


教学内容 教学目标 课时 第1课时 1.能初步听懂、会说、会读单词: timetable , PE ,Science ,fun , playground 2.能初步听懂、会说、会读、会写单词:school ,subject ,see , Chinese ,Maths ,Art , Music 3.能初步听懂、会说、会读句型:Welcome back to school.;Nice to see you.;What subjects do you like?以及回答I like„; 教学重点 1.能初步听懂、会说、会读单词:timetable ,PE ,Science ,fun , playground 2.能初步听懂、会说、会读、会写单词:school ,subject ,see , Chinese ,Maths ,Art , Music 3.能初步听懂、会说、会读句型:Welcome back to school.;Nice to see you.;What subjects do you like?以及回答I like„; 教学难点 1.能初步听懂、会说、会读单词:timetable, Science, playground 2.能初步听懂、会说、会读、会写单词:subject, Chinese, Maths ,Art , Music 3.能初步听懂、会说、会读句型: What subjects do you like?以及回答I like„; 教学疑点 教学准备 挂图,卡片,PPT 教学过程 二次修改 Enjoy a rhyme :Let’s learn (学生二年级学过这首小诗,通过课前欣赏,激起学 生记忆里的知识: We learn Maths , one, two, three. We learn English, Aa , Bb, Cc. We learn Music , Do, re, mi. We learn Art, draw you and me.) Step 1 Greeting and free talk 1.Greeting T: Good morning, boys and girls. S: Good morning, Miss Zhang. T: How are you? S: I’m fine, well ,good„ Unit 1 Our school subjects

T: Nice to see you. 出示句子:Nice to see you. 提示学生回答:Nice to see you too. 渗透本课的教学目标3 2.Free talk T:Where are you now? S: We are/I’m at school. (出示We are/I’m at„,提示学生用at) 出示学校图片:our school T :We’re at school. This is our school. 读词组:our school T: Do you like our school? S: Yes, I do./No, I don’t. T:Welcome back to school. 出示句子:Welcome back to school. 语音渗透:bag chicken back (Welcome to的句型学生在三年级中Welcome to Toy Museum中接触过了,因此难度有所降低) T: We are learning English now. 出示单词:English,并且教读 What subject is it? It’s English. 出示subject,并且教读 T: Today we’ll talk about our subjects. 出示课题:Unit 1 Our school subjects Step 2 Presentation 1.Watch and answer 这一部分教学内容: 单词新授:timetable,English, Chinese, Maths , Art, PE, Music, science 句型新授:What subjects„? 出示课文插图 T:This is Miss Li. Here’s a timetable. 出示单词,并且板书:timetable 课程表,时间表 Time +table +=timetable Timetable English A C M1 M2 P S 黑板出示翻板 What subjects do they have? They have English„

看动画,寻找问题的答案 在黑板上的翻板上翻,并且学习新单词 例如: T: Can you find them out? 学生翻单词板A: Art T: What subjets is it? S: It’s Art. 出示单词 Art. car bar market park /a:/ T: What subjects do they have? S: They have English and Art. T:Good. Who can try now? What subject is it? P:PE S: It’s PE. T: What subjects do they have? S: They have English, Art and PE. 同法教授单词: Chinese Science Maths mango Music Toy Museum 总结:T: Can you read them? 拼读单词:English, Chinese, Maths, Art, PE, Music, science T: They are all subjects .What subjects do they have? S: They have„ 2.Listen and choose 教授内容: 单词新授:fun 句型新授:What subjects do you like? I like„ What subjects do I like? You like„ What about me? You like„ It’s„ 听录音,完成问题的回答提示内容 T: Can you answer the question now? 学生回答问题,并且全班读句子,加深对新知的印象 教读新词:fun 乐趣,快乐 un under uncle fun 3.Read and answer

