
高中英语新上外版精品教案《Unit 5 Music》

Teaching the 10 High Schoo of Shanghai(上海市第十中学)


Content: Unit 5, Modue 3, New Centur Engih, S1B Arturo Tocanini Learning obective:

At the end of the ca, tudent wi be abe to:

1 obtain a genera undertanding of the whoe tet baed on the KWL ta; 2 get the meaning of ome new word and e ot in our ee 1 To encourage S to eeve and refect on the great conductor’ ucce factor 2 To ent Aignment 1 Liten to the audio recording and read the tet twice 2 Write a hort e information onine 要求:简要描述指挥家的成就。 具体分析指挥家成功的原因(至少两个因素)。 Reference onine reource:
