Parties to a contract can only obtain this standard via the responsible procurement department.
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f) layer structure of metals (layer thickness, specification acc. to EN 1403 and EN 12540, see
table 2, section 1.2)
g) type of plastic activation / metallizing method (e.g. classical colloidal chrome plating method,
ionogenic method, direct metallizing
h) simple draft showing the setup of parts in the apparatus (including distance dimensions)For each batch, a plastic panel (identical substrate material) shall be additionally chrome plated toserve as a manufacturing reference sample in monitoring color and gloss. Color sampling acc. tosection
Example of designation for a finished part made of ABS with dimensional stability under heat up to90°C, used as internal part and chrome-plated:ABS acc. to TL 527-A, chrome-plated acc. to TL 528-A2.3
Molded part
2.3.1 Base material
Plastic material ready for electroplating acc. to table Microstructure
Parts shall be free of flaws such as voids or cracks. They shall be free of internal stresses, whichmight influence the adhesion and appearance of electroplated coatings. The person responsible forinjection molding and/or the person responsible for electroplating shall employ quality assurancemethods to ensure that the parts are free of stress.2.3.3 Surface finish
The surface shall be smooth and free of flow lines, cracks, sink marks, pits or bursting which mightimpair the appearance of the finished parts. Furthermore, the surface shall be absolutely clean andfree of grease and sweat. Do not use mold parting agents. The parts shall not be mechanicallypolished prior to coating.2.4
Finished part
2.4.1 Surface finish
The parts shall have a mirror finish without traces of polishing in the visible area. The contactpoints for electroplating have to be positioned in a way that flaws cannot be recognized in installedcondition. The coating shall be free from pores, coarse cracks, flaws or other damages impairingcorrosion protection and/or specified appearance. The compliance of the production referencesample (see section 2.1) and the component in terms of gloss and color with the released originalsample chart or the original sample part shall be verifiable using measuring instruments or shall bevisually verifiable.
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2.4.2 Composite quality
The individual layers have to be adhesive to the base material and to each other and shall be freeof bubbles.
Prior to testing, the parts shall be aged at room temperature. They shall not exhibit any cracks,bubbles, pores, folds due to twisting, or impairments of the surface appearance.2.4.3 Coating procedure
If the requirements of these supply specifications are met, the manufacturer may choose the typeof procedure. Standard production parts shall correspond to released first-sample parts in thecoating procedure and coating thickness.
2.4.4 Mechanical requirements for the coated part (table 2)
Table 2:
Coating systems (acc. to DIN50 960-1, EN 1403, EN 12540)
PL/Cu20/Ni10b(or d or s)/Crr (orb or mp or mc)or
PL/Ni40d/Crr (or bor mp or mc)
≥ 0,3-PL/Cu25/Ni15b (or d or s)/Crmp (ormc)or
PL/Ni40d/Crmp (or mc)
RequirementType A
Type B
Type C
Chrome layer thickness acc. tosection 3, in µm
Crack density acc. to PV 1058/Pore density acc. to section 3.2Adhesive strength of totalstructure
Saw cut test acc. to section 3.3
Crmp: 0.3 to 0.5
≥ 0.8
Crmc: 250-800 cracks/cmCrmp: >10,000 pores/cm²
with removal of adhesive tape, no stripping of coating
Crosscut test acc. to section 3.4with removal of adhesive tape, no stripping of coating (Gt:
0)Crosscut test (St. Andrew'scross) acc. to section 3.5
with removal of adhesive tape, no stripping of coating
Moisture condensate constantNo change of appearance after 240 h, adhesionclimate test (only for PA one-requirements acc. to table 1, sections 2.1 to 2.3 shall stillside chrome-plated PA) acc. tobe fullfilled.DIN 50 017 KK
Temperature and environmentalcycle resistance
Dimensional Stability UnderHeat
after aging in mechanically
6 h/100 °C (or
6 h/100 °C
6 h/110 °C
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No.Propertycirculated air
RequirementType A
acc. to drawing)
Type B
Type C
No change of appearance, adhesion requirements acc. totable 1, sections 2.1 to 2.3 shall still be fullfilled.
