专利名称:Wireless network device
发明人:Anthony Kerselaers,Liesbeth Gommé申请号:US15883838申请日:20180130公开号:US10292031B1公开日:20190514
摘要:One example discloses a wireless network device, wherein the wireless device isa second wireless device configured to receive a set of original signal transmissions froma first wireless device; wherein the set of original signal transmissions includes a signal forthe second wireless device and a signal for a third wireless device; wherein the second
wireless device is configured to detect a timing interval between individual signaltransmissions within the set of original signal transmissions; wherein the second wirelessdevice is configured to re-transmit the signal for the third wireless device substantially in-phase with the timing interval.
申请人:NXP B.V.
地址:Eindhoven NL