

元器件交易网www.cecb2b.comAmplifiers and ComparatorsIn Brief . . .For over two decades, Motorola has continually refinedand updated integrated circuit technologies, analog circuitdesign techniques and processes in response to the needsof the marketplace. The enhanced performance of neweroperational amplifiers and comparators has come throughinnovative application of these technologies, designs andprocesses. Some early designs are still available but aregiving way to the new, higher performance operationalamplifier and comparator circuits. Motorola has pioneered inJFET inputs, low temperature coefficient input stages, Millerloop compensation, all NPN output stages, dual–doubletfrequency compensation and analog “in–the–package”trimming of resistors to produce superior high performanceoperational amplifiers and comparators, operating in manycases from a single supply with low input offset, low noise,low power, high output swing, high slew rate and highgain–bandwidth product at reasonable cost to the customer.Present day operational amplifiers and comparators findapplications in all market segments including motor controls,instrumentation, aerospace, automotive, telecommunications,medical, and consumer products.Operational Amplifiers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Single. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dual. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Quad. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . One Volt SMARTMOS™ Rail–to–Rail Dual Operational Amplifier. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1–6High Frequency Amplifiers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1–7AGC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1–7Miscellaneous Amplifiers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1–8Bipolar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1–8CMOS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1–8Comparators. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1–9Single. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1–9Dual. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1–9Quad. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1–9Package Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1–10Page4.1–24.1–24.1–34.1–4Motorola Master Selection Guide4.1–1Analog and Interface Integrated Circuits元器件交易网www.cecb2b.comOperational AmplifiersMotorola offers a broad line of bipolar operationalamplifiers to meet a wide range of applications. From low–costindustry–standard types to high precision circuits, the spanencompasses a large range of performance capabilities.These Analog integrated circuits are available as single, dualand quad monolithic devices in a variety of temperatureranges and package styles. Most devices may be obtained inunencapsulated ‘‘chip’’ form as well. For price and deliveryinformation on chips, please contact your Motorola SalesRepresentative or Distributor.Table 1. Single Operational Amplifiers IIB(µA)MaxVIO(mV)MaxTCVIO(µV/°C)TypIIO(nA)MaxAvol(V/mV)MinBW(Av = 1)(MHz)TypSR(Av = 1)(V/µs)TypSupplyVoltage(V)MinMaxDescriptionDeviceSuffix/PackageNoncompensatedCommercial Temperature Range (0°C to +70°C)LM301ALM308A0.±3.0±3.0±18±18General PurposePrecisionN/626, D/751N/626, D/751Industrial Temperature Range (–25°C to +85°C)LM201A0.0752.01010501.00.5±3.0±22General PurposeN/626, D/751Internally CompensatedCommercial Temperature Range (0°C to +70°C)LF351LF411CMC1436, CMC1741CMC1776CMC3476MC34001MC34001BMC34071MC34071AMC34080BMC34081BMC34181TL071ACTL071CTL081ACTL081C200 pA200 pA0.040.50.0030.05200 pA200 pA0.5500 nA200 pA200 pA0.1 nA200 pA200 pA200 pA400 pA102.0106.06.06.0105. pA100 pA102003.025100 pA100 pA7550100 pA100 pA0.0550 pA50 pA100 pA200 pA252570201005025502550252525502550254.