
Fuel metering unit for a fuel metering unit for a

2024-01-11 来源:个人技术集锦

专利名称:Fuel metering unit for a fuel metering unit

for a high-pressure fuel pump, and high-pressure fuel pump

发明人:Steffen Wieland,Marion Schieber-Stitz,Tobias

Landenberger,Tilman Miehle,JochenWessner



摘要:The invention relates to a fuel metering device for regulating the delivery rateof a high-pressure fuel pump of a fuel injection device for an internal combustion engine.The fuel metering device has a control valve actuated by an electromagnet and having avalve member. The electromagnet has an armature and an armature rod and thearmature rod is axially movably supported in at least one bushing. The at least onebushing is designed as a solid, one-piece metal component. The bushing is preferablymade of steel and the bearing surface thereof, in which the armature rod is supported,has a nitrocarburized and polished surface layer.

申请人:Steffen Wieland,Marion Schieber-Stitz,Tobias Landenberger,TilmanMiehle,Jochen Wessner

地址:Waiblingen DE,Weissach Im Tal DE,Schorndorf DE,Waiblingen DE,Esslingen DE


代理机构:Michael Best & Friedrich LLP

