专利名称:Bandwidth and content dependent
transmission of scalable video layers
发明人:Sprljan, Nikola,Cieplinski, Leszek申请号:EP07118521.9申请日:20071015公开号:EP2051525A1公开日:20090422
摘要:In a video decoder, a Content Feature Extraction module 2 extracts differentfeatures of compressed video output by a Video Encoder module 4. Since videos candiffer widely in characteristics, a different model or model parameters may exist for a
different category of video, identified by a content feature vector class matching. Inaddition, since different rendering operations may require different models, the ContentFeature Extraction module 2 receives a request for a specific feature vector from adatabase 6 of supported Rendering Operations. A Category-based Optimal Priority ListGeneration module 8 compares the extracted content feature vector with ones in aFeature Vector Classes database 10, and utilises the corresponding model to generate anoptimal priority list of scalable video layers . This information is sent to a Video Adaptermodule 12. The Video Adapter module 12 processes the information on DecoderCapabilities that it receives from a Video Decoder module 14 to select an optimaladaptation strategy. The Video Decoder module 14 renders the received scalable videolayers, using the information on the used mode, received from Video Adapter 12.
申请人:Mitsubishi Electric Information Technology Centre Europe B.V.,MITSUBISHIDENKI KABUSHIKI KAISHA
地址:Visual Information Laboratory 20 Frederick Sanger Road The Surrey ResearchPark Guildford Surrey GU2 7YD GB,7-3, Marunouchi 2-chome Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8310JP