专利名称:Printhead assembly having printhead
module and controller
发明人:Kia Silverbrook,Norman Micheal Berry,Garry
Raymond Jackson,Akira Nakazawa
摘要:A printhead assembly is provided having at least one printhead module, at leastone controller and a casing in which the printhead module and controller are removably
mounted. The module is a unitary arrangement of a support member, at least two printnozzle integrated circuits, at least two fluid distribution members each mounting theprint nozzle integrated circuits to the support member, and respective electricalconnectors. The controller is configured to process print data and to communicate theprocessed print data to microprocessing circuitry of at least one of the print nozzleintegrated circuits via the respective electrical connector so as to control the printingoperation of the print nozzle integrated circuit(s) to print the processed print data.
申请人:Kia Silverbrook,Norman Micheal Berry,Garry Raymond Jackson,AkiraNakazawa
地址:Balmain AU,Balmain AU,Balmain AU,Balmain AU