±5.0+5.0±15±3.0±1.2±1.5±5.0±5.0+3.0+3.0±5.0±5.0±2.5±5.0±5.0±5.0±5.0±18±22±34±18±18±18±18±18+44+44±22±22±18±18±18±18±18JFET InputJFET Input, Low Offset,Low DriftHigh VoltageGeneral PurposeµPower, ProgrammableLow Cost,µPower, ProgrammableJFET InputJFET InputHigh PerformanceSingle SupplyDecompensatedHigh Speed, JFET InputLow Power, JFET InputLow Noise, JFET InputLow Noise, JFET InputJFET InputJFET InputN/626, D/751N/626, D/751P1/626, D/751P1/626, D/751P1/626, D/751P1/626P/626, D/751P/626, D/751P/626, D/751P/626, D/751P/626, D/751P/626, D/751P/626P/626D/751P/626D/751Automotive Temperature Range (–40°C to +85°C)MC33071MC33071AMC33171MC331810.5500 nA0.10.1 nA5.±2.5+44+44+44±18High PerformanceSingle SupplyLow Power, Single SupplyLow Power, JFET InputP/626, D/751P/626, D/751P/626, D/751P/626, D/751Extended Temperature Range (–40°C to +105°C)MC33201250 nA9.02.0100502.21.0±0.9±6.0Low V Rail–to–RailP/626, D/751Military Temperature Range (–55°C to +125°C)MC33201400 nA9.02.0200502.21.0±0.9±6.0Low V Rail–to–RailP/626, D/751Analog and Interface Integrated Circuits4.1–2Motorola Master Selection Guide元器件交易网www.cecb2b.comTable 2. Dual Operational Amplifiers IIB(µA)MaxVIO(mV)MaxTCVIO(µV/°C)TypIIO(nA)MaxBWSRAvol(Av = 1)(Av = 1)(V/mV)(MHz)(V/µs)MinTypTypSupplyVoltage(V)MinMaxDescriptionDeviceSuffix/PackageInternally CompensatedCommercial Temperature Range (0°C to +70°C)LF353LF412CLF442CLM358LM833MC1458MC1458CMC3458200 pA200 pA100 pA0. pA100 pA50 pA50200200300502525252531.62020204.±5.0+5.0±5.0±1.5+3.0+2.5±3.0±3.0±1.5+3.0±3.0±3.0±5.0±5.0+3.0+3.0±5.0±5.0±2.5±2.5±2.5±5.0±5.0±5.0±5.0±18±18±18±18+36±18±18±18±18+36±22±18±18±18+44+44±22±22±18±18±18±18±18±18±18JFET InputJFET Input, Low Offset,Low DriftLow Power, JFET InputSingle Supply,LowPowerConsumptionLow Noise, AudioDual MC1741General PurposeSplit Supplies,Single Supply,Low Crossover DistortionHigh FrequencyHigh FrequencyJFET InputJFET InputHigh PerformanceSingle SupplyHigh Speed, JFET InputDecompensatedLow Power, JFET InputLow Power, JFET InputLow Power, JFET InputLow Noise, JFET InputLow Noise, JFET InputJFET InputJFET InputN/626, D/751N/626, D/751N/626N/626, D/751N/626, D/751P1/626,D/751P1/626,D/751P1/626,D/751P1/626P1/626,D/751P/626, D/751P/626, D/751P/626, D/751P/626, D/751P/626P/626P/626, D/751P/626, D/751P/626, D/751P/626D/751P/626D/751MC4558ACMC4558CMC34002MC34002BMC34072MC34072AMC34082MC34083BMC34182TL062ACTL062CTL072ACTL072CTL082ACTL082C0.50.5100 pA100 pA0.5500 nA200 pA200 pA0.1 nA200 pA200 pA200 pA200 pA200 pA400 pA5.06.0105. pA70 pA7550100 pA100 pA0.05100 pA200 pA50 pA50 pA100 pA200 pA5020252525502525254.04.0502550252. Temperature Range (–25°C to +85°C)LM2580.155.01030501.00.6±1.5+3.0±18+36Split or Single SupplyOp AmpN/626, D/751Automotive Temperature Range (–40°C to +85°C) MC3358MC33072MC33072AMC330765.00.50500 nA0.±1.5+3.0+3.0+3.0±2.0±18+36+44+44±18Split or Single SupplyHigh PerformanceSingle SupplyHigh Output CurrentP1/626P/626, D/751P/626, D/751P1/626,P2/648C,D/751P/626, D/751N/626, D/751P/626, D/751MC33077MC33078MC33102 (Awake) (Sleep)MC33172MC33178MC33182MC33272AMC33282TL062V1.0750 nA600 nA60 nA0. nA50 pA100 pA15031.6251550502531.6504.037164.