

2023-03-23 来源:个人技术集锦



general hospital综合医院 Department of ophtalmology眼科 children hospital儿童医院 E.N.T.department耳鼻喉科 tumour hospital肿瘤医院 Department of stomatology口腔科 chest hospital 胸科医院 Department of urology泌尿科 field hospital野战医院 Department of orthopedic骨科 isolation hospital隔离医院 Department of traumatology创伤科 military hospital陆军医院

Department of endocrinology内分泌科 municipal hospital市立医院 Department of anesthesiology麻醉科 maternity hospital产科医院 Department of dermatology皮肤科 mental hospital精神医院

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Department of infectious diseases传染病科 infectious hospital传染医院 Department of pathology病理科 leprosy hospital麻风医院 Department of psychiatry精神科 affiliated hospital附属医院

Department of orthopacdic surgery矫形外科 traing hospital教学医院

Department of cardiac surgery心脏外科 out-patient department门诊部 Department of cerebral surgery脑外科 In-patient department住院部 Department of thoracic surgery胸外科 Nursing department护理部

Department of plastic surgery矫形外科 Admission office住院处

Department of physiotherapy理疗科 Discharge office 出院处 electrotherapy room电疗科 Registration office挂号处 heliotherapy room光疗科

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Reception room,waiting roomxx诊室

wax-therapy room蜡疗科 Consultation room诊察室 hydrotherapy room水疗科 Isolation room隔离室 central laboratory中心实验室 Labour room待产室 clinical laboratory临床实验室 Delivery room分娩室

bacteriological laboratory细菌实验室 Emergency room急诊室

biochemical laboratory生化实验室 Ward病房室

serological laboratory血清实验室 Pharmacy dispensary药房 X-ray roomX光室

Nutrition department营养部 doctor’s office医生办公室

Diet-preparation department配膳室 nurse”s office护士办公室

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Therapeutic department治疗室 director of the hospital院长

Operating room手术室head of the nursing department护理部主任 Blood-bank血站

attending doctor主治医师 Supply-room供应室 resident doctor住院医师 Disinfection-room消毒室 intern doctor实习医师 Dressing room 换药室 chief physician主任医师 Mortuary太平间

associate chief physician副主任医师 Record room病案室 physician内科医师

Department of internal medicine内科 urological surgeon泌尿外科医师 Department of surgery外科 neurosurgeon神经外科医师 Department of pediatrics儿科 plastic surgeon矫形外科医师

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Department of obstetrics and gynecology妇科 anestheistxx耳医师

Department of neurology神经科 E.N.T.doctor耳鼻喉科医师 Ophthalmolgist眼科医师 Dentist牙科医师 Dermatologist皮肤科医师 Doctor for tuberculosis结核科医师 Physiotherapist理疗科

Doctor for infectious diseases传染病科 Dietician营养科医师 Pediatrist儿科医师 Obstetrician产科医师 Midwife助产师 Gynecologist妇科医师 Orthopedist骨科医师 Radiologist放射科医师 Epidemiologist流行病医师 Hygiemist卫生医师 Pharmacist药剂医师 Assistant pharmacist药剂医士

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X-ray techmicianX光技师 Laboratory technician化验员 Head nurse护士长 Student nurse实习护士 Assistant nurse卫生员 Cleaner清洁员 Controller总务科长 Registrar挂号员 Sanitation worker消毒员 First visit初诊

To attend the clinic复诊 Out-call出诊 Case history病历

Sheet-for-case history病历袋 Turnover of beds病床周转率 Average of hospital stay平均住院日数 Ward round查房 Consultation会诊

Medical certification诊断书

Certification for leave of absence病假证明 Application for laboratory examination化验申请单

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Application for X-ray examinationX光申请单 Requisition for drugs领药单

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