
Braking device of the mobile element of a moderati


专利名称:Braking device of the mobile element of a

moderating assembly for a fast breederreactor

发明人:BERTE, MICHEL,CHIARELLI, GERARD申请号:EP84400715.3申请日:19840411公开号:EP0123603A1公开日:19841031


摘要:1. Absorber assembly of a fast neutron nuclear reactor cooled by a liquid metalcirculating in contact with the reactor core, in which are placed similar assemblies

absorbing neutrons, having a braking device with a fixed par constituted by a guide sleeve(1) of an element (10) mobile in the vertical direction, engaged by its lower part in thecore support (3) and internally traversed by the liquid metal, said bring device beingconstituted by part (25, 31, 40) of the inner surface of the lower end of sleeve (1) and by apart (30, 34, 43) of the lower end of a guide rod (14), cooperating at the end of thedownward travel of guide rod (14) for forming a chamber (17, 37, 47) having a smallleakage space (28) for the liquid cooling metal, characterized by a mobile element (10)constituted by a hallow envelope (12) containing a neutron absorbing material, intergralin its upper part with a connecting means (13) to a displacement mechanism in the verticaldirection and in its lower part the vertical, hollow guide rod (14) of considerable lengthhas openings (18) in its lower part for the passage of the liquid metal within rod (14) andof the envelope (12) of the absorbing material (15) for its cooling and by the fact that theinner surface of the lower part of the sleeve carries a vertically axed cylinder (25) open inthe internal space of the sleeve (1a) at its upper end, communicating with said internalspace solely by a small diameter orifice (28) at its lower end and having passage openingsfor the sodium (26) in its lateral surface in its upper part and that the lower end of theguide rod (14) carries a sphere (30) of diameter very slightly smaller thant the diameterof cylinder (25) in its lower part, a compression chamber for the liquid metal beingprovided at the end of the downward movement of the mobile assembly (10) by sphere(30) and the lower part of cylinder (25) having the small diameter leakage space (28).


地址:La Boursidière R.N. 186 F-92357 Le Plessis Robinson FR


代理机构:Pottier, Pierre (FR)

