


Sexism in English Language

Li Sa

Department of Foreign Languages bohai university

Abstract: Sexism in English language has launched along with the fast development of women’s liberation movement since the end of 1960s. Since 1960s, feminists strive for the elimination of gender discrimination, for the greater recognition of women’s contributions to society and aim to change many cultural and social customs that related to value systems. Many fields of life around the world have been, or are being, affected by this movement. One of the many impacts feminism on society is its impact on language. Language was and is seen by many feminists as a powerful instrument.

As a mirror reflecting the society, language images the social views and values. Sexism in society is thus inevitably reflected in the use of language. Language plays an important role in society. As a phenomenon of society, language reflects all the sides of human society naturally. Sexism is a phenomenon that takes a man comes the first attitude, trivializing, insulting or rendering women invisible. As a special social phenomenon, sexism is inevitably reflected through language.

To start with, the thesis traces the reasons for the occurrence of sexism in the English language and based on the analysis of such sexism. In nature, sexism in language reflects sexism in society. The two are


closely related. Social connotations of sexism in English tell the relationship between phenomenon of sexism in language and essence of sexism in society. Then the thesis analyses sexism in terms of the generic masculine, word order and semantic derogation of women in greater detail. Finally, part of the thesis is contributed to how to change sexism in English. The author of the thesis thinks the key to the problem is: (1) solve the problem of generic pronouns; (2) neutralize lexis; (3) strive for balanced naming and addressing system; (4) create new corresponding words. The elimination of linguistic sexism lies in social change. Only by changing the social structure, that is, women and men own really equal status, can language equality be truly achieved.

Key Words: sexism English language lexical neutralization

feminism social status





内容摘要 :英语中的性别歧视现象是伴随着十九世纪六十年代末期的女权运动而开始出现的。自从十九实际六十年代以来,妇女们致力于消除歧视现象,由于他们意识到了自己为社会所做出的巨大贡献,并且以改变许多和价值观有关的习俗和社会风气为目标。世界上生活中的许多领域都受到了或正在经受着女权运动的影响。在众多影响中之一的就是其对语言的影响。语言被女权主义者看作是有力的武器。 语言是社会现实的一种反映,因此由于历史发展、文化、社会价值及男女两性之间在生理等方面的差异而引起的性别歧视,尤其是社会对女性的性别歧视一览无余的体现在语言上,英语语言中也存在性别歧视。语言在社会中所处的地位尤为重要。作为一种社会现象的语言,必然会反映出人类社会的各种社会观念。性别歧视作为这其中的一种,是指把男性视作社会规范和中心,轻视, 侮辱女性或使她们显得微不足道。而这一特定的社会现象必然会在语言中折射出来。 论文首先剖析了英语中性别歧视现象形成的根源。从本质来说,语言中的性别歧视是社会中性别歧视的体现。两者紧密相连。性别歧视的社会内涵反映的就是这种语言中的性别歧视现象与社会中的性别歧视的本质的关系。接着论文从阳性词泛指,词序,词义的贬降等方面对英语中的性别歧视现象进行了详细的分析。最后论文还着力探


讨如何改变这种歧视。作者认为,改变性别歧视主要解决以下几个问题:(1) 避免阳性代词的泛指;(2) 词汇的中性化;(3)命名与称谓的对等;(4)创造新的对应词。语言中的性别歧视的最终消亡取决于社会变化。只有改变社会结构,即男女真正拥有平等的地位,语言中的平等才能真正实现。消除语言中的性别歧视的根本在于实现男女的平等的社会变革。

关键词: 性别歧视;英语语言;词汇中性化;女权主义;女性地位

