


2014年10月17日 14:03


1.进行二维切削仿真时,定义的截面属性要勾选平面应变应力厚度,而且 一定要将默认值1改为实际要仿的切削深度(对于车削,为径向车削深度) 尤其是以米为单位时。

1.网格过度变形(mesh distorted exessively):可能原因有:切屑分离临界值定义过高;材料参数数量级错误;如果定义了ALE可以减小remeshing frequency的值从而提高网格重划分频率。

ERROR: There are a total of 7 excessively distorted elements The following checklist may be helpful in diagnosing the error:

1. Check contact definitions for problems such as excessive initial overclosure or unrealistic tied definition between contact pairs. A vector plot of velocities or accelerations will usually help to identify contact problems.

2. Check stiffness (elastic modulus) and mass (density) definitions for consistent units and verify that the combination is reasonable.

3. Check for poor mesh definition.

4. Check the boundary conditions for an excessive loading rate. The *DIAGNOSTICS, DEFORMATION SPEED CHECK=DETAIL option may be used to obtain

detailed diagnostics information.

5. Check the current status of the structure to see if it has totally failed.

6. A dashpot or a very stiff spring may cause the analysis to go unstable. The *DYNAMIC, DIRECT option may be used to control the time increment directly.

2.发现有网格剧烈变形呈突刺状:碰到过的原因有两种:1)field output中没有勾选state里面的STATUS变量,突刺状网格实际上是已经破坏掉的网格,勾选status变量可以使已破坏的网格不显示。2)定义刀具与工件的face to face contact时,刀具前后刀面作为主接触面方向定义反了。



5.当切削仿真时出现左图无法分域错误(domain decomposition):可能是job里面定义了多核并行运算,而一些接触对,adaptive mesh是不能分域的,此时只需按下图取消多核运算即可。





【关于欧拉边界区域(eulerian boundary region)的定义】

1.切削仿真使用欧拉边界时遇到问题,描述如下:An Eulerian boundary region cannot overlap a Lagrangian boundary region. Node 777 instance BASE-1 belongs to both an Eulerian boundary region and a Lagrangian boundary region

出现原因:在定义interaction和boundary condition时若涉及到相应欧拉边界,则

interaction和boundary condition处也应加上, REGION TYPE=EULERIAN。定义刀屑接触时,

若工件上的接触面包含top面(图示圈内),则会报错,因为不可能单独把整个工件上的接触面强制为eulerian type,此时,工件接触面去掉top即可。

2.每次进行了网格重划分之后,eulerian boundary最好重新定义,也就是首先discard all edits,再重新强制REGION TYPE=EULERIAN

3.此例子中(ALE-DINGLIQIANG),仿残余应力的冷却阶段若在explicit求解器中进行,要把欧拉边界和拉格朗日边界分开定义两个不同的surface,分别设置film类型的interaction,然后在edit keyword中把eulerian边界的集合定义为REGION TYPE=EULERIAN,相应film设置中同样编辑keywords,REGION TYPE=EULERIAN。

4.此例子中(ALE-DINGLIQIANG),仿残余应力的冷却阶段若在standard求解器中进行,分析步设置如图所示,选用coupled temp-disp类型分析步。

值得注意的是,每增量步的最大允许温度变化(max.allowable temperature change per increment)设置不宜过小,否者会报出“最小时间增量步不够小”(Time increment required is less than the minimum specified)的错误,即最小时间增量与最大温度变化每增量要对应,如图。

另外,若冷却步在standard中的模型是切削步中复制过来,记得在edit keywords中去掉原来强制欧拉边界的更改语句。

再者,最大增量步数不宜设置太小,否则在运行中途会出现“Too many increments needed to complete the step”的错误,此时将最大增量步数改大即可,如图。




2.定义面面接触时,若之前刀具的node已进行刚体约束,选择刀具为主接触面,工件选择node region 为副接触面,则会报错。在 Abaqus/Explicit 中nodes不能同时属于一个

deformable contact surface 和一个rigid body。The deformable contact surface should be converted to a rigid surface by including the underlying elements of the surface in the element set of the rigid body,即把刀具的刚体约束由约束nodes改为约束elements即可,如图所示。

3.只有在三维切削仿真中,才定义general contact并勾选ALL* with self ,部分或全部为2D单元不能定义general contact并勾选ALL* with self。

4.自接触不宜定义在会破坏的单元边界上,当单元破坏时,会报错.The elements in element set WarnElemFailElemInContact are part of a deformable surface that is referenced by a *CONTACT PAIR option in addition to having material properties that allow the element to fail. For elements that can fail, contact should be defined using the *CONTACT option.

5.当接触对中有surface_node region接触时,若node region中的node跨越不止一个part,而field output里面又有关于contact的输出项,则会报错.此时,要么将field output contact输出项去掉,要么使得node region只包含一个part里面的node.


Thermal contact has been defined between the surfaces ASSEMBLY_TOOL-FACE and ASSEMBLY_CHIP-ALL, but no temperature degrees of freedom associated with the surface ASSEMBLY_CHIP-ALL. 【关于温度的定义】

1.刀具和工件都要在predefined field里面定义初始温度场,若刀具定义为刚体,给刀具附加初始温度场时,选择区域不得把reference point选择在内,否则会报错。

2.通过在interaction property里面定义film condition(对流换热系数)来定义刀具及工件与外界环境的热交换 【关于质量放大】


2.做铣削仿真时,若铣刀不对称(质心不在旋转中心),则不宜进行whole model的质量放大,质量放大区域不能选择铣刀,而只对固定着的工件或工件的一部分网格进行质量放大即可。否则铣刀参考点测得的铣削力在空行程时也不为零,与实际不符。


1)The executable explicit.exe aborted with system error code 1073741819. Please check the .dat, .msg, and .sta files for error messages if the files exist. If there are no error messages and you cannot resolve the problem, please run the command \"abaqus job=support information=support\" to report and save your system information. Use the same command to run Abaqus that you used when the problem occurred. Please contact your local Abaqus support office and send them the input file, the file support.log which you just created, the executable name, and the error code. 可能原因:

1.版本原因,亲测6.13-1版本漏洞较多;某些情况下, rename the mkl_avx2.dll in the C:\\SIMULIA\\Abaqus\\6.13-x\\code\\bin directory to mkl_avx2.dll.重名名)即可。

2.用子程序的时候 忘记设置了depvar个数 ; 3.子程序语法有错误;

4.电脑装了ansys或UG等,两个license起冲突;装了别的软件也有lmgrd.exe 在工作,就关掉其他软件的,只剩abaqus的。

5.abaqus安装路径或工作的文件夹下有中文文件; 6.新建一个job试试。

7.对于切削,可能是网格类型的原因、场变量输出的原因(包括刀具)。在重复丁利强的模型时,刚开始使用的刀具是解析刚体类型,故网格不能为CPE4RT,改为可变形体加刚体约束,并划分网格类型为CPE4RT后(且不包括三角形网格,若采用advancing front算法不好划分,可以考虑medial axis算法,得到的网格更为规整)可以运行。
