一、 前言………………………………………………………………..1 二、 主要技术参数……………………………………………………..1 三、 工作原理与结构特征……………………………………………..1 四、 安装、调试与试运转……………………………………………..2 五、 维护与保养………………………………………………………..3 六、 操作规程…………………………………………………………..5 七、 可能发生的故障和消除方法……………………………………..5 八、 安全规程…………………………………………………………..6 九、 易损件索引………………………………………………………..6 十、 PF-1214基础图…………………………………………………...9
前言 ■ PF-1214反击式破碎机是我公司的技术代表作。在开发这一优秀作品中,我们特别注意
可靠的结构; 广泛的运用; 较高的生产能力; 较少的损耗; 简单的操作和保养; 便于迅速更换磨损零部件和良好安全性。
PF-1214反击式破碎机已经发展到能破碎较应硬的物料,能处理最大进料粒度不大于350mm、抗压强度不超过320Mpa的岩石。突出的优点是产品成品呈立方体,无张力及裂缝,粒形极好,广泛应用于建材、交通、能源、水泥、矿山、化工等行业。本机不适用于表面水分大于8~10%的矿石或粘性物料的破碎。 主要技术参数 转子工作圆直径 转子有效宽度 进料口尺寸 最大进料粒度 排料间隙 生产能力 电动机功率 重量(不包括电动机) 外形尺寸 1250 1400 1430×400 350 20~60 100~160 132~160 18 2690×2385×2890 mm Mm Mm Mm Mm t/h kW T mm 工作原理与结构特征 ■ 本机器是一种利用冲击能来破碎的破碎机械。当物料进入板锤作用区时,受到板锤的高
本机在后架上采用自重式保险装置,当非破碎 物料进入破碎腔后,前后反击架后退,非破碎物料从机内排出。
■ 结构和特征
如图1所示,PF-1214反击式破碎机主要由转子、反击架、机架和传动部分等零件组成。 图1 PF-1214反击式破碎机结构图
■ 转子部分
■ 机架
■ 反击架
■ 传动部分
安装调试与试运转 ■ 本机系制造厂装配后成台供应,当用户收到本机后,应对设备进行检查和清点,以清除在运
■ 安装施工人员应熟悉本产品的结构,性能和技术要求,了解必要的操作规范,并事先制定合
■ 安装现场需有足够起吊能力的吊装设备.
■ 机体安装
机面要求平直,机体与基础的相交面不得漏灰,地脚螺栓应反复紧固。 基础下部应有足够的空间,以便安装输送设备和设备检修。 设备与基础之间应填有吸振材料。 本机与电机位置可左右布置,常规产品在主机的左侧,如有变化需在订货时告知供货方。
■ 安装,更换或调整板锤时,应注意板锤的称重。对称位置板锤重量差应控制到最小状态。 ■ 在第一次启动之前和较长时间运行后,须检查反击板下部边缘与板锤上部的间隙。方法
■ 特别注意事项:新装板锤在转子上有时存在径向串动间隙,固新机第一次使用(或新换
■ 为避免反击式破碎机受到外来物硬的损伤。在机壳上需装进料斗,同样,破碎后物料到
■ 试运行的准备工作
1. 检查并确认破碎机机体没有残留金属物品和任何其他物料。 2. 检查所有紧固零件是否锁紧牢固。
3. 检查各检修门是否密封。各门在关闭前应在其外沿四周抹一层较厚的润滑油脂,使
其关闭后有较好的气密性。 4. 检查轴承内是否有适量的油脂。
■ 空负荷运转
1. 在启动电动机试车前,宜先行人工盘车实验,确认无异常响声后再空负荷启动。 2. 空负荷试车必须遵循先点动后连续的原则,确认无异常响声后再空负荷试车。 3. 空运转时要求机器运转平稳,无异常振动及声响。空运转试车连续时间不少于2小
■ 负荷试运转
■ 给料
■ 破碎机停机
每次停机前应先停止进料工作,待破碎腔内的物料完全被破碎后,方可切断电源停机。 负荷试运转完成后,应对所有连接螺栓,地脚螺栓的紧固情况,板锤的定位情况,衬板固定情况进行检查,并进行必要的调整。
维修与保养 ■ 为保证本机器的正常工作和延续机器的使用寿命,用户应对该机进行经常的维护和保
■ 新机器投入运行后,每班工作完毕时必须对机器进行全面的检查。大约运行两周后,只
■ 必须每周对机器的主要零件如板锤、反击衬板、衬板的磨损情况进行检查,并结合检修
■ 转子和反击衬板的间隙调整
■ 更换易损件时,首先打开后上架。使用时,先将后上架与中箱体的连接螺栓卸下,然后
■ 板锤
用翻盖装置将后上架打开。用手转动转子,将需调整或更换的板锤转至检修门处,然后固定转子。拆去板锤定位零件:首先将定位件转至图5(c)位置。再将压紧沿轴向拆出。然后将板锤沿轴向从检修门处推出,或从机架吊出。拆卸时需用手锤在板锤上轻轻敲打。 安装板锤时,颠倒上述步骤即可。但需注意重量近似相同的板锤安装在相对位置,以避免转子工作时不平衡。
■ 反击衬板
■ 衬板
■ 进料口底部与板锤之间间隙调整
■ 胀套联接的拆装和拧紧检查
■ 润滑
必须严格遵守润滑说明,以确保破碎机正常高效率的工作。 主轴两端的轴承采用二硫化钼脂(3号锂基脂)润滑。一般每套轴承添加量6克/50小时。 每三个月更换润滑油一次。换油前应用洁净的汽油或煤油仔细地冲洗轴承,加入轴承内的润滑脂为轴承空腔容积的50-70%。
操作规程 ■ 本机器在每班开机前,应内外检查各个旋转部件的紧固螺栓有无松动现象。一旦发现应
■ 机器应均匀给料,严禁金属异物进入机内。