T: What about Mike .What subjects does he like? What subject is it now? 出示learning tip :Underline the sentences. 你是怎么知道的?请把线索用直线划出来。 给学生时间自读课文,找出问题的答案 Please read Story time by yourself .And try to underline the sentences. Me too. It’s time for PE. Mike likes Chinese and Maths . It’s PE now. T: Good. The students are going to the playground now. 出示单词,并且拼读:playground Let’s go to the playground. T:I can say :Let’s go to the playground. What can you say? Let’s go to the zoo/park/„ We can :play basketball/football„ 3.Read after the tape 跟录音朗读,并且强调语音语调 T:Now let’s try to read after the tape. 逐句跟读,注意语音语调。 以小组为单位,选择一种喜欢的方式读一读课文。 T:Now ,show your beautiful voice to your partners .You can read in roles read after one read together and so on„Let’s go! Let’s act T: Please stop reading .It’s show time now .Let’s dub for the cartoon .Who want to be„Let’s begin. 两组分角色 全班分角色 Step 3 Consolidation 1.看图完成课文句子填空 例如: „ Check the answers. 2.Do a survey Finish it in groups (1)Finish your timetable 把学生的课表中本课的新单词空着,让学生完成课程表。 (2)Ask and answer

What subjects do you like? I like„ (通过这一环节,帮助学生复习本课的重点以及难点内容,也让学生进行小组活动相互合作学习,培养学生的合作精神,提高学生的学习兴趣。) Step 4 Homework Recite Story time 分层作业 一级作业:Copy the new words four times 二级作业: 翻译句子: 1. 欢迎回到学校。 2. 你们的课程表在哪里? 3. 你喜欢什么课? 我喜欢音乐和科学。它有趣。 4. 该上数学课了。 让我们去教室吧。 We have English,Chinese,Maths,Art,PE, Music and science. (改为一般疑问句) 作业: Recite Story time 分层作业 一级作业:Copy the new words four times 二级作业: 翻译句子: 5. 欢迎回到学校。 6. 你们的课程表在哪里? 7. 你喜欢什么课? 我喜欢音乐和科学。它有趣。 8. 该上数学课了。 让我们去教室吧。 We have English,Chinese,Maths,Art,PE, Music and science. (改为一般疑问句) 板书设计 Unit 1 Our school subjects Welcome back to school. Timetable What subjects do you like? I like„ English It’s time for„ Let’s go to„

教学内容 Unit 1 Our school subjects 课时 第2课时 1.能熟练地听懂、会说、会读、会写单词:school ,subject ,see , Chinese ,Maths ,Art , Music,timetable ,PE ,Science ,fun , playground 教学要求 2.能能熟练地听懂、会说、会读句型:What subjects do you like?以及回答I like„;What lessons do we have?及回答We have„ 3.完成补充练习,以及部分课时练习 教学 完成补充练习,以及部分课时练习 重难点 教具准备 挂图,卡片 初步教学活动设计 Step 1 Greeting and free talk 1.Greeting T: Good morning ,class . S: Good morning ,Miss Zhang. 2.Say a rhyme 二次修改 Subjects 3.Free talk T: What subjects do you have? S: We have„ T: What subjects do you like? S:I like„ T: What about „? T: What lessons do you have this morning /afternoon? S: We have„ Step 2 Reading time 1.Story time 2.Cartoon time

注意语音语调,要求学生尽量背诵 Step 3 Checkout time Think and write T: You know more about our subjects .Can you write something about your school subjects? 学生在完成前,提醒学生书写规范,“第三条线”写法。 有个别课程学生不会的,老师可以提前出示,例如班会课。 at school在学校 拓展:at the market/zoo/snack bar I like„否定句式I don’t like„=I do not like„ Step 3 补充习题 例如: A Listen and circle 让学生先说说每道题目中两幅图分别是什么学科,再 听录音 B Listen and tick 让学生先观察图片,说说看到的人物和学科,然后再听录音 „ Step 4 课时练习 Step 5 Titcing time Brain storm ,Happy train等形式考察学生,让学生自评。 Step 6 Homework完成My school subjects 板书设计 Unit 1 Our school subjects at school I like„ I don’t like„=I do not like„

