

2018年9月 第42卷第5期 安徽大学学报(自然科学版) Journal of Anhui University(Natural Science September 2018 Vo1.42 No.5 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000—2162.2018.05.011 The OncoPPi network:cancer-associated protein—protein interaction networks for therapeutic target discovery FU Haian (Department of Pharmacology,Emory University School of Medicine,Atlanta,Georgia 30322,USA) Abstract:As genomics advances reveal the cancer gene landscape,a daunting task is to translate these enormous volumes of information into efficacious genomics—based treatments for cancer patients.To address this challenge,the NCI Cancer Target Discovery and Development(CTD )Network was created in the US.AS a member of the CTD。Network, the Emory CTD Center focuses specifically on the functional dimension of the cancer genome to establish re—wired protein—protein interaction(PPI)networks in cancer for therapeutic target discovery.To achieve this goal,high throughput screening technologies were utilized along with high throughput informatics approach.We aim to rapidly map molecular interactions among cancer associated proteins,leading to the generation of a cancer—associated PPI(OncoPPi)network.OncoPPi iS a focused PPI resource that links cancer genes into a signaling network for discovery of PPI targets and network~implicated tumor Vulnerab订ities.This resource is accessible from the Emory OncoPPi porta1.Emory’S approach is an integral component of the CTD。network,which allows timely data sharing and close collaboration.Together,we aim to develop the next generation of pathway— perturbation agents to selectively disrupt re—wired oncogenie signaling networks for genomics—directed precision medicine. Keywords:genomics;cancer;protein—protein interaction;target;network CLC number:Q51 Document code:A Article ID:]0OO一2]62(2O]8)05 0099—06 基于肿瘤蛋白一蛋白相互作用网络的药物靶标发现 傅 海安 (埃默里大学医学院药理学系 美国佐治亚州亚特兰大30322) ,摘 要:基因组学的快速发展在我们面前呈现出了一幅肿瘤基因组的总构架,但目前最大的挑战之一是怎样 将这些大量基因组信息转化成针对癌症病人基因变化的有效治疗方法.针对这一挑战,美国国家癌症研究所 建立了“癌症靶标研发(CTD。)联盟”.作为国家联盟的一员,埃默里大学CTD 中心着重于对癌症基因功能的 研究,建立蛋白一蛋白相互作用网络,以助发现新的癌症治疗靶点.为了实现这个目标,笔者团队通过高通量筛 选技术和高通量信息学方法的共同应用,快速检测癌症相关蛋白的分子互相作用,并构建了与肿瘤相关的蛋 白一蛋白相互作用网络(OncoPPi).此网络将癌症基因与相应的功能蛋白相接,并可用于发现与肿瘤缺陷有关 Received date:2018-08 22 Author’s brief:FU Haian(1958一),male,born in Ninghai of Zhejiang Province,professor of Emory University。PhD supervisor,PhD. l()() 安徽大学学报(自然科学版) 42巷 的作川机制、新约物靶标和新的治疗方法.这 数据已存人Emory CTI) 中心的portal网站.供火家分 . Emory『fl心是CTD 联盟一个重要组成部分,联腽内提供实时的数据分 ,合作紧密.通过 州努 .笔者【卅 队以及( I、 联盟的Li标是发展新的一代肿瘤信号通路干扰药物.实现基『 组学坫础L的精准治疗. 关键词:丛 组学;埔症;蛋 蛋 相互作用;靶标;网络 0 Introduction Comprehensive molecular characterization Of human cancers driven by 1arge—scale genomics 1。ni—tlati ve . suct1 as Therapeutically Applicable Research to Generate Effective Freatment (TAR( ET).Cancer(;enome(、haracterization Initiative(C CI),and The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA)Research Network,has led tO the generation 0f vast amounts Of tumor—derived sequencing data.1ntegrated analysiS Of such data has revealed driver oncogenes and nactivated tunlor suppressor genes that are essent ial for the development and progression of cancer,and has re—defined the otoleCu1ar subtypes of cancers.However. it remains a daunting challenge to determine how these genomic changes can he exploited to rapidly develop safe therapies.The NCI Cancer Target Discovery and Development(CTI)!)Network in the US(https://ocg.cancer.g0V/progran1s ctd2)(Fig.1)aims to accelerate thc tran lation 0f these enormous VOlumes of information into efficacious genomics—based l"l ̄edicine fOr the trealment Of patients with cancer.AS one of twelve centers in the CTD:Network,the En1orv CTI) Center focuses specificaIIy on the functionaI dimension Of tlle cancer genome by interrogating re—wired protein—protein interaction(PPI)networks for therapeutic target discovery. Fig.1 Emory CTI) Center is one of 1 2 national centers in the NCI CTD Network in the U.S.Other centers include teams from Harvard/M lT’S Broad Institute。