Temperature Resistanceafter aging in mechanicallycirculated air
500 h/90 °C (or acc. to drawing)
240 h/110 °C (oracc. to drawing)
No change of appearance, adhesion requirements acc. totable 1, sections 2.1 to 2.3 shall still be fullfilled.
Environmental Cycle Test
96 h acc. to PV
96 h acc. to PV 1200
3.3.1acc. to PV 1200 (short-term)
No change of appearance, adhesion requirements acc. totable 1, sections 2.1 to 2.3 shall still be fullfilled.
3.3.2acc. to PV 2005 (long-term)
50 cycles acc. toPV 2005 (type forinterior singleparts)
50 cycles acc. to PV 2005 (type forexterior single parts)
No change of appearance after 240 h, adhesionrequirements acc. to table 1, sections 2.1 to 2.3 shall stillbe fullfilled.
Corrosion resistance
Environmental cycle aging PV 1200, subsequent CASStest acc. to DIN 50 021
96 h96 h environmental cycle aging (PVenvironmental1200), followed by 48 h CASScycle aging (PV1200), followed by24 h CASS
no change in appearance, no corrosion
Corrosion cycle test acc. to PV1210.
30 cycles
60 cycles
60 cycles
no change in appearance, no corrosion
3 Notes on testing3.1
Paint coat thickness
Use those measuring points for measuring that have been specified when testing the originalsample. The procedures described acc. to EN ISO 1463 and EN ISO 2177 are relevant. Arbitrationafter ground section.3.2
Crack or pore density
The evaluation is performed with a metal microscope with 100 times enlargement in incident orinclined light.
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3.3 Saw cut test
Test specimen must have a width of approx. 1 cm to ensure comparability of results. The preparedspecimen is sawed from the back side against the coating with a metal-cutting band saw (22teeth/25mm; 40-45 m/min).
Self-adhesive tape of 25mm width (e.g. Scotch, No. 670) with an adhesive force of (10 ± 1) N ( peel test EN 1464) is affixed onto the trim edge and pulled off with a jerk at an angle of 60° tothe specimen surface.3.4
Crosscut test
The crosscut test is to be carried out acc. to EN ISO 2409 (3 mm) but deviating from the standardwith a cutter, e.g. (Edding Cutter M9, BLB Omnilab).3.5
Crosscut test (St. Andrew’s cross)
The crosscut test (St. Andrew’s cross) applies to specimen on which the ordinary crosscut testcannot be carried out for geometrical reasons. A special knife is needed for the crosscut test (St.Andrew’s cross) which is specified in section 3.4. Test procedure and self-adhesive tape asspecified in section 3.3, 2nd paragraph.4
Referenced standards
Vehicle supply parts - general, approval of first supply and changes
Environmental standard for vehicles, vehicle parts, materials, operating fluids;avoidance of hazardous substances
Chromed Surfaces Microcracked Chrome Deposit. Determination
Environmental Cycle Test; Units, Modules, Systems, Semifinished ProductsBodywork, Corrosion Test
Vehicle parts; Testing of Resistance to Environmental Cycle Test
Climates and their technical application; condensed water containing climatesSpray Tests with Different Sodium Chloride Solutions
Electroplated coatings; designation and specification in technical documentsCorrosion protection of metals - Electrodeposited coatings
Adhesives - determination of peel resistance of high-strength adhesive bonds- floating roller method
Corrosion protection of metals - Electrodeposited coatings of nickel,nickel plus chromium, copper plus nickel and copper plus nickel pluschromium
Metallic and oxide coatings; Measurement of coating thickness;Microscopical method
Metallic coatings; Measurement of coating thickness; Coulometricmethod by anodic dissolutionCrosscut test
VW 011 55VW 911 01PV 1058PV 1200PV 1210PV 2005DIN 50.017DIN 50.021DIN 50.960-1DIN EN 1403DIN EN 1464
Draft DIN EN 12540,
DIN EN ISO 1463,DIN EN ISO 2177,DIN EN ISO 2409,