课 题 Unit 1 Our school subjects 课时 第3课时 教学要求 1.能熟练地听懂、会说、会读、会写单词:school ,subject ,see , Chinese ,Maths ,Art , Music,timetable ,PE ,Science ,fun , playground 2.能能熟练地听懂、会说、会读句型:What subjects do you like?以及回答I like„;What lessons do we have?及回答We have„ 3.能总结归纳Aa的发音/ei/ 4.能会读小诗:Subjects 1.能熟练地听懂、会说、会读、会写单词:school ,subject ,see , Chinese ,Maths ,Art, Music,timetable ,PE ,Science ,fun , playground 2.能能熟练地听懂、会说、会读句型:What subjects do you like?以及回答I like„;What lessons do we have?及回答We have„ 3.能总结归纳Aa的发音/ei/ 4.能会读小诗:Subjects 教学 重难点 教具准备 挂图,卡片 初步教学活动设计 二次修改 Step 1 Greeting and free talk 1.Greeting T: Good morning ,class. S: Good morning ,Miss Zhang. 2.Say a rhyme Let’s learn 3.Free talk T: What subjects do you have? S: We have„ T: What subjects do you like? S:I like„ T: What about „? T: What lessons do you have this morning /afternoon? S :We have„ Step 2 Reading time1.Story time 2.Cartoon time Step 3 Sound time

1.Magic eyes Chinese ,English , Science, Art ,like Music, have Maths and PE ,don’t skate, make a cake 出示词组don’t skate, make a cake Skate ,make ,cake 让学生读单词,体会字母Aa 的发音/ei/ T:I can say /ei/ ,/ei/ ,cake. What can you say? 让学生归纳以前所学单词中字母 Aa 的发音/ei/ T: How to read this word? 出示Kate /keit/ 2.Sound time T:I have a rhyme for you. Kate ,Kate ,don’t skate. Come and make a cake. 注意语音语调,以及节奏 Step 4 Rhyme time 1.Enjoy a rhyme 2.Fill in the blanks Music ,Music , they like Music. Chinese, Chinese, you like Chinese. English ,English , we all like English. 3.Make a new rhyme 小组活动,创作一个新的小诗 Learning tip :Change some words of the rhyme. See page 58 . Step 5 Consolidation 完成课时练习。 Step 6 Homework 完成课时练习。 板书设计 Unit 1 Our school subjects Aa /ei/ Cake grape make skate

课 题 Unit 1 Our school subjects 课时 第4课时 教学要求 1.能熟练地听懂、会说、会读、会写单词:school, subject, see, Chinese, Maths, Art, Music,timetable, PE, Science, fun, playground 2.能能熟练地听懂、会说、会读句型:What subjects do you like?以及回答I like„;What lessons do we have?及回答We have„ 3.完成补充练习,以及部分课时课练习 教学重难点 完成补充练习,以及部分课时课练习。 教具准备 补充习题 初步教学活动设计 二次修改 Step 1 Greeting and free talk 3.Free talk 1.Greeting T: Good morning, class. S: Good morning, Miss Wu. 2.Say a rhyme Subjects 3.Free talk T: What subjects do you have? S: We have„ T: What subjects do you like? S:I like„ T: What about „? T: What lessons do you have this morning /afternoon? S: We have„ Step 2 Reading time 1.Story time 2.Cartoon time 注意语音语调,要求学生尽量背诵 Step 3 Checkout time Think and write T: You know more about our subjects. Can you write something about your school subjects? 完成My school subjects 学生在完成前,提醒学生书写规范,“第三条线”写法。

有个别课程学生不会的,老师可以提前出示,例如班会课。 at school在学校 拓展:at the market/zoo/snack bar I like„否定句式I don’t like„=I do not like„ Step 4 Exercise 1.补充习题 例如: A Listen and circle 让学生先说说每道题目中两幅图分别是什么学科,再 听录音 B Listen and tick 让学生先观察图片,说说看到的人物和学科,然后再听录音 „ 2. 课时课练习 3.Ticking time Brain storm, Happy train等形式考察学生,让学生自评。 作业设计 完成补充练习,以及部分课时课练习 板书设计 Unit 1 Our school subjects at school I like„ I don’t like„=I do not like„