±2.5±5.0±2.5±2.5+3.0±2.0±2.5±1.5±2.5±2.5±18±18±18±18+44±18±18±18±18±18Low NoiseLow NoiseSleep–Mode™MicropowerLow Power, SingleSupplyHigh Output CurrentLow Power, JFET InputHigh PerformanceLow Input, Offset JFETLow Power, JFET InputP/626, D/751P/626, D/751P/626, D/751P/626, D/751P/626, D/751P/626, D/7510.53.00.1 nA3.0650 nA1.0100 pA200µV200 pA6.0Motorola Master Selection Guide4.1–3Analog and Interface Integrated Circuits元器件交易网www.cecb2b.comTable 2. Dual Operational Amplifiers (continued)IIB(µA)MaxVIO(mV)MaxTCVIO(µV/°C)TypIIO(nA)MaxBWSRAvol(Av = 1)(Av = 1)(V/mV)(MHz)(V/µs)MinTypTypSupplyVoltage(V)MinMaxDescriptionDeviceSuffix/PackageExtended Temperature Range (–40°C to +105°C)MC33202MC33206MC33502LM2904250 nA112.0100502.21.0±0.9±6.0Low V Rail–to–RailRail–to–Railwith Enable1.0 V Rail–to–RailSplit or Single SupplyP/626, D/751P/646,D/751AP/262, D751N/262, D/75140 fAtyp0.250.5typ102.0 typ7.0–50100typ100typ4.0 typ1.04.0 typ0.6+0.9±1.5+3.0+7.0±13+26Extended Automotive Temperature Range (–40°C to +125°C)TCA0372LM2904V500 nA0.251513207.0505030100typ1.±1.5+3.0+36±13+26Power Op Amp,Single SupplySplit or Single SupplyDP2/648,DW/751GN/626, D/751Military Temperature Range (–55°C to +125°C)MC33202400 pA112.0200 pA502.21.0±0.9±6.0Low V Rail–to–RailP/626, D/751Table 3. Quad Operational Amplifiers IIB(µA)MaxVIO(mV)MaxTCVIO(µV/°C)TypIIO(nA)MaxAvol(V/mV)MinBW(Av = 1)(MHz)TypSR(Av = 1)(V/µs)TypSupplyVoltage(V)MinMaxDescriptionDeviceSuffix/PackageInternally CompensatedCommercial Temperature Range (0°C to +70°C)LF347LF347BLF444CLM324, AMC3403MC4741CMC34004MC34004BMC34074MC34074AMC34084MC34085BMC34184TL064ACTL064CTL074ACTL074CTL084ACTL084C200 pA200 pA100 pA0.250.50.5200 pA200 pA0.5500 nA200 pA200 pA0.1 nA200 pA200 pA200 pA200 pA200 pA400 pA105.0106.0106.0105.05.03.01212106.0156.0106.0151010107.07.01510101010101010101010101010100 pA100 pA50 pA5050200100 pA100 pA7550100 pA100 pA0.05100 pA200 pA50 pA50 pA100 pA200 pA255025252020255025502525254.04.0502550254.±5.0±5.0±5.0±1.5+3.0±1.5+3.0±3.0±5.0±5.0+3.0+3.0±5.0±5.0±2.5±2.5±2.5±5.0±5.0±5.0±5.0±18±18±18±16+32±18+36±18±18±18+44+44±22±22±18±18±18±18±18±18±18JFET InputJFET InputLow Power, JFET InputLow PowerConsumptionNo CrossoverDistortionQuad MC1741JFET InputJFET InputHigh PerformanceSingle SupplyHigh Speed, JFET InputDecompensatedLow Power, JFET InputLow Power, JFET InputLow Power, JFET InputLow Noise, JFET InputLow Noise, JFET InputJFET InputJFET InputN/646N/646N/646, D/751AN/646, D/751AP/646, D/751AP/646, D/751AP/646P/646P/646, D/751AP/646, D/751AP/646,DW/751GP/646,DW/751GP/646, D/751AN/646, D/751AN/646, D/751AN/646N/646N/646N/646Industrial Temperature Range (–25°C to +85°C)LM224, A0.155.07.030501.00.6±1.5+3.0±16+32Split Supplies orSingle SupplyN/646, D/751AAnalog and Interface Integrated Circuits4.1–4Motorola Master Selection Guide元器件交易网www.cecb2b.comTable 3. Quad Operational Amplifiers (continued)IIB(µA)MaxVIO(mV)MaxTCVIO(µV/°C)TypIIO(nA)MaxBWAvol(Av = 1)(V/mV)(MHz)MinTypSR(Av = 1)(V/µs)TypSupplyVoltage(V)MinMaxDescriptionDeviceSuffix/PackageAutomotive Temperature Range (–40°C to +85°C)MC3303MC33074MC33074AMC33079MC33174MC33179MC33184MC33274AMC33284TL064V0.50.5500 nA750 nA0.10.50.1 nA650 nA100 pA200 pA8. nA50 pA100 pA20255031.650502531.6504.±1.5+3.0+3.0+3.0±5.0+3.0±2.0±2.5±1.5±2.5±2.5±18+36+44+44±18+44±18±18±18±18±18DifferentialGeneral PurposeHigh Performance,Single SupplyHigh PerformanceLow NoiseLow Power, SingleSupplyHigh Output CurrentLow Power, JFET InputHigh PerformanceLow Input, Offset JFETLow Power, JFET InputP/646, D/751AP/646, D/751AP/646, D/751AN/646, D/751AP/646, D/751AP/646, D/751AP/646, D/751AP/646, D/751AP/646, D/751AN/646, D/751AExtended Temperature Range (–40°C to +105°C)MC33204MC33207MC33304LM2902250 nA132.0100505025152.