


Date: 2011.12.19 ~Development Reading~

1.Reading Passage.

Happiness and Sorrow

Materialistic happiness is short-lived, but happiness achieved by bringing a smile on others' face gives a certain level of fulfillment. Peace of mind is the main link to happiness. No mind is happy without peace. We realize the true worth of happiness when we are in sorrow. Sorrow is basically due to death of a loved one, failure and despair.But these things are temporary and pass away.

Hope and Despair

Hope is what keeps life going. Parents always hope their children will do well. Hope makes us dream. Hope builds in patience. Life teaches us not to despair even in the darkest hour, because after every night there is a day. Nothing remains the same we have only one choice keep moving on in life and be hopeful.

Life teaches us not to regret over yesterday, for it has passed and is beyond our control. Tomorrow is unknown, for it could either be bright or dull. So the only alternative is work hard today, so that we will enjoy a better tomorrow.

2.Reading News.

Happiness on a budget

Can you imagine treating 12 friends to a meal with only 35 yuan to spend?Or

could you take a trip to Tibet with only 500 yuan in your pocket? Can you

imagine producing a short film on a budget of 3,000 yuan?

Well, you might say it’s impossible because these things require loads of

money.But Qiao Xiaodao, a 36-year-old folk artist, proves it’s all possible in his

book The Good Life Doesn’t Have to Cost a Fortune.

“People like to say that ‘I will do something once I have got enough cash’, but

you should never let money become an obstacle to enjoying a happy life,” he

said.Qiao, a migrant worker who came from a village in Heilongjiang province to Beijing in 1998, has led a cheap but fascinating life.

The welder-turned-artist has put on his own design work exhibition, started a rock band with his (then) 8-year-old nephew, and released his own CD record. Qiao has demonstrated how “a little bit of thrift, ingenuity and creativity” can go a long way, to creating a good life even without a big budget.

“There’s a misconception that nothing can be done with little money, but actually things can still be accomplished,” he explained.Qiao’s recipe for success includes finding discarded resources and “doing the most with the least”.




- -那翻译。。哎~~~真是太chinglish了、)

·在READING NEWS中,出现了nephew这个词,你知道是什么意思吗?

那么请你在抽出部分free-time来列一列你的family tree吧~~
