
WDM optical communication system with remodulators


专利名称:WDM optical communication system with

remodulators and diverse opticaltransmitters

发明人:Stephen B. Alexander,Steve W.

Chaddick,David R. Huber,Cecil D. Smith


摘要:A WDM optical communication system is described which is capable of placinginformation from incoming information-bearing optical signals onto N optical signalchannels for conveyance over an optical waveguide. The optical system includes a first setof one or more optical transmitters, each of which emits an information-bearing opticalsignal at one or more transmission wavelengths, &lgr;.sub.Ti. At least M optical receivingsystems are provided, each receiving system configured to receive an information-bearingoptical signal at a particular reception wavelength &lgr;.sub.j, where M is a whole numbergreater than or equal to N and j is from 1 to M. Each receiving system includes at leastone Bragg grating member for selecting the particular reception wavelength &lgr;.sub.j.An optical waveguide optically communicates with each of the M receiving systems fortransmitting a plurality of optical signals. A plurality of optical remodulators is furtherincluded for communicating with the first set of optical transmitters and the opticalwaveguide. Each optical remodulator is configured to receive an information-bearingoptical signal at a transmission wavelength &lgr;. sub.Ti and output an information-

bearing optical signal at a reception wavelength &lgr;.sub.j. A second set of one or moreoptical transmitters is also provided, each of which emitting a


代理人:Margaret Burke

