
Method for delivering a volatile material


专利名称:Method for delivering a volatile material发明人:Gruenbacher, Dana Paul,Olchovy, Jason

John,Stanley, Scott Kendyl,Still, JamesDouglas,Sordo, Walter,Deflorian,Stefano,Morhain, Cedric


摘要:A method of delivering a volatile material to the atmosphere in a continuousmanner is disclosed. The method includes providing a delivery engine having a reservoirthat includes a volatile material mixture. The volatile material mixture includes about 40%to about 100%, by total weight, of the volatile materials each having a vapor pressure at25°C of less than about 0.1 torr. The delivery system also includes a microporousmembrane enclosing the reservoir, wherein the microporous membrane comprises anaverage pore size of about 0.01 to about 0.03 microns.

申请人:The Procter & Gamble Company

代理人:Watermark Patent and Trade Marks Attorneys