操作人员听到金属敲击声或电流表显示超负荷现象时,应立即停机,待机器全停机后,排除异物并检查各有关转动零部件有无损坏。确认正常后,才可以继续开机给料。 本机只能在空载状态下启动,当物料全部破碎并排除机体外时,才允许停机,使用单位应根据本说明书的内容,结合常规要求,自行编制本机操作规程的和维护规程。 可能发生的故障和消除方法 可能发生的故障 振动量骤然增加 出料过大 机器内部产生敲击声 故障原因 更换或装配板锤时,转子未很好的平衡 由于衬板或板锤磨损过多,引起间隙过大 1. 不能破碎的物料进入机器内部; 2. 衬板紧固件松弛,板锤撞击在衬板上; 3. 板锤或其他零件断裂 1. 润滑脂过多或不足; 2. 润滑脂脏污; 3. 轴承损坏; 消除方法 重新安装板锤,转子进行平衡校正 通过调整前后反击架间隙或更换衬板或板锤 1. 停车后清理破碎腔 2. 检查衬板的紧固情况及板锤与衬板之间隙 3. 更换断裂件 1. 检查润滑脂是否过量 2. 清洗轴承后更换润滑脂 3. 更换轴承 4
安全规程 ■ 机器运转时,工作人员不能站立在惯性力作用线的范围内,电器开关的安装也要避免这
■ 机器运转时,严禁打开检查门观察机器内的情况,严禁进行任何调整,清理检修等工作,
■ 严禁向机器内投入不能破碎的物料,以免损坏机器。 ■ 机器在检修时,首先应切断电源。 ■ 在机器运转中,严禁机器过负荷工作。
■ 电器设备应接地,电线应可靠绝缘,并装在蛇皮袋内。
■ 启闭上盖系统时,严禁在上盖运动的两个方向上有人存在,开启结束时,必须在支臂下
部垫好垫块,并保证牢固可靠绝对安全后方可进行其他工作。 易损件索引 序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 图号 K3603.01-8 K3603.01-11 K3603.01-12A K3603.02-6A K3603.02-5 K3603.02-1 K3603.02-3A K3603.02-4 K3603.02-7A K3605A.02-8 K3605AG.03-4 K3602.04-5 K3602.04-6 K3602.04-9 K3603.02-14 JB/ZQ4393-86 GB286-64 K3603.01-3 K3603.01-2 K3603.01-9 K3603.03-5 名称 方钢 衬板(一) 衬板(二) 衬板 衬板 衬板 衬板 衬板 衬板 衬板 反击衬板 板锤 压紧块 防护块 衬板 三角带SPC6300 轴承3003728k 衬板套 定位块 螺栓 螺栓M24×2 数量 3 32 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 34 48 8 16 16 2 10 2 72 72 72 96 材料 ZGMn13 复合件 ZGMn13 ZGMn13 16Mn 16Mn 复合件 复合件 ZGMn13 复合件 ZGMn13 KmTBCr26 ZGMn13 ZGMn13 ZGMn13 焊接件 Q235A 45 45 备注 固定衬板 固定衬板 固定衬板 固定反击衬板用 衬板示意图见7页
1.Forword………………………………………………………………11 2.Technical parameter…………………………………………………11 3.Structure & Working Theory……………………………………….11 4.Installation & Debugging……………………………………………12 5.Maintenance………………………………………………………….13 6.Operation Regulations………………………………………………14 7.Commen trouble and trouble shooting……………………………..15 8.Safe Proceeding………………………………………………………15 9.Quik-wear parts……………………………………………………..16 10.PF-1214 Foudation Diagram………………………………………19
Foreword ■ PF-1214 impact crusher is our company’s technical magnum opus.We take the following
characteristics into special consideration in the process of developing this excellent product. Reliable structure Wide usage
High production capability Low cost
Simple operation and maintenance
Easy replacing quick-wear parts and good safety performance
PF-1214 is developed into being able to crush high-hardness materials and the ore with max.feeding size no more than 350mm and resist intensity no more than 320M Pa.This machine’s outstanding strongpoint is cubic form of crushed production,no stain,no crack and good shape of powder,which is widely used in construction,traffic,energy,cement,mining and chemical industry line.This machine is not suitable for crushing ore with moisture more than 8-10% and the sticky materials. Technical parameter Rotor diameter 1250mm Effective width of rotor 1400mm