专利名称:Vehicle-mounted image processor发明人:Tomonobu Takashima,Masatoshi
Tohno,Taku Katagiri,Daisuke Ueno,TadaoOmi
摘要:A vehicle-mounted image processor in which image analysis for judging thepossibility of a danger, e.g., crash, can be carried out accurately even when the speed of a
vehicle is high. The vehicle-mounted image processor comprises a means for storing aspecified volume of image data delivered from a vehicle-mounted camera, a meansperforming image analysis only of the image data in a specified range of the latest imagedata stored in the image data storage means, and a processing object control means forallowing the image analysis means to grasp the moving speed of the vehicle, to specify anobject being processed such that the size and the position thereof has a negativecorrelation with the moving speed of the vehicle in the image data stored in the imagedata storage means, and to perform image analysis on the image data in the specifiedrange.
申请人:Tomonobu Takashima,Masatoshi Tohno,Taku Katagiri,Daisuke Ueno,TadaoOmi
地址:Kawasaki JP,Kawasaki JP,Kawasaki JP,Kawasaki JP,Kawasaki JP