专利名称:Method for transmitting data in wireless
communication system
发明人:Bin Chul Ihm,Hyun Soo Ko,Sung Ho
Park,Sergey Sergeyev,VictorErmolaev,Alexander Flaksman
摘要:A method for transmitting data in a wireless communication system provides
transmitting a cluster allocation message, which informs at least one user equipment thatthe user equipment belongs to a cluster, to the at least one user equipment, andreceiving a response to the cluster allocation message from user equipments belongingto the cluster. Small envelope correlation coefficient can be obtained without increasingthe size of a user equipment.
申请人:Bin Chul Ihm,Hyun Soo Ko,Sung Ho Park,Sergey Sergeyev,VictorErmolaev,Alexander Flaksman
地址:Anyang-si KR,Anyang-si KR,Anyang-si KR,Nizhny Novgorod RU,Nizhny NovgorodRU,Nizhny Novgorod RU
代理机构:McKenna Long & Aldridge LLP