
Feed forward and feedback toner concentration cont


专利名称:Feed forward and feedback toner

concentration control for an imaging system

发明人:Mark A. Scheuer,John Buranicz,Patricia J.

Donaldson,Paul A. Garsin,Eric M. Gross,Eric S.Hamby,Daniel W. MacDonald,Prasad P.Padmanabhan,Edward W. Smith, Jr.,JosephW. Ward


摘要:The present invention generally relates to an imaging system, and morespecifically, a method and apparatus for accurately predicting toner usage and hencetoner dispensing requirements in an imaging system. More, specifically, the presentinvention relates to a toner concentration control system for maintaining tonerconcentration in a developer structure, which is connected to a dispenser containingtoner. The toner concentration control system including: a toner mass estimatorproviding a toner mass estimate of the toner mass in the developer structure to beapplied to the photoreceptor; a feed forward dispense unit receiving the toner massestimate and transmitting a feed forward dispense command based on the toner massestimate; a toner concentration target adjusted for toner age in the developer structure;a feed back dispense unit receiving the adjusted toner concentration target and

transmitting a feedback dispense command; and a total dispense unit receiving the feed

forward dispense command and the feedback dispense command, and outputting totaldispense command to the dispenser, which dispenses the toner to the developerstructure in accordance with the total dispense command.


代理人:Paul F. Daebeler

