

2022-12-31 来源:个人技术集锦

Nine romantic cities for honeymoon

Which city is the most romantic? That's up to you ... 哪座城是世界上最浪漫的城市?由你决定! 1. The iconic romantic - Venice, Italy 浪漫爱之经典——意大利威尼斯

There's almost nothing more romantic than gliding along the Grand Canal, a gondolier crooning softly and moonlight reflecting off the water. Ornate architecture and Italian charm make Venice just as lovely by day. Stroll the bridges and get lost in hidden alleys. Feeling mysterious? Indulge at a

masquerade ball, or at least a stop in one of the many elaborate mask shops. 徜徉在大运河中,倾听船夫的浅吟低唱,遥望水面上月波粼粼,不愧为世间最浪漫的事。白天的威尼斯,华美的建筑、迷人的意大利风情也同样魅力非凡。漫步小桥,迷失于神秘小巷,似乎是一场幻梦?醉情于假面舞会,或者只是驻足停留在琳琅满目的面具商店,妙不可言。 2. The enchanting city - Barcelona, Spain 童话迷幻的欧洲之城——西班牙巴塞罗那

This Spanish city is the place to be for romance. 'Vicky Cristina Barcelona' anyone? Spain's most enchanting city, Barcelona captivates all who enter. Take it all in with a hot-air balloon ride, the most romantic way to see the sights.


3. Renaissance romance and vino - Florence, Italy 浪漫微醺的灵魂——意大利佛罗伦萨

The entire country oozes amore, but Florence is at the top, providing

renaissance romance and endless vino. Gaze on the world's best artwork, get lost in the city's historic streets, or take a drive through the Tuscan

countryside. The Boboli garden bursting with pink roses is one of the most delightful spots for whispering sweet nothings into your lover's ear.

整个意大利都散发出爱的气息,但佛罗伦萨的爱情最为浓郁,这里有文艺复兴的罗曼蒂克,也有喝不完的美酒。欣赏着世界最顶级的艺术作品,迷失在历史悠久的街道,驾车穿梭于托斯卡纳的乡村美景。波波里花园绽放着粉色玫瑰,在这里,情侣间呢喃情话是最赏心悦目的美景。 4. Traditional romance - Kyoto, Japan 传统浪漫之都——日本京都

Traditional and elegant, Kyoto's bath houses provide a sensual, romantic experience. Once your spa needs are fulfilled, take a day trip to Nara to get in touch with nature, or visit the Kyoto Botanical Gardens, a beautiful place for a stroll.

京都的汤屋集传统与高雅于一身,为您带来浪漫的感官体验。做完SPA后,不妨花一天的时间游览一下奈良,亲近大自然或漫步于漂亮的京都植物园。 5. Bursting with romance - Bruges, Belgium 浪漫无极限——比利时布鲁日

Bruges can turn anyone into a romantic. Walk through the streets of

gold-topped buildings, curl up in a cafe, or take a carriage ride through the city for the ultimate romantic experience. If possible, Bruges is even more romantic around Christmas, when it transforms into a winter wonderland. 布鲁日可以让任何一个人浪漫起来。行走在两旁矗立着金顶建筑的街道,慵懒地蜷缩在咖啡厅,或者坐上四轮马车在城市中感受极致浪漫。若是恰好赶上圣诞节,布鲁日会变成一座冬日仙境,更添一层浪漫色彩。 6. Beautiful and exotic - Fez, Morocco 异国风情——摩洛哥菲斯

It's easy to be seduced by a place as beautiful and exotic as Fez. The ancient fortress city is famous for exquisite tea gardens and gorgeous tiled mosques, sensuous spices and stunning sights. It's the perfect background for a

romantic retreat. The Sofitel Palais Jamai has one of the most breathtaking views, and is tailored toward romantic getaways.

绝美异域的菲斯,每个人都情愿把自己的心留在那里。这座古城以雕花茶园,华瓷清真寺,馥郁香气和迷人之景闻名于世。迷失时空,浪漫沉醉,它无疑是最佳选择。索菲特吉迈宫廷酒店享有最赏心悦目的观赏视角,浪漫之旅由此开始。 7. Passionate in pink - Jaipur, India 粉色倾城——印度斋蒲尔

India's \"Pink City\" is intensely romantic, flaunting majestic palaces and tranquil temples. An elephant ride through the dazzling streets, filled with colour and exoticism, is sure to incite passion. Next, head to the bazaar, where gorgeous jewellery and ornate belly dancing costumes make the perfect souvenir.

印度“粉城” 的浪漫令人难忘,尤以其雄伟壮观的宫殿和清幽脱俗的寺庙为甚。骑着大象漫步在色彩斑斓,充满异域风情的万千巷陌中,内心深处的热情会喷薄


8. Gardens, beaches and stellar sunsets - Lisbon, Portugal 日落海滩的葡氏风情——葡萄牙里斯本

The buildings, the weather, the tropical gardens, the beaches ... There are plenty of things that make Lisbon romantic, but a ride on the Santa Justa Elevator outdoes them all. The skyline view at sunset is unparalleled. The ideal place for a first kiss or a perfect proposal.

建筑,天气,热带花园和海滩……绝美风光让这座海滨城市散发着独特的浪漫气息,而乘坐圣胡斯塔升降机观光游览则更令人回味无穷。日落时的地平线景色无与伦比。这里,是初吻和求婚的理想之地。 9. Wild love - Monte Carlo, Monaco 狂热的爱——摩洛哥蒙特卡洛

Monte Carlo is for the fun and wild lovers, for those who fall in love over racing cars and high-stakes gambling. After a crazy night, spend a more relaxing day in the Princess Grace Rose Garden. Located along the sea and named after Grace Kelly, it's known as one of the world's most romantic places to get engaged.


 spice [spais]video n. 香料;情趣;调味品;少许vt. 加香料于…;使…增添趣味

 attraction [ə'trækʃən]video

n. 吸引,吸引力;引力;吸引人的事物

 alley ['æli]video n. 小巷;小路;小径

 stake [steik]video

n. 桩,棍子;赌注;火刑;奖金vt. 资助,支持;系…于桩上;把…押下打赌vi. 打赌

 retreat [ri'tri:t]video

n. 撤退;休息寓所;撤退vi. 撤退;退避;向后倾vt. 退(棋);使后退

 engage [in'ɡeidʒ]video

vt. 吸引,占用;使参加;雇佣;使订婚;预定vi. 从事;答应,保证;交战;啮合

 fortress ['fɔ:tris]video

n. 堡垒;要塞vt. 筑要塞;以要塞防守

 dazzle ['dæzl]video

n. 耀眼的光;灿烂vt. 使……目眩;使……眼花vi. 眼花缭乱;炫耀

 stroll [strəul]video

n. 漫步;闲逛;巡回演出vi. 散步;闲逛;巡回演出vt. 散步;闲逛

 tile [tail]video

n. 瓷砖,瓦片vt. 铺以瓦;铺以瓷砖