Feed opening 1430*400mm Max.feeding edge 350mm Output size 20-60mm Capacity 100-160t/h Electromotor 132-160kw Weight(excluding elec.motor) 18t Overall dimension 2690*2385*2890mm The Structure Characteristics & Operating Principle ■ Operating Principle This machine uses impingement energy to break up material.After the material are put into flat file,and throw into another machine.This is a repeated prosecution process until the material is triturated into needed granularity.And it is vented from the underside of machine.Adjusting the inters pace between impact rack and rotor support to make the purpose of changing Ec-feeding edge and the shape.
This machine adopts dead load insurance equipment in the back upper frame.When non-crush materials fall into the crush chamber,the front-back impact frame will back off,the non-crush material will be discharged from chamber.
■ The Structure Characteristics
It is buildup with rotor,impact rack,average liberation rack and transmission part,etc.
■ Rotor,making of welded steed,is key part of this machine.Board hammer is fixed in correct
position,axes direction restricting installation.This can prevent swaying for the board hammer.
The board hammer adopts high-wearable materials.The whole rotor possesses wonderful activity counterpoise performance and endures concussion.
■ Framework
The framework is buidup with three parts.It is solid,resist-wrest connected with high-intensity bolt.
In order to guarantee safely and reliably to change quick-wear parts,the hinge type framework is covered and can be opened and closed with the ratchet mechanism.We suggest that users hang the device to set up above framework,this will help you to open it in order to change quick-wear parts or overhaul the equipment.There are access doors on both of the framework.
■ Impact Rack,average libration rack
This machine assembles two fore-and-aft impact racks,and adopts deadweight type hanging structure.Each impact is singly supported on the rack of crusher.When working,the impact rack will keep its own normal work locus.While crossing the iron,the impact rack will lift rapidly,after the eyewink is got rid of,it will return to the original place again.The clearance between impact rack and rotor can be adjusted through hanging the bolt.The clearance between average libration rack and rotor can also be adjusted.Impact skateboard can be changed from more serious abrasion to less serious one.The average libration rack can be countermarched if need.