Columbia University,Dana Farber Cancer Institute,Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center.Johns ltopkins University,Oregon Health&Science University,Stanfnrd University, University of California San Diego,University of California San FI’anciscn,and University of fexas MI)Anderson Caneer Center l Translating genomics data into PPI networks for therapeutic manipulation As genomics advances have revealed critical chromosomal abnormalities,it has hecome clear that the impact of a specific mutation is not restricted to the activity of the particular gene product that 第5期 傅海安:基于肿瘤蛋白一蛋白相互作用网络的药物靶标发现(英文) 101 carries the mutation.Intra—and intercellular proteins exert their functions primarily through interactions with other cellular components through well—orchestrated signaling networks.As such, the impact of an oncogenic mutation can spread along a signaling network to alter the activity of normal effector proteins,propagating the altered biological information to induce a pathological phenotype in tumors.For example,activating mutations in EGFR often lead to persistent stimulation of AKT,ERK and STAT to drive uncontrolled cell survival,proliferation,and tumor growth.Thus, disruption of PPIs at the j unction of signaling networks critical for growth control may impair oncogenic signal transduction and attenuate tumorigenesis.Thus,understanding how cancer driver mutations are integrated within growth control signaling networks may lead to new opportunities for pathway perturbation and novel therapeutic discovery. Such a network concept is particularly relevant in light of the fact that a large number of cancer driver mutations have been found in tumor suppressor genes,although most current anticancer drugs target oncogenes.Traditionally,pharmacological manipulation of the loss of function of a tumor suppressor to restore its activity has been considered a difficult task,but network behavior should allow the restoration of tumor suppressor function through pathway perturbation.For example, dissociation of MDM2 and p53 may stabilize the tumor suppressor function of p53.Tumors with loss of CDKN2A often have upregulated CDK4 leading to increased CDK4/RB interaction.Inhibition of CDK4 or disruption of the functional association of CDK4 and RB may lead to reduced cell growth advantage in these tumors.Therefore,linking tumor suppressors to growth signaling networks has significant implications in revealing potential strategies to target tumor vulnerability in a patient population with a particular tumor suppressor alteration. Another major revelation of the emerging cancer genomics landscape is that the majority of identified cancer driver genes(>70 )encode proteins with no enzymatic activity.Clinical successes from genomics—based targeted cancer therapies primarily revolve around oncogenic protein kinases, such as erlotinib for EGFR/L858R—baring cancer patients and crizotinib for patients with ALK— fusions.While we celebrate such impressive medical accomplishments,albeit only short term remission in most cases,we recognize major hurdles with patients having tumors that carry non— enzyme—coding driver genes.These gene products participate in protein complexes that are involved in diverse cellular functions,ranging from cell cycle control,to epigenomic modulation,to RNA processing.Thus,it is essential to place these driver oncogene products in the context of protein— protein interaction networks in order to uncover their mechanisms of action and potential options for therapeutic intervention. To address these daunting challenges and to leverage the tremendous genomics advances for accelerated therapeutic discovery,one approach is to define the functional dimension of the cancer genome by linking the actions of oncogenes and tumor suppressors to signaling pathways and PPI networks associated with acquired hallmarks of cancer and tumor vulnerabilities.We hypothesize that tumor—associated genomic changes transmit signals through PPI nodes and hubs that integrate tumorigenic pathways and networks to exert transformation and invasive phenotypes.Therefore, pathway perturbation through the disruption of vital oncogenic PPIs that constitute the basic units of these nodes and hubs would permit the functiona1 annotation of these interactions in tumorigenesis and progression and allow for the discovery of new molecular targets for genomics—based precision therapies. 1()2 安徽大学学报(rI然科学版) 12罄 2 Discovering cancer targets in re’。wired PPI networks using a high—-throughput approach As the initial step toward functional annotalion of protein in1eractioiis.we Iised(1ata mining IO estatHish a collection of gene libraries that primarily include cancer drivers an :qt associated genes (Fig.2).These driver genes are frequently mutated。