0%.NDH8521C Rev.C
Typical Electrical Characteristics: N-Channel20 V =10V GS2. 4.0R D S ( o n ) , NORMALIZEDDRAIN-SOURCE ON-RESISTANCEV = 3.5VGS2.2521.751.51.2510.75I , DRAIN-SOURCE CURRENT (A)D16 4.0 4.5 5.0 6.0 7.0 10123.5843.0000.511.52V , DRAIN-SOURCE VOLTAGE (V)DS2.5304812I , DRAIN CURRENT (A)D1620Figure 1. N-Channel On-Region Characteristics.Figure 2. N-Channel On-Resistance Variation withGate Voltage and Drain Current.1.82I = 3.8ADDRAIN-SOURCE ON-RESISTANCEDRAIN-SOURCE ON-RESISTANCE1.6 V = 10V 1.751.51.25GSV = 10VGSR D ) , NORMALIZEDS( onR D S ( O N ) , NORMALIZEDT = 125°CJ1.41.2 25°C10.7510.8 -55°C0.50.250.6-50-250J255075100125150T , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C)04812I , DRAIN CURRENT (A)D1620Figure 3. N-Channel On-Resistance Variation withTemperature.Figure 4. N-Channel On-Resistance Variation with Drain Current and Temperature.201.225°C125°CGATE-SOURCE THRESHOLD VOLTAGEV = 5VDS16I , DRAIN CURRENT (A)T = -55°CJV = VDSGS1.11I = 250µAD12V t , NORMALIZEDh0.980.80.7D4011.522.533.5V , GATE TO SOURCE VOLTAGE (V)GS44.50.6-50-250255075100T , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C)J125150Figure 5. N-Channel Transfer Characteristics.Figure 6. N-Channel Gate Threshold Variationwith Temperature.NDH8521C Rev.C
Typical Electrical Characteristics: N-Channel (continued)1.12DRAIN-SOURCE BREAKDOWN VOLTAGE15I = 250µAD5I , REVERSE DRAIN CURRENT (A)1V =0VGST = 125°CJ25°C -55°C1.08BV D , NORMALIZEDSS1. , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C)J1251500.000100. , BODY DIODE FORWARD VOLTAGE (V)SD1.2Figure 7. N-Channel Breakdown Voltage Variationwith Temperature.Figure 8. N-Channel Body Diode Forward VoltageVariation with Current and Temperature.15001000800CAPACITANCE (pF)50030020010I = 3.8ADV G , GATE-SOURCE VOLTAGE (V)S8V = 10VDS15V20VC issC oss64C rss100f = 1 MHzV = 0VGS2500.10.20.5DS135103000510Q , GATE CHARGE (nC)g1520V , DRAIN TO SOURCE VOLTAGE (V)Figure 9. N-Channel Capacitance Characteristics.Figure 10. N-Channel Gate Charge Characteristics.20V = 5VDSg , TRANSCONDUCTANCE (SIEMENS)16T = -55°CJ 25°C12 125°C84FS004D8121620I , DRAIN CURRENT (A)Figure 11. N-Channel Transconductance Variationwith Drain Current and Temperature.NDH8521C Rev.C
Typical Electrical Characteristics: P-Channel (continued)-10V = -10V-6.0 -5.0GS -4.5I , DRAIN-SOURCE CURRENT (A)3DRAIN-SOURCE ON-RESISTANCE-8-4.0-3.5R D ( o ,Sn) NORMALIZED2.5V = -3.5VGS-62-4.0-4.5-5.0-6.0-7.0-10-4-3.0-21.51D00.50-0.5-1-1.5-2-2.5-30-2V , DRAIN-SOURCE VOLTAGE (V)DS-4-6I , DRAIN CURRENT (A)D-8-10Figure 12. P-Channel On-Region Characteristics.Figure 13. P-Channel On-Resistance Variation withGate Voltage and Drain Current.1.61.8I = -2.7ADR D S ( o n ) , NORMALIZEDDRAIN-SOURCE ON-RESISTANCEV = -10VGS1.61.41.21DRAIN-SOURCE ON-RESISTANCE 1.4V = -10VGST = 125°CJR D S N ) , NORMALIZED( O1.2 25°C -55°C10. , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C)J1251500-2-4-6I , DRAIN CURRENT (A)D-8-10Figure 14. P-Channel On-Resistance Variation withTemperature.Figure 15. P-Channel On-Resistance Variation withDrain Current and Temperature.