风扫式煤磨机是水泥厂的主要设备,用于烘干兼粉磨煤粉。与一般球磨机相比,产量有了大幅度的提高,操作简便,使用安全,性能稳定可靠。 Coal Mill Introduction:
Coal mill is an important auxiliary equipment for coal-powder furnace, and it has three methods to crush the coal lump and grind them into powder,like crushing, impacting and grinding.
Air swept coal mill is the main equipment in cement plant for both drying and grinding of the powders. Compared with the ordinary ball mill, it has advantages of higher capacity, more convenient operation, safer usage, and more reliable performance.
主要技术参数(Main Technical Parameters):
规格 Spec. (m) Φ1.7X2.5 Φ2.2X3 Φ2.2×4.4 Φ2.4×4.75 Φ2.4×(6+1.5) 转速 Rotary speed (r/min) 24.5 22 20.4 20.4 20.2 入料粒度 Feed size (mm) ≤25 ≤25 ≤25 ≤25 ≤25 生产能力 Capacity (t/h) 3-5 5-6 8-9 9-11 14-16 研磨体装载量 Load of grinding media (t) 7.5 13 18 22-24 31 型号 Model JR116-6 JR136-8 YRKK4501-6 YR4501-8 JR158-8 主电机 Main motor 功率 Power(kw) 95 180 250 315 380 转速 Speed (r.p.m) 970 740 986 740 740 主减速器Main reducer 型号 Model ZD40 ZD50 ZD60-11 ZD60-8 ZD70 速比 Ratio 4.5 4.8 6.3 4.5 5 重量(不含电机减速机) Weight (exclude motor and reducer) (t) 22 31.48 36.7 49 77.3 Φ2.5×3.9 Φ3×(6.5+2.5) Φ3.2×(6.5+2.5) Φ3.4×(6+3) Φ3.6×(6+3) Φ3.8×(7.75+3.5) 21 18.3 16.9 17.47 17 16.7 ≤25 ≤25 ≤25 ≤25 ≤25 ≤25 14 17-19 20 20-24 30-32 85 21 43 50 54 60 85 JR138-8 YRKK560 YRKK560-8 YRKK630-6 YRKK710 YRKK710-8 280 630 710 700 1000 1400 740 740 740 988 740 740 ZD70-9 MBY560 JDX630 MBY710 MBY800 JDX90 5 5 5 7.1 6.3 5.6 49.5 120 140 135 183 215