±0.9±0.9+1.8±1.5+3.0±6.0±6.0+12±13+26Low V Rail–to–RailRail–to–Railwith EnableSleepmode, Rail–to–RailDifferential Low PowerP/646, D/751AP/648, D/751BP/646, D/751AN/646, D/751A0.510–500.6Extended Automotive Temperature Range (–40°C to +125°C)LM2902V0.513–50151.00.6±1.5+3.0±13+26Differential Low PowerN/646, D/751AMilitary Temperature Range (–55°C to +125°C)MC33204400 pA132.0200 pA502.21.0±0.9±6.0Low V Rail–to–RailP/646, D/751AMotorola Master Selection Guide4.1–5Analog and Interface Integrated Circuits元器件交易网www.cecb2b.comOne Volt SMARTMOS™ Rail–to–RailDual Operational AmplifierMC33502D, PTA = –40° to +105°C, Case 751, 626The MC33502 operational amplifier provides rail–to–railoperation on both the input and output. The output can swingwithin 50 mV of each rail. This rail–to–rail operation enablesthe user to make full use of the entire supply voltage rangeavailable. It is designed to work at very low supply voltages(1.0 V and ground), yet can operate with a supply of up to 7.0Vand ground. Output current boosting techniques provide highoutput current capability while keeping the drain current of theamplifier to a minimum.•Low Voltage, Single Supply Operation (1.0 V and Groundto 7.0 V and Ground)•High Input Impedance: Less than 40 fA Input Current•Typical Unity Gain Bandwidth @ 5.0 V = 5.0 MHz, @ 1.0 V = 4.0 MHz•High Output Current (ISC = 50 mA @ 5.0 V, 10 mA @ 1.0 V)•••••••••••••Output Voltage Swings within 50 mV of Both RailsInput Voltage Range Includes Both Supply RailsHigh Voltage Gain: 100 dBNo Phase Reversal on the Output for Over–Driven InputSignalsInput Offset Trimmed to <500 µV TypicalLow Supply Current (ID = 1.2 mA, Typical)600 Ω Drive CapabilityExtended Operating Temperature Range (–40° to 105°C)Single Cell NiCd/Ni MH Powered SystemsSingle Cell Lithium Powered SystemsPortable Communication DevicesLow Voltage Active FiltersGeneral Systems Requiring Battery PowerAPPLICATIONSBaseCurrentBoostInputsInputStageBuffer with 0 VLevel ShiftOutputStageOutputsOffsetVoltageTrimSaturationDetectorBaseCurrentBoostAnalog and Interface Integrated Circuits4.1–6Motorola Master Selection Guide元器件交易网www.cecb2b.comHigh Frequency AmplifiersA variety of high frequency circuits with features rangingfrom low cost simplicity to multifunction versatility marksMotorola’s line of integrated amplifiers. Devices describedhere are intended for industrial and communicationsapplications. For devices especially dedicated to consumerproducts, i.e., TV and entertainment radio. (See theConsumer Electronics Circuits section.)Amplifiers. These parts are recommended for applicationsup through 70 MHz. The best high frequency performancemay be obtained by using the physically smaller SOICversion (shorter leads) – MC1350D. There are currently noother RFICs like these, because other manufacturers havedropped their copies. Applications include variable gainvideo and instrumentation amplifiers, IF (IntermediateFrequency) amplifiers for radio and TV receivers, andtransmitter power output control. Many uses will be found inmedical instrumentation, remote monitoring, video/graphicsprocessing, and a variety of communications equipment.The family of parts using the same basic die (identical circuitwith slightly different test parameters) is listed in thefollowing table.AGC AmplifiersMC1490/MC1350 Family WidebandGeneral Purpose AmplifiersThe MC1490 and MC1350 family are basic buildingblocks – AGC (Automatic Gain Controlled) RF/VideoTable 4. High Frequency Amplifier SpecificationsOperatingTemperature Range–40° to +85°C–MC14900° to +70°CMC1350–50504535AV(dB)Bandwidth@ MHzTypical451060100VCC/VEE(Vdc)Minimum+6.0Maximum+18Suffix/PackageP/626, D/751P/626Motorola Master Selection Guide4.1–7Analog and Interface Integrated Circuits元器件交易网www.cecb2b.comMiscellaneous AmplifiersMotorola provides several Bipolar and CMOS specialpurpose amplifiers which fill specific