
Method and system for uniformly accessing multiple


专利名称:Method and system for uniformly accessing

multiple directory services

发明人:Chan, Chuck Y.,Ganugapati, Krishna,Johnson,

Margaret K.,Judd, Steven G.,Kwan, Stuart L.S.,Watson, Colin



摘要:The present invention provides a directory service system for accessing a

plurality of directory services in a uniform manner. Each directory service managesinformation relating to objects of that directory service. The type of information that adirectory service manages for an object is defined by the object class of the object. Anobject class defines the properties (i.e., information) that a directory service manages forobjects of that object class. Each property has a property name and property type. Adirectory service has a property value for each property defined by the object class ofeach object. The directory service system comprises a schema browsing component, aname resolving component, a binding component, and an extending component. Theschema browsing component controls the retrieving of the property name and propertytype of each property of each object class of each directory service. A client of thedirectory service system uses the schema browsing component to retrieve propertynames and property types of the object classes. The name resolving component controlsthe receiving of a unique identifier of an object within a directory service and the locatingof the object within the directory service. The binding component controls the binding toan in-memory object representing a located object within a directory service. Theextending component controls the defining of new object classes and new properties foreach directory service. A client of the directory service system uses the extendingcomponent to define new object classes and new properties.


地址:One Microsoft Way Redmond, Washington 98052-6399 US


代理机构:Grünecker, Kinkeldey, Stockmair & Schwanhäusser Anwaltssozietät