deleted,or amplified in DaItent t LIFIlors aS revealed by various genomics initiatives.To exanline their interconnectivity.these }mdidale gen s are subcloned and expressed in muhiple technological platform_s to map protein—protein interactions.These platforms include Tinle—resolved FOrster Resonance Energy Transfer(TR—FRE~I)technology that monitors direct pro/ein protein association due 1o stringent distance re(1uirements(<1O0人)for signal generation.For efficient mapping of PPI networks,this study is powered by robot driven high throughf)ut screening technologies in a minialurized high density plate format(38 1一 1 536 welI). Significant PPIs are identifled Imsed on statistical parameters and used to}】uild PPI networks witi1 a systems biology approach.With this high throughput technology,our current work has not el1ly confirmed known PI Is,but alSO identified a large number of novel PPls among driver gene prodUCts and their associated proteins.Such a PPI network provides a framework for new avenues to interrogate the function of key driver oncogenes and 1timer suppressor genes for therapeutic intervention.()ur initial PPI screening has led to the generation of the first cancer——associated protein——protein interaction netw0rk that w( tPrI'll_d  ()nc oPP n work i P1 Ll一PPl targets Fig.2 The Emory Center’s approach to accelerating genomies—hased cancer target and therapeutic discovery Fo directly associate oncogenic forms of cancer driver genes with potential thera1)eutic targeling st ralegies.we have taken a systematic screening approach to scan and compare the interaction profiles of wild type driver genes with that of mutant counterparts.()ur goal is 1o discover driw'r gene mutation—dependent re—wired PPI networks and specific mtltanI Pt Is as oncogenic PI I targets. Associated with this goa1.parallel screenings are being performed in cells t reated with therapeutic agents t0 reveal therapeutic—induced PPI signatures. To uncover the potential therapeutic significance of the identified oncogenic PPIs.comput ̄ltional and experimental approaches are combined to rapidly define minimal PPI interfaces and tO discover minimal fragments(peptides)that are necessary for binding and sufficient to disrupt the intended 第5期 傅海安:基于肿瘤蛋白一蛋白相互作用网络的药物靶标发现(英文) 103 PPIs.Such antagonist peptides are used to determine the requirement of selected PPIs for tumorigenesis and progression in cancer cell lines and mouse models.Supporting evidence from such studies a1ong with patient—derived information will be used to advance the definition of a particular PPI as a potential drug target and/or biomarker for certain tumors· Functiona1 peptide antagonists may be further developed as therapeutic agents through advanced technologies such as peptide stapling and theranostic nanoparticles.In addition,the defined antagonist peptide structures and PPI interfaces can be used as pharmacophores for in silico screenmg and Drovide the hasis for novel assay design for HTS to discover small molecule modulators(Fig·2)· Targeting mutant oncogene—specific PPIs in such a way is expected to develop therapeutic agents w th much improved tumor selectivity,thus safety profiles. 3 Integrating PPI discoveries with the CTD network and the OncoPPi portal for data sharing It is important to note that our genomics—based PPI network interrogation approach is an integral comD0nent of the CTD Network,which allows timely data sharing and close collaboration(Fig.1). For example,powerful informatics tools developed in member centers are being irnplemented collaborative1v to integrate our PPI results into large sets of cancer cell response profiling data from genome—wide RNAi/CRISPR screening and pharmacological agent screening to identify molecular signatures for tumor dependency.Innovative tumor models developed in the CTD Network will be emploved for oncogenic PPI validation studies.Together, integrated analysis of data sets trom multiple platforms,including RNAi/CRISPR,chemical agents,and PPI screens,will accelerate the discoverv and advancement of novel cancer targets for therapeutic development.For rapid data sharing with the scientiffc community,we have established the OncoPPi portal that integrates our exDerimentaI resuits with genomics,pharmacological agents, and clinical data sets(http://oncoppi· emorv.edu/)E2n.0ur data are freely available to scientific community through this interactive portal· P1acing cancer driver genes,both oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes,into the context ol growth signaling PPI networks reveals new opportunities to design promising therapeutic strateg es for Drotein targets with or without enzymatic activities.Such opportunities heavily rely on vigorous functional validation in relevant cancer models and linking of PPI node and hub functions to patient outcomes in a team science setting.Together,we can reach the once un—reachable,the PPI targets,to develop the next generation of pathway—perturbation agents to selectively disrupt re—wired oncog。n signaling networks for genomic alteration—directed precision medicine. 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