■ Transmission Part
We adopt high efficiency and SPC triangle belt for transmission.The belt pulley,which is cooperated with principal axis,adopts bloated sets for connection,it is easy to dismantle and install the machine. Installation & Debugging ■ Before the platform to supply after this machine is assembled by our factory,after users
receive the machine,you should check the equipment,in order to dispel the disadvantage during transport.
■ People who attach the installation should familiar with the structure,performance and
technology request,they should realize the neccessay handle criterion and stipulate for logical installation technique rules forehand.
■ There need to have hoist and mount equipment which hangs enough ability for sling at the
placing point.
Before installation,equipment of foundation operate space and foundation bolt reserve coordinate position of hole should be checked conscientiously,accord with the general drawing of the equipment and regulation of designing materials of relevant foundations.The basic coordinate(vertical-horizonal axis)vertically and horizontally of the equipment is the center lines and axis lines of the rotor separately.Reserve space and foundation bolt reserve in the center position deviation of hole not more than 10mm each.
■ Machine style installation
Base level should keep flam,the crossing surfaces of the organism and foundation should not leak the dust,the foundation bolt should be fastened repeatedly.
There should have enough space in the basic under part in order to install transport equipment and overhaul equipment.
Between the equipment and foundation,there should be filled with some shockproof materials.
The position of electromotor can be set either left or right.The general product can be set on right,if there is any change,please apprize provide while ordering.
■ While installation,change or adjustment the board hammer,please pay attention to the weight
of board hammer.Symmetrical position board hammer weight should be controlled to be minimum state.
■ Long time after running or before the first start,you must check under part of impact board
and blow bar top interval to make sure the inters pace between front-impact rack and blow bar is twice width than the inters pace between back-impact rack and blow bar.
■ Special notice:New installed blow bar on the rotor sometimes may have radial cross-move
gap,so after first use(or new replacing blow bar),the width between impact rack and blow bar should not be less than 20mm,which can guarantee that blow bar and impact rack don’t collide.After a few times’ use,customer can adjust the gap between impact rack and blow bar according to their needs.
■ In order to avoid sundries ab extra,a feed-in tundish is needed.Delivers after breaking up the
material to the belt.Roller need to install in the breaker discharge hole lower part. Tryout preparation job.
Check and make sure there are no other goods or materials in the crusher. Check and make sure all firmware are firm.
Check all manholes are hermetical.Before close each door,around it should be daubed a tier of thick lubricator to make sure the wonderful airproof performance. Check there is enough lipin in axletree.
■ Vacant burthen movement
Before the starting motor test run.Use the artifical plate to move first,after confirming there is no unusual sound again starts vacant burthen movement.
Empty burden trial run must follow continuous principle after moving a bit first to take a trial run to echo,after confirming there is no unusual sound,it can be taken a trial run.
Empty transport requires steady,it has no unusually shake and voice.Empty transport transfers takers a time not more than 2 hours,the temperature of the bearing is steady.
■ Load trial running
After vacant burthen movement is normal,it can make the load trial running.The time should not less than 4 hours.
■ Affording material
Material should be afford in succession,and make sure all chipping distribute to the working part of the rotor equably,this can avoid jam and lengthen machine service life.
■ Shutting down crusher
Stop delivering material in front of each shutting down,after treating the broken supplies in totally broken,cut off the power and shut down.
After finishing load trial running,to all connection bolts,the fastening situation of the fundation bolt,the localization situation of the board hammer,the regular situation of welt carries to make an inspection and carries on essential adjustment. The Repairs & Maintenance ■In order to guarantee working and extending the service life of the machine normally of the machine,users should carry on frequent maintenance and maintenance to this machine.
■ After the new machine is put into operation,it must be carried on the overall inspection to the
machine at the time of each job.It only takes an overall inspection to the function of the present and the past of the machine of every month after probably operating for two weeks.Electrical machinery of equipment,lubricating oil make an overall inspection every week is needed.
