
Electrostatic discharge and electrical overstress


专利名称:Electrostatic discharge and electrical

overstress protection for magnetic heads

发明人:Eric L. Granstrom,Ned Tabat申请号:US10210608申请日:20020801公开号:US07142398B2公开日:20061128


摘要:A magnetoresistive head assembly of the present invention includes amagnetoresistive sensor and an electrostatic discharge and electrical overstressprotection circuit. The magnetoresistive sensor is capable of having conductedtherethrough oppositely-directed first direction current and second direction current.The magnetoresistive sensor is sensitive to first direction currents in excess of a firstpredetermined value and to second direction currents in excess of a second

predetermined value different than the first predetermined value. The electrostaticdischarge and electrical overstress protection circuit is electrically connected to themagnetoresistive sensor for preventing only those first direction currents greater than

the first predetermined value from flowing though the magnetoresistive sensor and onlythose second direction currents greater than the second predetermined value fromflowing through the magnetoresistive sensor.

申请人:Eric L. Granstrom,Ned Tabat

地址:Golden Valley MN US,Chanhassen MN US


代理机构:Kinney & Lange, PA

