Unit4 At the farm
PartA Let's learn
在四年级英语教学中,我对学生的学习的空间更加开放,能激发学生创造性地使用所学语言,从而使学生的思维得以激活,学生自主学习的能力得以发展。本节课要求学生掌握的单词都是学生实际生活有关农场的蔬菜,所以我在教学中考虑到孩子的好奇心和求知欲,通过课件图片与学生交流“What’s this?”It’s …来复习旧知,引出新句型:What are these/those? They’re…并设计情景让学生模拟实际生活物品,结合果蔬的单词,进行交流,从而达到语言教学的真正目的。在导学案的设计上,我由图片到单词(Look and match),由词到句(游戏:一呼百应),最后在达标测试上设计创编对话,由难到易,层层递进,环环相扣。在此基础上,创设游戏各种游戏活动。把学生带入了真实生活的情境,为练说新句型作好了情感铺垫。 最后,让学生结合本课重点和生活实际来设计对话,能使学生切实感到身边有英语,从而增强学生运用英语的意识,培养学生的自主创新能力。当然,本节课也存在着不足,学生在自评和互评上做得不够到位,希望在今后的教学中要提高学生自评和互评的习惯,以达到真正有序高效的课堂效果。
教学目标:1.学习单词tomatoes、green beans、carrots、potatoes
2.学习句型look at the tomatoes!
They’re so big.
教学重点:1.听说读写单词tomatoes、green beans、carrots、potatoes
2.使用句型look at the tomatoes! They're so big.进
教学难点:使用句型look at the tomatoes! They're so big.进行口语交际
Step1 :warming up
free talk(问候及复习)
Step2: Presentation
T:Let's follow Zoom!
T:what can you see in the picture? Who? Where? What?(引导学生回答)
S:a farmer.at the farm. Tomatoes.
T:what color is the tomato?
S:it's red.
T:look at the tomatoes. they're so…(手势引导学生表达big)
Do you like tomatoes?
S:Yes.跟老师 Tomatoes,tomatoes,I like tomatoes.
T:follow zoom again.where is zoom?what are zoom talking about?
通过zoom和zip 对话,学习单词green beans和句子 look at the green beans ,they’re so long
呈现图片配单词green beans
T:what color is the green beans?
S:it's green.
T:look at the green beans. they're so…(手势引导学生表达long)
Do you like green beans?
S:Yes.I like green beans.Green beans, green beans,I like green beans.
T:what can you see in the picture? Who? Where? What?(引导学生回答)
S:a rabbit.is eating carrots.
呈现图片配单词carrots carrot.
T:what color is the carrot?
S:it's orange.
T:look at the carrots. they're so…(手势引导学生表达big and long)
Would like some carrots?
S:Yes.I l'd like some carrots.Carrots,carrots,I like carrots.
T:what can you see in the picture? Who? Where? What?(引导学生回答)
S:a boy.is showing his potatoes.10 potatoes in his basket
呈现图片配单词potato. Potatoes
T:what color is the potato?
S:it's brown.
T:look at the potatoes . they're so…(手势引导学生表达big)
Do you like potatoes?
S:Yes.I like to eat potatoes.Potatoes,potatoes,I like potatoes.
Step 3:practice
(1)Let’s see
看图片说单词,I see ...
(2)Let’s say
看图片说句子,Look at the ...they’re ...
(3)Vegetable baby