课 题 教学要求 Project 1 My school life 课时 第1课时 Revies1~2 1. 在情境中帮助学生复习1~2单元主要词句,让学生能充分掌握并灵活运用1~2单元的单词和句型。 2. 以“subjects ”“timetable”为主题,让学生运用所学句型进行话题交流,提高语言运用的准确性和逻辑性。 3.培养学生的综合语言运用能力,让学生能综合运用1~2单元词句进行交流。 .完成Project1 中的“My school subjects”和“My timetable”,并能运用所学词句进行话题交流。 英文课程表 初步教学活动设计 二次修改 教学 重难点 教具准备 Step1 Warming up and revision 1. Greetings 2. Show the two topics of this lesson ”My subjects” “My timetable” 3. Brain storm T: When you see the two topics , that words can you think of ? Let’s play a game “Brain storm”. Ss: Playing the game in groups. Subjects: Chinese , Maths, English, PE, Art, Science’, Music. 拓展: Social Science Weeks: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday , Friday, Saturday 4. Competition Can you have a words spelling competition in groups: Rules: 组与组之间进行单词拼读大赛,两个组进行PK, 一个同学说单词的前3个字母,另一组的同学如果能正确拼出这个单词,获胜。 Step 2 Presentation and practice T: You can spell the word of subjects and weeks very well.. Today I’ve received an e-mail from my English friend “Roy”, It’s about weeks and subjects. Can you read it for me? 1 Show the reading material: Dear „, Hello, Mandy. This term , I have six subjects. They are, Maths, PE, Science, Social Science, Art, Music. I like Art and Science,. I go to school From Monday to Friday, This is my timetable.

Mon Science Maths Music PE Social Science Tue Art Music PE Social Science Science Wed Music PE Maths Science Social Science Thu PE Music Art Maths Science Fri Maths Art PE Science Music Can you show me your time table this term? Yours , Roy Ss: Read the e-mail in groups 3. Write an e-mail to Roy 1) T; The e-mail should include : Your English time table. Your school subjects and the subjects you like. 2) Finish the form and the timetable on page 3) Exchange the information in groups If you want to know what ‘s your partner’s e-mail about. What questions you can ask? Talk in groups 学生可能会问到以下问题 1) How many subjects do you have? 2) What subject do you like? 3) What lessons do you have on „? „ect 4. Talk about the e-mail with your partner Step3 Consolidation Finish the e-mail with the sentences of Unit1~2 Step4 Homework 1. 熟背Unit1~2 2. 默写1~2单元四会词句 根据自己的课程表介绍本学期课程和自己喜欢的科目 板书设计 Project 1 My school life What day is it today? It’s„ What subject do you like? I like What lessons do you have on „? I have„

课 题 Project 1 My school life 课时 第2课时 Revies1~3 1.在情境中帮助学生复习1~3单元主要词句,让学生能充分掌握并灵活运用1~3单元的单词和句型。 2.以“subjects ”“timetable” “My day”为主题,让学生运用所学句型进行话题交流,提高语言运用的准确性和逻辑性。 3.培养学生的综合语言运用能力,让学生能综合运用1~3单元词句进行交流。 1. 完成Project1 中的“My day”,并能运用所学词句进行话题交流。复习时间表达法 2.让学生能整合三个话题,综合运用所学词句进行话题交流。 作息时间表,课程表,给Roy的e-mail 初步教学活动设计 Step 1 Warming up and revision 1. Show time 1) Sing or say a rhyme in groups Days of the weeks Subjects When do you get up? Ss: Choose a song or rhyme, sing or chant in groups, then have a performance 2. Read the e-mail. 1) Read the passage in pairs 2) According to the passage, try to ask and answer in pairs. You may ask these questions: a. How many subjects do you have? b What subject do you like? c. What lessons do you have on „? d. Do you like„? e. Do you have„on „? Step2 Presentation and practice 1) Review Unit3 T: In last e-mail from Roy, he talked about “timetable” and subjects. I’ve got a new letter from him, Look , what is he talking about? Show the form of P30 My day 2) try to guess something of the form 让学生根据书上所给表格,猜一猜表格内容 3) If you want to know Roy’s day, try to ask some questions. Listing some phrases we can use Review the sentences : When do you„? I „at„ 3) Can you act Roy , talk about your day in pairs 4) T: Do you want to know the real Roy’s day? 二次修改 教学要求 教学 重难点 教具准备

