
USB device and detection method thereof


专利名称:USB device and detection method thereof发明人:Jing Yu,Shaobin Huang,Kui Du申请号:US13989101申请日:20111124公开号:US08793425B2公开日:20140729


摘要:A USB device and a detection method therefor. It can be detected whether theUSB device is a master device or a slave device without the use of an ID pin, therebysaving the pin resources of the USB device. The USB device comprises: a series branchformed by a first pull-up resistor (R) and a first switch (S) and having one end connected

to VCC and the other end connected to a D+ or D− data line; a series branch formed by asecond pull-up resistor (R) and a second switch (S) and having one end connected to theVCC and the other end connected to the D+ data line; a series branch formed by a thirdpull-up resistor (R) and a third switch (S) and having one end connected to VCC and theother end connected to the D− data line; a series branch formed by a fourth pull-upresistor (R) and a fourth switch (S) and having one end being grounded and the other endconnected to the D+ data line; and a series branch formed by a fifth pull-up resistor (R)and a fifth switch (S) and having one end being grounded and the other end connected tothe D− data line. The USB device belongs to the field of communication devices.

申请人:Jing Yu,Shaobin Huang,Kui Du

地址:Shanghai CN,Shanghai CN,Shanghai CN


代理机构:DLA Piper LLP (US)