needs. These devicesrange from low power CMOS programmable amplifiers andcomparators to variable–gain bipolar power amplifiers.MC3405Dual Operational Amplifier andDual Voltage ComparatorThis device contains two Differential Input OperationalAmplifiers and two Comparators; each set capable of singlesupply operation. This operational amplifier–comparatorcircuit will find its applications as a general purpose product forautomotive circuits and as an industrial ‘‘building block.’’Output 1Inputs 1VCCInputs 2123456Comp1+OpAmp 14+141312111098Output 4Inputs 4VEE/GndInputs 3Output 31Comp2+OpAmp 23+2Output 27Table 5. BipolarDeviceMC3405IIB(µA)Max0.5VIO(mV)Max10IIO(nA)Max50Avol(V/mV)Min20Response(µs)Typ1.3Supply VoltageSingle3.0 to 36Dual±1.5 to ±18Suffix/PackageP/646MC14573 Quad Programmable Operational AmplifierMC14575 Dual Programmable Operational Amplifier and Dual Programmable ComparatorMC14576C/MC14577CDual Video AmplifiersTable 6. CMOSFunctionOperational AmplifiersOperational Amplifiersand ComparatorsVideo AmplifiersQuantityPer Package42 and 22Single SupplyVoltage Range3.0 to 15 V3.0 to 15 V5.0 to 12 V(1)Dual SupplyVoltage Range±1.5 to ±7.5 V±1.5 to ±7.5 V±2.5 to ±6.0 V(2)Frequency RangeDC to 1.0 MHzDC to 1.0 MHzUp to 10 MHzDeviceMC14573MC14575MC14576CMC14577CSuffix/PackageP/648, D/751BP/648, D/751BP/626, F/904(1) 5.0 to 10 V for surface mount package.(2) ±2.5 to ±5.0 V for surface mount package.Analog and Interface Integrated Circuits4.1–8Motorola Master Selection Guide元器件交易网www.cecb2b.comComparatorsTable 7. Single Comparators DeviceIIB(µA)MaxVIO(mV)MaxIIO(µA)MaxAV(V/V)TypIIO(mA)MinResponseTime(ns)SupplyVoltage(V)DDescriptioniiTemperatureRange(°C)Suffix/PackageBipolarLM211LM3110. k8.0200+15, –15With strobe, will operatepffrom single supplyill–25 to +850 to +70D/751N/626,D/751CMOSMC145781.0 pA50––1.1–3.5 to 14Requires only 10 µA fromsingle–ended supply–30 to +70P/648,D/751BTable 8. Dual Comparators DeviceIIB(µA)MaxVIO(mV)MaxIIO(µA)MaxAV(V/V)TypIIO(mA)MinResponseTime(ns)SupplyVoltage(V)DDescriptioniiTemperatureRange(°C)Suffix/PackageBipolarLM393LM393ALM2903LM2903VMC34050.255.0202.07.07.0100.05200 k6.013001300150015001300±1.5 to ±18or3.0 to 36±1.5 to ±7.5or3.0 to 15Designed for single or splitsupplyoperationinputsupply operation, inputcommon mode includesground (negative supply)This device contains 2 opamps and 2 comparators ina single package0 to +700to+700 to +70–40 to +105–40 to +1250 to +70N/626,D/7510.50.05200 k6.0P/646CMOSMC145750.001300.00012.0 k3.01000±1.5 to ±7.5or3.0 to 15This device contains 2 opamps and 2 comparators ina single package–40 to +85P/648,D/751BTable 9. Quad Comparators DeviceIIB(µA)MaxVIO(mV)MaxIIO(µA)MaxAV(V/V)TypIIO(mA)MinResponseTime(ns)SupplyVoltage(V)DDescriptioniiTemperatureRange(°C)Suffix/PackageBipolarLM239LM239ALM339LM339ALM2901LM2901VMC33020. k200 k200 k200 k100 k100 k100 k6.01300±1.5 to ±18or30t363.0 to 36Designed for single or splitggpltiitsupply operation, inputcommon mode includesdildground (negative supply)ground(negativesupply)–25 to +85–25 to +850 to +700 to +70–40 to +85–40 to +125–40 to +85N/646,D/751A0.50.5P/646CMOSMC145740.001300.00012.0 k3.01000±1.5 to ±7.5or3.0 to 15Externally programmablepower dissipation with 1 or2 resistors–40 to +85P/648, D/751BMotorola Master Selection Guide4.1–9Analog and Interface Integrated Circuits元器件交易网www.cecb2b.comAmplifiers and Comparators Package OverviewCASE 626N, P, P1 SUFFIXCASE 646N, P SUFFIXCASE 648, 648CDP2, P, P2 SUFFIXCASE 751D SUFFIXCASE 751AD SUFFIXCASE 751BD SUFFIXCASE 751GDW SUFFIXCASE 904F SUFFIXAnalog and Interface Integrated Circuits4.1–10Motorola Master Selection Guide