Show the e-mail. Dear „, Hello, Mandy. It’s Friday today, I get up at 7:00 AM in the morning and have breakfast at 7:30 AM. At twenty to eight I go to school. In the morning, I have three lessons. They are I have five lessons Maths , Art , PE. I like PE best. I can play football and run with my friends. I have lunch at 12:00 PM . In the afternoon I only have two lessons. They are Science and Music. At about 4:40 P.M., I go home. At 5:30 PM, I do my homework. After dinner, at 7:30 PM, I watch cartoon. At 9:00. PM, I go to bed. This is my day. Can you show me your day? Yours, Roy 5) Write an e-mail to Roy a. Finish the form b. How to write Step1 ) What day is it today? Step2 ). What lessons do you have today? Step3 )When do you„? 帮助学生总结一下如何完成e-mail, 应该包含哪些方面的内容 Step3 Homework 熟背Unit1~3 默写1~3单元四会词句 3. 根据自己的作息时间表介绍自己的一天。 板书设计: Project 1 My school life What day is it today? It’s„ What subject do you like? I like What lessons do you have on „? I have„ When do you „(活动类词组)? I „at„(时间表达)

课 题 Project 1 My school life Project1 B 课时 第3课时 在情境中帮助学生复习1~4单元主要词句,让学生能充分掌握并灵活运用1~4单元的单词和句型。 教学要求 以”My school”为主题,让学生运用所学句型进行话题交流,提高语言运用的准确性和逻辑性。 3.培养学生的综合语言运用能力,让学生能综合运用1~4单元词句进行交流。 教学 重难点 教具准备 完成Project1 中的“My school”,并能运用所学词句进行话题交流。 让学生能整合四个单元的话题,综合运用所学词句谈论自己的学校省 学校图 初步教学活动设计 Step1 Warming up Brain storm: Give the key words, say some words or phrases 1) time 2) week 3) subjects 4) park 5) school 2.Show some topics and talk about what sentence we can use in these topics. 1) My day 2) My timetable 3) The subject I like 4) In the park Ss: Listing some sentences , then choose a topic to talk about. 重点讨论第四单元 In the park Use the sentences : What can you see? Can you see„? Step3 Presentation and practice 课件出现:You’ve got a new e-mail. 呈现E-mail 的标题: My school life 让学生先预测可能会在Roy的e-mail中出现哪些内容,talk about it in pairs.可能会出现这些内容: What can you see in the school? What subject do you have//like? What time do you go to school/ go home? 二次修改

What do you usually do after school? 3) 呈现P31的e-mail内容 a. Read the passage on P31 b. 对照讨论的希望了解的Roy的学校生活,对照进行回答 c. 根据Roy的学校生活,完成自己的学校介绍 1) 完成学校的图 a. cut b. stick c. colour 2) 根据讨论的希望了解的学校生活,完成自己的学校介绍。 What can you see in the school? What subject do you have//like? What time do you go to school/ go home? What do you usually do after school? 3) Write a passage about your school 4) Read it in your group Step4 Consolidation Design a dreaming park. Give the students some useful phrases and sentence, then introduce it in your group. Step5 Homework 熟背Unit1~4 默写1~4单元四会词句 3. 根据完成的学校图介绍自己的学校,写一篇小短文。 板书设计: Projet1 My school life What can you see in the school? What subject do you have//like? When/ What time do you go to school/ go home? What do you usually do after school?

