中国跳水队目前收入的三枚金牌都来自双人同步跳水(synchronized diving)项目,即吴敏霞与施廷懋参加的 Women’s 3m Synchronized Springboard Diving 、男队林跃与陈艾森、女队陈若琳与刘蕙瑕参加的 10m Synchronized Platform Diving。
参赛运动员的每一跳开始前,其起跳动作和空中动作都已经设计好了,也会显示在屏幕上。上图即表示,这对德国搭档第一轮动作的难度系数(degree of difficulty,DD)是2.0,动作是向前翻腾一周半(Forward 1 1/2 Somersault),屈体(Pike Position)。
跳水动作按起跳方向和动作特点分为六组(different categories):
第一组:面对池向前跳水(Forward dives)
第二组:面对板/台向后跳水(Back dives)
第三组:面对池反身跳水(Reverse dives/ gainer)
第四组:面对板/台向内跳水(Inward dives)
第五组:转体跳水(Twist dives)
第六组:臂立跳水(Armstand dives)
组图来自Middlesex County Amateur Swimming Association
六组动作介绍完,我们再来看看不同的空中姿势(position in height/ in the air )。
比较常见的是屈体(Pike position),此外还有抱膝(Tuck Position)、直体(Straight position)和自由式(Free position)。屈体的动作就像大学生体测里边的体前屈,双腿伸直,上身前俯去贴腿。
为了展示更高的技巧能力,运动员常会在空中动作里加入转体(Twist)和翻腾(Somersault)。至于翻多少个跟头,转多少角度,都要标注。比如向前翻腾三周半(Forward 3 1/2 Somersaults)和转体半周(Half Twist)。
组合起来,一个跳水动作的完整表述应该如下: • • • •
Forward 1 Somersault, 1 Twist in the Free Position Back 1 1/2 Somersaults, 1 1/2 Twists in the Free Position Reverse 1 1/2 Somersaults, 2 1/2 Twists in the Free Position Forward 2 1/2 Somersaults, 1 Twist in the Pike Position
Women must complete five dives. Men must complete six dives.
The first two dives for both the men and women are assigned a degree of difficulty of 2.0. The remaining three dives for the women and four dives for the men have no limit on the degree of difficulty.
Both men and women must compete dives that come from at least four different categories, with at least one dive facing forward and that dive cannot be performed from a standing position on the springboard.
Within the men’s six dives, a category cannot be used more than twice. 在男子比赛的六次跳水中,同一组动作不可以超过两次使用。
要想做出一套高分的跳水动作,需要注意每一个小细节,从一开始的站姿 (starting position)、行进(approach)、起跳(take-off)再到空中动作(flight)以及入水(entry),一个都马虎不得,裁判打分就看这五步。
NBC解说员直播陈若琳和刘蕙瑕夺冠的动作时就感叹道:\"Great take-off, really good twists, strong pike, very good entry !\"
起跳前,运动员需要站得笔直紧绷,即使是臂立式起跳也得符合这个要求。如果运动员走到一半就停下(balk),就会被扣分(deduct points),要是第二次还如此,那么这次跳水就是失败的(failed dive),只能被打零分(receive zero points)。在空中的阶段,运动员要绷直脚尖(have pointed toes),双腿并拢(with their legs together )。 身体和跳板要保持适当距离,并且把屈体、抱膝、直体等姿态做到位。 入水也很关键,解说常点评的就是“这个水花效果非常好”——但什么样才叫效果好?答案是,没有水花(an entry with no splash)最好。
如果没有水花,这就能成为一个“rip entry”,歪果仁觉得干净利落入水(enter the water cleanly)的声音听起来就是“rip”。为了不溅起大量水花(massive
splash),运动员就需要挺直身板,并在入水时与水面尽量垂直(straight and vertical)。
I like the sound of the entry! Good rip sound! 我超爱这个入水的声音!超级好听!
There was no splash at all! I couldn't say anything wrong with his dive! 一点儿水花也没有!我完全挑不出他这一跳的毛病!
双人同步赛既然称为synchronized diving,搭档双方的同步默契自然也十分关键。裁判要考察的细节多多,比如:
the similarity of the height 高度是否接近
the coordinated timing of the movements during the flight 空中动作是否同时
the similarity of the angles of the entries 入水时身体与水面所成角度是否一致 the coordinated timing of the entries 有没有做到同时入水
于是,双人跳水赛的解说也会特别突出运动员的配合程度,如果默契度高,就能得到“Synchronization is good”的评论,而要是不太同步,解说员就会说: It's OK, a little bit separation, though. 还不错,但就是两个人不是太同步。
They could have scored higher. Just a little bit out of synchronization. 他们本能拿到更高分的,就差有点儿不同步。