专利名称:Health promoting appliance
发明人:Yukihiro Nakayama,Zenzo Ishijima,Toshikazu
Takehana,Takashi Matsumura
摘要:This invention provides a germanium-containing health promoting appliancewhich is used by making it into contact with the skin, which is produced at low costwithout requiring the after-machining. The health promoting appliance is made of asintered material composed of 2 to 20% by mass of germanium and the remainder ofstainless steel, the fine pores of which are desirably sealed up by a resinous material andit is produced by sintering a green compact of desired shape of powder mixture of theabove composition, under the rate of temperature rise of 10° C. per minute or less from800° C. to the retaining temperatures of sintering at 1000 to 1300° C.
申请人:Yukihiro Nakayama,Zenzo Ishijima,Toshikazu Takehana,Takashi Matsumura
地址:Saitama JP,Chiba JP,Chiba JP,Chiba JP