课 题 第一单元复习 课时 第1课时 教学要求 1.能熟练地听懂、会说、会读、会写单词:school, subject, see, Chinese, Maths, Art, Music,timetable, PE, Science, fun, playground 2.能能熟练地听懂、会说、会读句型:What subjects do you like?以及回答I like„;What lessons do we have?及回答We have„ 3.完成补充练习,以及部分课时课练习 教学重难点 完成补充练习,以及部分课时课练习。 教具准备 补充习题 初步教学活动设计 二次修改方案及教学随感 一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词或短语。 ( )1. A.school B. subject C. Science ( )2. A. Maths B. many C. Monday ( )3. A. fan B. fun C. fly ( )4. A.see B.sit C. six ( )5. A. aren’t B. Art C. can’t 二、根据所听到的内容,给下列句子用数字排序。 ( )1. I like Chinese and Maths. ( )2. What subjects do you like,Yang Ling? ( )3. How many subjects do you have?

( )4. Do you like English? ( )5. Nice to meet you, Miss Wang. 三、 听录音,选出正确的答句。 ( )1. A. No, I don’t. B. I like English. C. I don’t like it. ( )2. A. It’s fun. B. Yes, it is. C. Yes, please. ( )3. A. Thank you. B. OK. C. Nice to see you too. ( )4. A. I like Maths and Music. B. They’re in the bedroom. C. Seven. ( )5. A. They are on the sofa. B. It’s in the bedroom. C.No, it isn’t. 笔试部分 一、选出不同类的单词。 ( )1. A. school B.pen C. pencil D.ruler ( )2. A. bedroom B. living room C. playground D. bathroom ( )3. A. skate B. see C.jump D.swim ( )4. A. Good morning B. Good bye C. Good afternoon D.Good evening ( )5. A. Chinese B. Science C. PE

D.subject 二、英汉互译。 1. 两门学科 2. Welcome back to school 3. 今天下午 4. Nice to see you too 5.体育课时间 6. go to the playground 7.上一节美术课 8. our new timetable 9.多少节数学课 10.like Music and Science 三、单项选择题。 ( ) 1. How many _______do you have this term(学期)? We have five. A. subject B. a subject C. subjects D. an subject ( ) 2. It’s time _______ Enlish. Let’s go to the classroom(教室). A. at B. for C. in D. on ( ) 3. What lessons do you have this morning? We _______ Chinese, Maths and Music. A. do B. have C are D is ( ) 4. A: Do you have _____ PE lessons this week

(星期)? B: Yes, I do. A. any B some C a D an ( ) 5.The Science book is _______ the bedroom, ________ the chair. A on; in B in; on C at; on D in; in ( ) 6. __________ a timetable for you. A. Here B. Here’s C .Here are D.It is 四、连词成句。 1. you what do subjects like (?) _________________________________________________ 2. subjects many have do you how (?) _________________________________________________ 3. three I this lessons have morning (.) _________________________________________________ 4.do what this lessons have you afternoon (?) _________________________________________________ 5. an how is book much English (?) _________________________________________________ 五、根据情景,选择合适的句子。 ( )1. 你有一本美术书,你说: A. I have an Art. B. I have a Art book. C. I have

an Art book. ( )2. 当你问别人有多少门学科时,你说: A. What sbujects do you like? B. How many subjects do you have? C. What sbujects do you have? ( )3. 当你们开学刚到班时,老师会说: A. Welcome back to school. B. Nice to see you. C. Nice to meet you. ( )4. 当你询问两本科学书的价钱时,你说: A. How much is it? B. How much are they? C. Can I help you? ( )5. 同学问你下午有什么课时,他会说: A. What lessons do we have this morning? B. What lessons do we have this afternoon? C. How many subjects do you have? 六、根据中文,翻译句子。 1.这个学期你们有多少门学科,有7门。 ___________ ___________ ___________ do you have this term(学期)? We have ___________. 2.现在是上数学课的时候,让我们到教室去。 It’s time ___________ ___________ ___________. Let’s go to the classromm(教室).
