
Valvesupporting tool and method

2024-07-04 来源:个人技术集锦

专利名称:Valvesupporting tool and method发明人:Glenn R. Cerio申请号:US06/650859申请日:19840917公开号:US04562629A公开日:19860107

摘要:A valve member (18) can fall down into a cylinder chamber (14) in response toremoval of a seating spring (30) from its outer end. This usually makes it necessary todetach the head (26) from the block (12) of an engine in order to perform work at theouter end of the valve member (18). The present invention provides a tool (T) in the formof a tubular body (60) having a nipple (66) at a first end to which a balloon (68) is

attached. The balloon (68) and the nipple end (62, 66) of the tool (T) are inserted througha spark plug hole (56) to place the balloon (68) into the cylinder chamber (14). A pump(72) at the opposite end of the tool (T) is used to pump air into the balloon (68), inflatingthe balloon (68), so that the balloon will exert an outwardly directed force on the head(20) of the valve member (18), urging the valve member (18) towards its seated position.While the valve member (18) is so supported, the seating spring (30) is removed.Following the performance of work at the outer end of the valve member (18), a dumpvalve (76) is opened, allowing air to flow out from the balloon (68) and the tubular body(60). The tool (T) is then removed and a spark plug (54) is placed back in the spark plughole (56).


代理人:Delbert J. Barnard