The situation of inspect including regular position coupling,belt transmission,the bearing is sealed situation of the electric apparatus switch.
■ Check the wearing situation of the major part of the machine every week such as blow
bar,impact plate and liner plate,accord with time between overhauls and set up fixed maintenance and changing system.
After the second shift,the scale board bolt should be screwed down.
■ Interspace adjusting between rotor and impact plate.When running,the interspace between
rotor and impact plate should not be ajusted.If supplies agglomerately resort between impact board and crust,we suggest impact rack before readjusting the interspace so that the whole material will become loose,the impact rack will be easy to adjust.If impact rack is not high enough,you can pat on pull od to relax(protect with a plank).The interspace between rotor and impact plate will be adjusted by device of the machine.Firstunclamp pole set of spiral NO.2,then turn the long nut NO.3,pull rod NO.1 at this moment will move by direction along arrow point,tight spiral set of NO.2 after finishing adjustment.Interval size can through open framework upside wall door to observe,users must pay special attention:all the above-mentioned philosophy work must shut down in order not to meet any accident.
■ Changing quick-wear parts
When changing damageable parts,open the rear shelf at first.This machine adopts the ratchet wheel to renovate the device.When using,debus the joint bolt between after-shelf and middle-trunk,then two people both sides operate ratchet wheel renovate handle of device at the same time,it is over promptly to open to the graghic presentation.Put on the shelf after purchasing up the device and hanging above the usable framework at the same time here.Rotate the reversing handle on the ratchet wheel,repeat above-mentioned course and close the after-shelf promply.
The operational method of Hydraulic pressure system can be consulted as Hydraulic pressure apical syst.
■ Blow bar
The blow bar is worn and should be adjusted or changed in the time until a certain degree,in order to avoid the damage of the fastener and other p
Open retral cover with turn over set.Rotate the rotor with hands,the blow bar that will be ajusted or changed to the place of access door,then ficup rotor.Dismantle the blow bar orientation parts:turn the orientation parts to position 50,compress tightly piece is produced to dismantle along axial.Then put out the stiff hammer from access door along the axial,or hang out of framework.This need to beat gently on the blow bar with hand hammer while dismantling.
■ Impact plate
Open after-front-shelf,remove split pin for fixing impact plate,notch nut,the bolt,this can change the impact plate after wearing and tearing.If install a new one,put upside down the above-mentioned steps.
■ Toggle
Open after-front-shelf to adjust impact plate,all plate is allowed to change in more serious region or less serious region.As a piece of welt is only worn and torn aside,it can rotate 90 degree or 180 degree to continue using.When finding there are materials accumulate on the impact rack,you can use washer and bolt cushion and reduces their interval to avoid the appearance of this phenome.
■ The adjustment interspace between the bottom of entrance and blow bar.
There is a square ness steel in the bottom of entrance,when it is frayed in entrance of the material,you can turn 90 degree Centigrade to control feed-in material.While adjusting,you need to unload the cover on both sides of the framework,draw out the square ness steel and encase after rotati.
■ Disassembly and assembly and tightening inspection of the distend cover.
The fixation adoption distends cover with no saw(tough wheel)of large belt of equipment. When teardown you should notice above order that opposite angle cross divide into steps inscrew in circumference while dismantling,but do not twist all of them,take down screw and washer,and heavy bolt dismantle spiral shell of the hole to enter to fasten with whorl,it makes bloated set become flexible and put out to rap all screw heads.
All distend cover of relevant parts surface before assembling must be washes clean,and ratherish besmear the oil.Locling the screw must spread enough oil,please notice all oil should not contain molybdenum bisulfide additive.Distend cover put between the wheel and axle,tighten screw gently,assembly tool use trough wheel,make trough wheel the correct position,the finally you can use the wrench dispart the around into three steps(each is 1/3 MA,1/2 MA and MA moment)screw down the bolt until every bolt’s moment is MA.Before enabling moment wrench,check or set the moments wrench is MA=125N.M. Expose surface and screw head should be wiped antirust oil in the distend cover after finishing.
■ Lubricant
You must ansterely observe to use lubricant so that to make sure the machine will work high-efficiency.