-10GATE-SOURCE THRESHOLD VOLTAGE1.2V = -10VDS-8I D , DRAIN CURRENT (A)T = -55°CJ125°C25°CV = VDSGS1.1I = -250µADV G S ) , NORMALIZED( t h1-60.9-40.8-20.70-1-2-3-4V , GATE TO SOURCE VOLTAGE (V)GS-50.6-50-250255075100125150T , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C)JFigure 16. P-Channel Transfer Characteristics.Figure 17. P-Channel Gate Threshold Variationwith Temperature.NDH8521C Rev.C
Typical Electrical Characteristics: P-Channel (continued)101.1DRAIN-SOURCE BREAKDOWN VOLTAGE , REVERSE DRAIN CURRENT (A)I = -250µAD310.50.1V = 0VGST = 125°CJ25°CBV D S S , NORMALIZED0.01 -55°C0.001-250255075100T , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C)J125150S0.00010.20.4SD0.60.811.2-V , BODY DIODE FORWARD VOLTAGE (V)Figure 18. P-Channel Breakdown VoltageVariation with Temperature.Figure 19. P-Channel Body Diode ForwardVoltage Variation with Current andTemperature.15001000-V G , GATE-SOURCE VOLTAGE (V)S10V =-5VI = -2.7AD8DS-10V-15V600CAPACITANCE (pF)400C issC oss6200C rss1004f = 1 MHzV = 0 VGS 2500.10.20.51251020300048121620-V , DRAIN TO SOURCE VOLTAGE (V)DSQ , GATE CHARGE (nC)gFigure 20. P-Channel Capacitance Characteristics.Figure 21. P-Channel Gate Charge Characteristics.g , TRANSCONDUCTANCE (SIEMENS)FS12V = -5VDST = -55°CJ9 25°C 125°C6300-3-6-9I , DRAIN CURRENT (A)D-12-15Figure 22. P-Channel Transconductance Variationwith Drain Current and Temperature.NDH8521C Rev.C
Typical Thermal Characteristics: N & P-Channel20105RDNS(OIM) LIT101m1010mss0u1510s-I , DRAIN CURRENT (A)s5210.5RDS(ON) LIMIT1m10mssI D , DRAIN CURRENT (A) 1s 10 1sV = 10VGS DCsSINGLE PULSER = See Note 1θJAT = 25°CAD 0.10.05V = -10VGSSINGLE PULSER = See Note 1JAθA10sDCT = 25°CA0.20.512510V , DRAIN-SOURCE VOLTAGE (V)DS2030500. V , DRAIN-SOURCE VOLTAGE (V)Figure 23. N-Channel Maximum Safe OperatingArea.Figure 24. P-Channel Maximum Safe OperatingArea.1TRANSIENT THERMAL RESISTANCEr(t), NORMALIZED EFFECTIVE D = 0.5 0.2 0.1 0.05 0.02 0.01 Single Pulse R (t) = r(t) * R θJAθJA R = See Note 1θJA0.1P(pk)0.01 t 1 t 2T - T = P * R (t)JAθJADuty Cycle, D = t / t120.010.1t , TIME (sec)11101003000.0010.00010.001Figure 25. Transient Thermal Response Curve.Note: Thermal characterization performed using the conditions described in note1. Transient thermal response will changedepending on the circuit board design.VDDVINDtontofftr90%RLVOUTtd(on)td(off)90%tfVGSRGENVOUTGDUT10%10%90%SVIN10%50%50% PULSE WIDTH Figure 26. N or P-Channel Switching Test Circuit.Figure 27. N or P-Channel Switching Waveforms.NDH8521C Rev.C