
Tool to fasten tension ropes


专利名称:Tool to fasten tension ropes

发明人:SCHILLING, ANTON,WACHTEL, WERNER申请号:EP82103571.4申请日:19820427公开号:EP0092596B1公开日:19860827

摘要:1. A transportable tool for clamping tie wires or the like which are used forexample for fixing or lashing material to be transported, comprising a gear set which isenclosed by a casing (12, 12a) and which drives a substantially cylindrical insert (30) by wayof its ring gear (18) which extends radially therearound on the outside surface, whereinthe insert (30) has a slot (36) which corresponds to an opening (26, 26a) in the casing (12,12a) and which extends over the entire height of the insert (30), and wherein the opening(26, 26a) and the slot (36) extend parallel to the axis of the gears (14, 16), characterized inthat the ring gear (18) of the insert (30) is drivable by a motor which is integrated in thetool casing (12, 12a) and that the insert (30) comprises at least two parts, wherein anentrainment bush (30a) with slot (36a) is concentrically surrounded by a hollow cylinder(30b) having an external ring gear (18) and a slot (36b) in its peripheral portion, thehollow cylinder (30b) which is driven by intermediate gears (16) entrains the entrainmentbush (30a) by way of locating means and the locating elements (46, 48) are radiallydistributed such that entrainment occurs only when the hollow cylinder (30b) and theentrainment bush (30a) have turned relative to each other, with respect to thecorresponding slots (36a, 36b), by more than the slot width.


地址:1 John Deere Road Moline, Illinois 61265 US


代理机构:Feldmann, Bernhard