The bearing of the main axis should use molybdenum bisulfide lubricate.Usually every bearing need 6 gram /50 hours.
Each three months you should change lubricating oil.Using clean petrol or kerosenne to develop the bearing carefully before changing the oil,it is about 50-70% the volume of the bearing cavity to put into the lubricating grease in the bearing. The Operation Rules ■ Once start the machine,check each rotatory fastening bolt of part become flexible the
phenomenon inside and outside answering.Once find that should get rid of it.The bolt should be checked once every week in the machine.
■ The machine should be filled the material evenly,forbid entering matal matter into machine.
Operator hear metal beat or ampere meter show when overloading etc.,they should shut down at once.After machine safely shutdown,get rid of foreigh matter and check each relevant to rotate spare part damage.After confirming normally,it can just continue starting the machine for the material.
This machine can only start at unloaded state,when all broken material vent outside the
machine,just allow to shut down.The applying unit should combine the routine and require,work out the operational procedure of the one machine and maintenance instruction by oneself according to the content of the manual. Common trouble and Trouble shooting
Common trouble Vibration increase Cause Trouble Shooting greatly While changing or assembling the Fix the mounting plate hammer board hammer,the rotor has not again,the rotor carries on the been well balanced. balance to make a collection. Overflow superfluous Because of scaleboard or the blow Adjust interspace of force-and after materials bar is too much,it is too big to impact rack or change liner plate cause the interspace. and blow bar. Produce beating 1. Material that cannot be broken 1. Clear up broken after turnoff sound within the are entered into the machine; machine; machine 2. Liner plate reinforce become 2. Make sure the liner plate is flexible; tight and the interspace 3. Hammer or other parts become between blow bar and liner flexible. plate; 3. Chage a new axletree. Exorbitant tempersature axletree 1. The lubrivant is too much or 1. Check there is enough for too less; lubricant; 2. The lubrivant is not clean; 2. After cleaning axlectree then 3. The axletree is managled change new lubricant; 3. Change a new axlectree. Safe Precautions ■ When the machine working,workers should stand around inertia power process line,the
installation of wiring should also avoid this place.
■ When the machine working,you should not open check-up door to observe situation in the
machine.Do not adjust anything or make an overhaul.
■ Strictly prohibits material which invest to the machine that cannot be broken in order to avoid
damaging the machine.
■ First shut off power supply when overhaul the machine.
■ During the machine operation,strictly prohibits the machine excess load work.
■ The electric appliance equipment should earth-plate,the electric wire should reliably
insulate,and install in the smakeskin conduit.
■ When open or close top head system,strictly prohibits existing some people stand in top head
movement two direction.After opening underlay lower part the arm,the guarantee reliable absolute security only then carries on other operations. Index of quick-wear parts
Num 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Chart NO. K3603.01-8 K3603.01-11 K3603.01-12A K3603.02-6A K3603.02-5 K3603.02-1 K3603.02-3A K3603.02-4 K3603.02-7A K3605A.02-8 K3605AG.03-4 K3602.04-5 K3602.04-6 K3602.04-9 K3603.02-14 JB/ZQ4393-86 GB286-64 K3603.01-3 K3603.01-2 K3603.01-9 K3603.03-5 Name Quadrate steel Liner plate() Liner plate() Liner plate Liner plate Liner plate Liner plate Liner plate Liner plate Liner plate Impact liner plate Hammer plate Impact plate Defend plate Liner plate Trion belt SPC6300 Bearing 3003728k Liner plate cover Orientation block Bolt Bolt M24*2 Amount Material 3 32 2 2 2 2 2 6 2 34 48 8 16 16 2 10 2 72 72 72 96 ZGMn13 Multiple ZGMn13 ZGMn13 16Mn 16Mn Multiple Multiple ZGMn13 Multiple ZGMn13 ZGMn13 ZGMn13 ZGMn13 Jonting assemble Q235A 45 45 Remark Fixed liner plate Fixed liner plate Fixed liner plate Fixed impact liner plate KmTBCr26 Sketch map for Liner Plate to be consulted on Page 17 13